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    Ninja Run

    Originally Posted by Jharber View Post
    Ninja Run is the best #$% thing in the world! I would have paid the $10 just for that! Whoever thought this power up deserves a raise!

    my only complaint is that it does not work with combat jumping! Please make it work with combat jumping ... take away one of the jumping mods, I just want the sprint ability without having to click back and forth and without having to use the old sprint.
    First off : Kudos to the Ninja run creator / animator ! I love it .
    My complaint is also that it doesn't allow COmbat Jumping toggled at same time , YET , it allows Sprint ( of any type ) ? Umm , if it is a RUn speed primarily , then it should preclude other run powers not a NON travel jump power . So , while it grants a larger vertical bonus than Combat Jumping, I have CJ for the def bonus > which I cannot use while I have Ninja run on . Yes , It makes sense that "Travel powers" cannot be used in conjuntion , and I am sure having both on would mean someone would need to pick a dominating animation between CJ and Ninja run ( which have I already said looks WICKED ) . But any martial arts styled character with CJ must now choose between Looking cool and running slightly faster than sprint or using a VERY martial arts like power +Def ,which costs almost NO End compared to Ninja run . Why make players choose ? It's my Endurance to burn and CJ is NOT a travel power. Please allow CJ with Ninja run . Even if it only allows the +def and not more vertical base stacking ....