401 -
I haven't seen anything in the COH fiction that supports the idea that a Kheldian can survive seperation from their human hosts after bonding with them. Admittedly I haven't played a squid all the way to 50 yet.
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There is a mission in CoV in which you are implanted with a Nictus for transportation. You gain their tp power a dark blast-like power that Council Galaxy's have. (Unfortunately, I don't remember the contact name for that arc).
I remember my contact telling me that I had so much time to transport the Nictus to a new prepared host before it died.
This would support the idea that a Nictus needs a specific host to survive and cannot survive without that host for long.
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Agreed. Some more proof are in my previous posts.
But to answer Centinull, I guess I was just referring to that time when the Kheldians and Nictus were able to live without a host. -
wings would be cooler than all hell. so would recluse's arms. so would the police drones as playable heroes. its just a custom no spcial powers or limitations you could make a tank police bot or a blaster even a healer. a swarm of mechanical heroes to save the day with sirens on top.
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Well, that doesn't necessarily fall on Epic Archetypes category since.. there's nothing epic about them. Just wings - not really, police drones, not so much. Let's not forget what makes an EAT epic, and that would be story first, or rather, it's mythos first, then powers and looks. -
Haha, don't worry, I hold nothing against you. I also often argue points I feel strongly about, but never claim to be correct in. Get's me in trouble sometimes.
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Haha, agreed.
Also, in reguards to Centinull: Kheldians, Nictus included, can and do live just fine outside a human host. Even after possessing them. However, they can only live for around 10 years (Nictus likely much longer) thus being their motivation for sticking with a host as much as possible.
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While that may be true in their planet, I'm not so sure it applies here on Earth. In one story arc, a clue implied that the Nictus desperately needed 'weak' hosts because they grow 'weaker and weaker' outside of one. I use the term 'weak' host being that the Nictus are forced inside these unwilling hosts, and 'strong' hosts are able to cast them out, while 'weak' ones aren't. -
I would consider them rogue; but I was just using the term 'rogue peacebringer' loosely, it's easier to type than 'scientifically enhanced kheldians', lol, and yes I did, overall, meant 'evil khelds.' For better clarification, here's what I remember:
[*]Peacebringers are the (good) Kheldians, hence the Natural origin.
[*]Nictus are the scientifically enhanced Kheldians, turned evil.
[*]Warshades are Nictus gone good, hence the Science origin.
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That's as I remember, also. Guess we're definitely on the same page, then. Alls I'm sayin' though, is that, as long as we know Kheldians will be opened up for villains, and Heroes get Redeemed Nictus, why can't we get some fallen Peacebringers, eh? Eh?
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Hey Jannus, it turns out that the idea of rogue PB's isn't so hard to believe afterall. Upon my recent review of the PB story arcs, it turns out that there are PBs who have gone rogue. But while I did contradict you, I never claimed I was right -
I haven't seen anything in the COH fiction that supports the idea that a Kheldian can survive seperation from their human hosts after bonding with them. Admittedly I haven't played a squid all the way to 50 yet.
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It's just how I percieved what I read. I'm not sure if there is evidence for or against it, but it's just how I understood it.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree
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I haven't seen anything in the COH fiction that supports the idea that a Kheldian can survive seperation from their human hosts after bonding with them. Admittedly I haven't played a squid all the way to 50 yet.
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I'm sure this answer both contradicts me (in my first response) and supports me (in the second response), but overall, the Nictus can and does merge with people, just like the Warshades. So technically, the Warshades are still Nictus, but good. That's what we were debating about, right? -
Hey guys, question about Soul Transfer:
a) How big is it's reach in circumference? or to put it simply, it's range?
b) How long does it take to start or 'grab a soul' once you activate it? (one scenario for example would be: you're dead, and an enemy is going to [quickly] fly by you, how would you precognatively time it's activation?)
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Range = 25 feet.
Recharge = 300 seconds
Duration = I would assume the duration of the debt free period which is 20 seconds but I am not sure.
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Hm, what about activation? (thanks btw.) -
I think we just have different understandings as far as the 'hybrid' goes. I think you see it as transformation, and I see it as semi-possession. As for their history, I too percieve it the same way:
Kheldian is a race.
Nictus are an offshoot of the Kheldian race who modified themselves through science to become a seperate subspecies.
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I came to the conclusion that 'Warshade' is just a title, being that they're still Nictus inside the human host. Now, I just percieved that the Nictus too can be subjective to claiming a host, but keeping the same name, and in the end, their choice of wether to be evil or good is the only thing that determines wether or not they're Nictus or Warshades.
It's a bit confusing, and I may not be proposing some things in a correct manner (and I'll admit to that), but I think what you're trying to say is that the Nictus and Warshades are seperate beings, correct? that the Warshades are no longer Nictus because they're part human?
My take is that, despite the human possess-ee, a Nictus without a human host can be a Warshade as well.
So overall, I think we just have a difference in understanding. I admit, that's just the way I understood the difference between Nictus - Warshade after reading the Peacebringer and Warshade story arcs & the Kheldian TF. Feel free to correct me -
I don't believe the Legends system has anything to do with incarnates.
It was mentioned back when Hammi'os were dropped down to SO values that NEW enhancements that provided 50% and possibly higher values were on their way.
My guess is that they will be available as the rewards for end game content. If they only trail off in effectiveness like enhancements should, you should be able get values up to 144% instead of the current 95%. This will allow you to make your charecters more powerfull, free up slots for different enhancement types, etc... all WITHOUT raising the level cap, which is something the DEVs dread having to do.
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Well, we're just linking the connections between the Incarnate concept and the 'fat loot' system Positron was referring to to make your lvl 50 "better and better.." - it was mentioned that part of it is coming in I8, and another part of it is in the expansion box. Since both the Incarnate concept and the 'fat loot' concept is about improving your character, it only makes sense, but feel free to disagree.
Also, my only silly rant here.
Nictus are evil energy beings.
Warshades are Nictus merged with willing human hosts.
Warshades were added as heroes quite simply because there was no COV at the time. While warshades trying to redeem themselves makes a cool hero concept there is absolutely NO reason that a Warshade who merged with an Evil human would not be a villain.
Simply put, Warshades make a no brainer villain AT.
They are still Warshades to boot, no reason to cook up some new Nictus name for them.
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While I understand that and I assume most people do, bringing a recycled concept such as the Warshades into CoV isn't that big of an asset, so IMO, that's why alot of people are asking for something new. New names, new tweaks, new effects or something. I don't disagree with you at all, but speaking on behalf of the players, I would think they would want to see something new.
But to get back on track:
Warshades are Nictus merged with willing human hosts. Warshades were added as heroes quite simply because there was no COV at the time. While warshades trying to redeem themselves makes a cool hero concept there is absolutely NO reason that a Warshade who merged with an Evil human would not be a villain.
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Warshades wouldn't be Warshades if they were evil. "Warshade" is the name accompanied by the Nictus who turned good - they made a pact with the Peacebringers. Despite who they merged with, they would still be good. Nictus are the evil beings. Warshades and Nictus, though the same race, have different beliefs. In other words, 'Warshade' is just a title for the Nictus who's gone good so that they can differentiate themselves from their evil origins, if they're not good anymore, then they're just simple old Nictus.
With that said, assuming that Positron was talking about the Nictus, using the term 'Warshades' as a cognative reference, I would like to add that, in the Kheldian TF, it was specified that the Nictus and Kheldians were once one people, so one possibility might be that when the 'Warshades' are introduced to CoV, it would be labaled under the AT "Nictus" (just like the PBs and WS are lebeled under the AT "Kheldian) and 'Warshades' are just one of the options you get to pick from - assuming the devs are making more than 1 variation. -
I, for one, really hope they are (a seperate EAT), that way, we wouldn't know what to expect, and I really want to be surprised to see what the devs have learned since the Kheldians.
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No kidding. We haven't seen a new EAT SINCE the Khelds. Be kinda neat to see what direction they take them in.
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The thing that gets me excited is that, look at the Thugs MM and the Elec Melee sets. IMO, some of the attacks in there, while not the most 'uber', are unique and creative. I can't wait to see what they're going to do with the new EATs - story-wise AND power-wise. -
Hey guys, question about Soul Transfer:
a) How big is it's reach in circumference? or to put it simply, it's range?
b) How long does it take to start or 'grab a soul' once you activate it? (one scenario for example would be: you're dead, and an enemy is going to [quickly] fly by you, how would you precognatively time it's activation?) -
I don't have the Redname quote, but I thought Incarnates were going to be a new EAT that, from what we have gathered, will most likely be the new EAT with the expansion box.
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Yeah, just like what I said in the previous post about Positron saying the expansion box will further the "making your lvl 50 better and better..", since the Incarnate concept is basically (from what we know of) an upgrade-reincarnation.
So yes, it's very likely that it will be the Incarnates for the expansion box.
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Ok. I was under the impression the Incarnate would be an entirely new EAT, rather than simply an expansion of a 50. (I personally liked the idea of making it an epic Origin that someone, sorry I forget who, posted).
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No, no, don't get me wrong. We still don't know what the Incarnates are (wether or not they will be a new EAT or whatever.) I'm just trying to assosciate it with the system Positron was talking about, afterall, the concept is there. Who knows, maybe we will see them as a seperate EAT. I, for one, really hope they are, that way, we wouldn't know what to expect, and I really want to be surprised to see what the devs have learned since the Kheldians. -
I thought it was postponed? what happend again?
I don't have the Redname quote, but I thought Incarnates were going to be a new EAT that, from what we have gathered, will most likely be the new EAT with the expansion box.
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Yeah, just like what I said in the previous post about Positron saying the expansion box will further the "making your lvl 50 better and better..", since the Incarnate concept is basically (from what we know of) an upgrade-reincarnation.
So yes, it's very likely that it will be the Incarnates for the expansion box. -
Well, whoever is in this contest.. don't forget to take SCREENSHOTSSS!
as far as wings in i8, i would not be surprised if both the costume piece and the EAT were included, there would be too much of an uproar if it were otherwise.
[/ QUOTE ] According to interviewees who talked to Positron, when asked which EAT is gonna come out next, he said it was neither the Avilans or the BotBS.
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And knowing this it seems Coralax is a fairly safe assumption for the next Epic AT after CoV Nictus.
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Unfortunately, Positron's latest quote just might counter that speculation, stating that the expansion box would also further expand the "making your lvl 50 better" or rather "legends" system. With that said, it just might be the Incarnates since everything fits so evenly. BUT I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. There's some hope for the Coralax. I really wish it will be but I'm not getting my hopes up. -
Inventions - unconfirmed for I8
Warshades/Nictus - unconfirmed for I8
Veterans Rewards - confirmed for I8
Legends (pt 1) - confirmed for I8 -
I can barely hear CoF.. the only time it makes noise (as far as I can remember) is when I turn it on and it makes that wailing sound (which should continue while it's on but it doesn't.)
And not to thread jack but, how have you guys slotted CoF for it to be effective? It barely works for me so I must be doing something wrong. I understand barely anyone has res against Fear, so that should make even Scrappers and Tanks vulnerable to CoF, right? -
Doubt it.
There aren't even any screenshots in this thread alone - which is sad.. (compared to the Leviathan Mastery thread anyway.) -
On a completely different subject, I can't believe how active Bridger is, he's very.. talkative and involved, which is always appreciated. Anyway, he said this in the UK boards about the "WS for villains" subject:
I'll see if I can get permission from Cryptic to reveal a little more about the Kheldians - at least in summary form. I can't promise this will be before Issue #7 goes live, but I will try.
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So.. stay tuned people. -
I think you're thinking about the Skills system which, according to Statesman, has been "shelved."
i'd much rather have more EATs than more power pools. it would be hard to work any more powers into my characters if new pools were introduced. just a question though, i'm not fimiliar with the legends system, when was it proposed and what does it entail?
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I'm not exactly sure how long, but I know it's been around for awhile and pre-dates I5/I4. IIRC, it's what Positron was talking about in the interview when he said you can make your character "better and better.." That's basically the jist of it. -
What will Issue 8 have?
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As far as Epic Archetypes? no one's sure yet. If anything, it will most likeley be the villain Warshades (or rather, Nictus.) -
no, the new threat is a new villain group. does anyone remember when the invention system was announced? well they described a new villain group, the bastion or batallion i think, which would be very resistant to normal damage powers but verry susceptible to crafted powers. mega-lame.
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Was this Pre-I3? I don't remember this. BTW, Bastion = Citadel.
as far as wings in i8, i would not be surprised if both the costume piece and the EAT were included, there would be too much of an uproar if it were otherwise.
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According to interviewees who talked to Positron, when asked which EAT is gonna come out next, he said it was neither the Avilans or the BotBS.
nictus in i8, not surprising at all, i've thought about it for a while myself and while it would be cool to have i'd much rather see coralax or avians. i might want to see bloods if i knew more about them. and villainous khelds already exist in the pb and shade arcs. they con at boss level and can be seen as 'white dwarves' and 'bright novas'. check them out, fun stuff to brawl against. i would not be surprised if the nictus was a warshade who was not confined by moral boundries and could use it's soul extraction abilities on living enemies instead of dead ones. the evil khelds, or the 'warbringers'? if they exist, i can't see being any different than standard peacebringers and would make a lame EAT in my oppinion.
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The BotBS interests me because of the whole egyptian theme. Based on Egyptian mythology, there are tons of possibilities, not to mention fantastical or mythological things I want to see alive in CoX. Shapeshifting, as far as I'm concerned, is most likely gonna involve totem animals or god-like animals.
But I agree with the Nictus idea. While it's only fair, most people are over the Kheldian story arc - unless ofcourse, the Nictus bring something totally new to the Kheldian story. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to finally play a Kheld, but I'd rather play something else. -
The only one really tested was Capt. Mako's.. surprisingly.
For the armor, just like the other Patrons (I've seen BS, Scirocco's and Mako's) I think it will be just GW's insignia flashing.