86 -
> look down the hall for somone who can help
Yeah, that hall looks great. I'll bet there are all kinds of helpful people down that way. Unfortunately, it is not an OBVIOUS EXIT.
> craft #2 pencil using pocket lint
The pocket lint is still stuck in your pocket.
> slap the rep
I don't think that's a good idea. It might hurt your chances of getting that hero registration accepted.
> talk to the city rep
You ask the city rep for help, begging for a pencil, a real sword, or maybe a hint on how to proceed. Anything would be helpful, you tell her, anything at all.
She says nothing in response, but merely tries not to laugh at your costume.
> look for pen or pencil
You look for a writing implement. You would think that a busy office would have one, but unfortunately, it looks like they only use computers to do all their work here. Not a pen to be found, and certainly not a #2 pencil.
> A costume contest is announced
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to A costume contest is announced.
> Enter the Door
You are inside City Hall. It is pretty fancy in here, decorated with statues of heroes and with a floor polished to a mirror shine. There is an information desk on the far side, which is also the place where aspiring heroes can turn in their Hero Registration Forms. The door leads back outside.
> Read the flyer
You read the flyer. It appears to be an advertisement for a weapons shop on the east side of Atlas Park. The activist has scrawled a note on it saying 'WEAPON PROTEST RALLY' with a date and time. You are more interested in the flyer's sale notice, however; they're having a sale on swords.
> They flyer announces an important anti-skull event in Perez Park!
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to They flyer announces an important anti-skull event in Perez Park!.
> Find a place to sleep
You find a nice spot to lie down at the foot of the steps leading up to City Hall. However, a nearby Activist complains that you are in his spot and tells you to take a nap elsewhere.
As you get back to your feet, the activist shoves you a Flyer.
> north
You are standing in front of City Hall. It's usually rather busy at this time of the day. There are a pair of lit braziers next to the steps for some reason. Atlas Square lies to the south, and there are paths going off to the left and right as well.
> Fill out Hero Registration Form
You take out the Hero Registration Form and look it over. It is a scan form where you fill out the necessary info by blacking in bubbles on the form. It looks like you had already filled out your hero name some time earlier. "The Text Adventure". It was all you could think of at the time.
There are still more parts of the form to fill out, boring but necessary personal details. Unfortunately, you lack a #2 pencil with which to finish the form.
> talk to Ms. Liberty
You speak to Ms. Liberty at length, asking for some guidance or words of wisdom, perhaps even some training. You also ask if she happens to have a better katana to replace your rusty one.
However, she refuses to talk to you. You probably need to have a Hero ID Card first.
> Combine Pocket Lint with Katana to form Rat Flail.
You can't remove the Pocket Lint from your pocket. It's stuck in there good, maybe with gum or something, I don't know.
The sun has risen again.
> equip katana
You equip the Katana. Unfortunately, the blade is rusted and dull. Unless you plan on giving someone tetanus with it, this weapon is likely going to do minimal damage. At best.
Hero registration form
Pocket lint
> South
You are standing just south of Atlas Square. Ms. Liberty is here, standing on a raised pedestal and awaiting heroes to train. To the north, you can see the towering statue of Atlas. A road lies to the south.
Night has fallen.
> You activate the self destruction power.
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to You activate the self destruction power..
>_ -
Ok, trying an experiment here. I'm going to run a simple text adventure in this thread... the way it will work is, I will post the current move, along with a picture when necessary, and then respond to the first command posted as a reply. I'm calling it a text adventure even though technically it's a graphical text adventure... but anyway. Remember, only the FIRST COMMAND that is replied will be followed. Here's the first move:
You are currently standing in Atlas Square. The huge statue of Atlas towers above you, looming over the area. You can see City Hall to the north, and you think you can see Ms. Liberty's pedestal to the south.
I did, but somehow I missed that. I must have accidentally clicked from page 2 to 4 and missed B.A.B.'s explanation. I withdraw my statement then.
Um, did anyone actually READ the first section instead of skim it?
"The Hamidon was once a zealous scientist named Hamidon Pasilima. Using hideous dark magic and his own genetic genius, he transformed himself into the god-like monster that would spawn the Devouring Earth and threaten the entire world. Time and again, hundreds of heroes from Paragon City have banded together to defeat the Hamidon whenever it arises."
Where does it say he's a god? It says "god-LIKE". LIKE! Given how easily he can take down large numbers of super-powered entities, I'd say that's a fairly safe boast to make.
Second, where does it say he goes back to some dimension? I searched the article for such a thing and found nothing.
Really, the only thing that would point to ANY of this would be the title of the article, and I'm certain that was just a figure of speech. When you say someone's "burning the midnight oil", after all, you don't start complaining that they're actually using electricity in their lights, and that furthermore, what distinguishes midnight oil from regular oil? Nor should "Redesigning the Old God" be taken literally.
In short, I see nothing that contradicts what we already know about Hamidon. -
I really like those two
Thanks! Hmm, I wonder how the 2nd one's head would look on the 1st one's body...