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  1. Character name: Y2K-Bug

    Character concept: All the angst over Y2K and false anticipation of a techological apocalypse caused a worldwide buildup of latent psychic energy unlike anything experienced before. Even after Y2K passed and everyone's fears were unfounded, this energy lingered and slowly collected into one place over the course of several years, eventually concentrating into a single energy-based entity. This energy attracted pieces of metal and electric components to itself in order to form a physical body and became the physical manifestation of the Y2K Bug. With an innate hatred for technology, yet a dependence upon it for its power, the Y2K Bug instinctively seeks to destroy civilization by turning technology against it in a self-destructive manner.

    The Y2K Bug can control electronics and patchwork them together into robotic constructs similar to the way it constructed its own body. It also emits a very low-level disruptive field that affects computer systems around it, causing them to manifest insignificant bugs in their data processing that eventually build up into cascading processor failures; prolonged exposure would cause permanent damage and prevent the system from ever working properly again.

    Character look: Some screenshots here, but that's really just as close as I could get in CoH. Ideally, it would look more like a patchwork assortment of electronic components in that shape, tinted blue and green, with green electricity arcing across parts of itself. It's harde to tell from the screenshots, but Y2K-Bug is also very, very tiny.
  2. > exit store

    You are outside the weapons shop again.

    A woman is getting mugged by a Hellion here.

  3. > exchange sword

    You hand over your rusted katana to the shopkeeper, along with the flyer, and ask for a new weapon. The shopkeeper is pleased with the exchange, and he hands you a sharp katana from behind the counter.

    You equip the katana. Now THAT'S more like it! You feel more like a hero already.

  4. > Talk to the Shopkeeper about exchanging your sword.

    You talk to the shopkeeper about the sale. He is happy that you saw the store's flyer and informs you that the flyer doubles as a coupon. It allows you to exchange an old sword for a new one, free of charge.

  5. > talk shopkeeper

    You talk to the shopkeeper about the sale. He is happy that you saw the store's flyer and informs you that the flyer doubles as a coupon. It allows you to exchange an old sword for a new one, free of charge.

  6. > Use the door to the Weapon Shop.

    You use the door.


    You are inside a weapon shop in Paragon City. The walls are lined with shelves of various types of weapons, mostly firearms and ammo, although there are a selection of melee weapons kept behind the counter for anyone who asks. There is a sign here, advertising a sale, and a shopkeeper.


  7. (So wait, I'm confused... Genkio, are you withdrawing your command? Because if not, yours is first, so it takes precedence. Otherwise, it goes to Archiviste.)

  8. > Inventory

    Rusted katana
    Hero registration form
    Pocket lint

  9. > Beat up Hellion with the lady's purse.

    You don't have a the lady's purse..

  10. > Beat up Hellion

    With what?

  11. (Sorry about that, I was away and busy a lot during the holidays!)

    > Start walking East


    You are in the streets of Paragon, standing just outside of a weapon shop. They seem to be advertising a sale. City Hall lies off to the west. There is more city in the other directions, but nothing of interest to you right now.


    A woman is getting mugged by a Hellion here.

  12. > Close the door to City Hall. You're letting all the warm air out.

    You close the door.

    Night has fallen.

  13. > Ask Ms Liberty were the nearest supplies store is.

    Ms. Liberty is probably still on her pedestal south of Atlas Square. She won't be able to hear you from here. Or, you know, answer the question since you need a Hero ID card first.

  14. > Chase activist and steal his pen

    You don't see an activist here.

  15. > Ask activist about nearest office supply store

    Sensing that you aren't going to sign his petition after all, the Activist ignores your question and storms off to look for people actually interested in saving the rainforest from a pencilly fate.

    The Activist has left City Hall (Exterior).

  16. > Ask activist for pencil

    The Activist scoffs at you and says, "Pencil?! Do you know how many rainforests are cut down each year to manufacture a single pencil? No, actually that's what this petition is all about. We're trying to put a permanent end to the evil money-grubbing pencil-making scum. So, will you sign?"

    He holds the petition out, along with a blue-ink pen.

  17. > use the door

    You are back in City Hall (Exterior).

    The Activist is still here. He asks you if you want to sign a petition.

  18. > View list of contacts

    You don't have a list of contacts.

  19. > Go down stairs

    I'm sorry, but I don't see any stairs here, except in the hallway that is not an OBVIOUS EXIT.

  20. (I'd like to remind people that only the FIRST response after each command will receive a response. Thank you!)

    > start crying in middle of hallway till someone helps

    You bawl for a while, hoping someone will take pity on you. It's less effective due to your face-hiding helmet, but nevertheless, you do get a response: the city rep stifles a laugh at you again.

    It is becoming clear to you that City Hall is pencil-less. You may have to find one elsewhere.

  21. > search computer for electronic version of registration form

    None of the computers are public terminals.

  22. > See and Believe randomly walks up and thows a pencil at you face

    I'm sorry, but I don't know how to See and Believe randomly walks up and thows a pencil at you face.

  23. > Ask Super Group Registrar at Super Group Registration Desk for a pencil.

    Using your skills of persuasion, you attempt to obtain a pencil from the super group registrar. You explain to him that if you can finish filling out your form, you can become registered as a hero, and in turn, can start a new super group which you will gladly register at this fine desk with this fine registrar.

    After listening to the long story, the super group registrar informs you that he would be willing to give you a pencil, if only he HAD one. Like the rest of the office, however, he enters everything by computer. Quite frankly, he doesn't understand why they don't keep pencils around either, especially since the forms require it, but them's the breaks.

    You kindly withdraw your offer to form a super group.

  24. > Use Rust from Katana as ink and fill out Hero Form.

    Are you crazy?! YOU'LL get tetanus if you mess around with the blade like that!

  25. > Talk to registrar

    You'd like to talk to the registrar, but no one is at the desk. They do have a spot for turning in completed forms, however.
