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  1. Agreed,that splash screen needs some work,and Doug can really bring it to life!
  2. While I'm sure its been mentioned somewhere in this instant mega thread,I'll mention it anyways just in case: The other feature I love about this game opposed to other MMO's is the simple cellphone feature! Being able to call your contact instead of travelling all the way back to them is HUGE for me,coupled with travel powers and all the other stuff Brad has mentioned,I too am so so spoiled!

    Again,I too like Brad have alot of things I hate in this game,mostly pvp balance and lack of cool cov content on heroes side,but I've dipped my toes in other MMO waters,and I find them bitter cold.
  3. Maybe they will give us something in return,like a mobil storm cloud,or a gale that does decent KB dmg,or or how about or an AoE heal,cuz theres no reason why a stormy cant increase the o2 in the immediate area instead of just within a single person,how about a mobil lightning cloud that has +perception,I mean does lightning need to see something before it strikes it or just be pulled toward a conductable object?
  4. Castle,what are the odds you can change it so that if we slot knockback enhancements we can bring the force of the repel back,atleast that way we are paying for it again with slots we wouldnt otherwise need put in.
    As it stands right now I cant effectively protect my team even with multiple CM's and fort on me. Pvp was tough before,and sometimes frustrating depending on the opposition,but now? It's just plain frustrating,the set is now almost gimp,I'm not sure what you see in the future of this set,but if its anything like it is right now,just say it now so I can make MY plans accordingly. At the very least rewrite the power set so the debuff tick and the repel tick are seperate and let the debuff work at a faster rate to help protect us more instantly when a melee toon comes to deal us a instant death blow.
    Just keep this in mind while you work on the power Castle,we CAN NO LONGER protect our teams in pvp.
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    I feel they should restore hurricane to the way it was before the 3/31 patch. Melee AT's get plenty of options later on to counter almost every effect hurricane does. Melee AT's get a ranged attack or hold which counters the hurricanes small radius. Melee AT's in CoH get Focused Accuracy which easily counters the tohit debuff in hurricane. Hurricane shouldn't be able to permanently pin someone but it should atleast keep melee toons away. That was the definable power for the set that made them survivable in pvp and pve.

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    silly goose....squishes are not suposed to survive in PvP.

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    Thats too funny,and seems to be the intention of the devs. What sux is,I used to play tanks,then they got tinkered with,and then tinkered with again,and again. It got to the point where tanks werent fun anymore,so then I began playing a controller,thankfully I got that one up to 50 before he got screwed with too much,the acc check to hotfeet wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I had so much fun with him that I thought I'd make a whole new controller and all of a sudden my power choice gets not one,but two nerfs at the same time! I'm afraid where this may lead to,cuz as it stands,I have a whole lot of trouble now in pvp zones,where as before I didnt have to worry about all the melee's,only the smart ones,but now instead of having to worry about dominators and corruptors and MM's the most I gotta worry about all this added melee agro too. Bad enough I had to worry about en brutes and stalkers,and invulns with a build up power,but now I gotta worry about everyone who I was able to protect my team from,why even team with me?
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    I have a question though. I was watching the DVD content with the movie ad for CoH. It shows Statesman over the course of several generations. Is it the same statesman and he's Immortal? or is it a title thats passed on under certain circomstances?

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    It is the same man, Statesman is immortal. Look for more details about his origin, his powers and how he is tied to Lord Recluse this fall in the upcoming novel: The Web of Arachnos.


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    Hopefully this is the fabled novel by keyboard god Robert Weinberg.
  7. Wow,this really was an awesome and inspiring story,good job,no...GREAT job!
    One question tho,is Tempered Steel the name of your real sg,or did you just make it up for the story? ,also are the members in the story real chars?
    Trivial question I know,but I'm interested