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  1. Paycheck

    RSF Run 17/05/07

    Not a huge response, but oh well. Having Shivans beforehand is a plus, i'll be on with Cybelle at 19:30 to start the team up. Hope to see you guys there.
  2. Paycheck

    RSF Run 17/05/07

    Any takers? Start time should be around 19:30, can be flexible though. Just checking for interest atm, not sure if we can field enough people from the SG (Dark Lords), so any extras would be appreciated
  3. Member base is actually quite good, it's just getting us all in at the same time. As for specific numbers, I really can't remember

    Be great to welcome you aboard.
  4. Kit? Kit and I get along just fine. Especially when he's not critiquing peoples character builds. When he's not doing that, we get along great!

    The more people we get back playing the game the better as far as i'm concerned.
  5. Kits back? Holy [censored], sound general quarters! Hide the n00bs. How do I do the global hide thing again, HOW?
  6. I've used Ventrilo in the past, quite a bit actually. It's certainly more expensive than Teamspeak, but we never had any complaints with it.

    Mind you, it's been awhile since I last used it. Might be worth looking at though.
  7. Don't worry Bru, it's been quietly ticking over, calm before the storm and all that jazz.

    I'm not free tonight (typical) but will be every other day this week and i'll certainly try and keep my schedule free for next week. Lets clean house on those SF's

    Just remember, don't run the St Martial one without me, Sylphie needs the badge!
  8. How could I forget Kit, when he brought so much misery and suffering to the world. Admitedly not to myself, but i'm an easy going guy.

    Has he got any plans to come back? If so, we should warn Bru, it's only polite.
  9. Damn you Stone. Damn you to hell.

    Seriously though, I think it was unwinable anyway. I was actually quite glad, it meant I could go back to trying to clear off my debt. We did try without you though. Managed Numina, then Synapse and Posi did some explodifying.

    Two failed SF's in one day. I blame Kit.
  10. I doubt any of us will be awake much before then Stone
    Be good to have you with us.
  11. Might as well do them repeatedly, I wants me some rare salvage. Besides, I lurve the Sky Raider one.

    Still, from what I can tell you need one char to be a "designated" crafter, so i'll happily run the St Martial TF again with Cyb.
  12. I never have a problem waiting, it's not like I don't have alts that need playing. Besides, I figure waiting for competent* players who i'm used to teaming with who are also in the SG, makes the RSF go a lot smoother, thus saving time overall.

    Do you need to do the St Martial TF Chin? In case you don't know, Crystal Keeper is part of the Megalomaniac accolade, which is handy for anyone with holds. I reckon you know, though

    * - There is some doubt cast over some Brutes ability to hold aggro ;p
  13. White, Mal, and myself have far too much free time this coming Saturday, so hows about we run through the St Martial TF, swiftly followed by the RSF?

    For the St Martial TF, White will be taking Blood Stone (Stone/EA Brute), Mal will be taking Masakado (Fire/Dark Cor) and i'll be using Sylphie, my plant/thorns Dom, who is also a classicaly trained actress.

    The RSF will be the usual line up, i'm guessing. No specific start time in mind, and doubtless a break will be required at some point, so, who's with us?
  14. Not going to be able to do the RSF tonight, I can't be on around 20:45 and Mal can't make it on until 20:30, if that, so it looks unlikely.

  15. Anyone fancy the RSF this Thursday, 'bout 19:30 - 20:00 ish start? Mal and White will prob be along.
  16. And lo, there shall be an RSF run this Thursday. I think we can fill these from the SG now, which is nice. Time to see Impy in action against Paragons finest.

    Bru's gone mad with power in your absence, MAD I TELL YOU!

    Good to have you back.
  18. Yes stone, you didn't die once. Between you loitering at the back and me getting killed by Valk whilst supposedly invulnerable, it was all highly entertaining
  19. Good job last night guys, i'll organise another for next Thursday.

    I won'tbe organising one for this Monday, as I need to spend some time with C&C3. What was that Grace Park, destroy them all? Well, if you say so honey.....
  20. Nvm Stone, we've got the Bru, who assures me that he is a far better tanker and DPS machine than you could ever be. So with that in mind, i'm sure we can find someone else to pick up the slack.

    If you're not on at 19:30, we'll get started without you. Maybe next week eh?
  21. Righteo, line up so far is

    Old Stone
    Monster Bru
    Evil Tartan Dragon
    Inquisitor Malleus
    Thuged Bruiser

    The last spot should be filled by Atomic Rage, if he can't make it, i'll look to pick up another one of you guys who have shown interest. I'll be on with Cybelle from 19:30 so let me know if you want in.

    Apologies if you can't get in on this one, but I will, naturally, give priority to SG members. However, it's rare we can fill an RSF completely from the SG, so keep checking back in for runs on Thursdays.

    To be fair, I think Uzzi was first to call dibs on a slot, so i'd prob give the slot to him, if Rage can't make it.

  22. You were kinda there Bru, just didn't want to say you would do it until I had a chance to speak to you.

    Glad you can make it Stone, thats two Brutes then

    Unless you want to play something random Bru. If that Bot/FF MM of yours has Detention Field, that might be great.

    Looks we might have only one slot free after this. Ah well, i'll be trying to run these regularly on Mondays and Thursdays guys, so they're be room at some point.
  23. Start time, good point. 19:30 would be the preferred time.
  24. Any takers?

    Team so far would be;
    Whitenoise Son/Kin Corr
    Inquisitor Malleus Spines/SR Stalker
    Cybelle MA/SR Stalker

    It's fairly likely that our resident Brute Monster Bru will be along as well, also with Atomic Rage, Rad/Rad Corr.
  25. Paycheck

    RSF or bust

    Whilst not quite as smooth as last time, it still got done Never seen so many nukes go off at the same time!

    I'm going to try and make it a regular event for Mondays and Thursdays @ 19:30, so i'll prob put up a post tomorrow about it.