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Disclaimer: Spoilers
Calystix is a shaper, or at least claims himself to be, and yet he looks like a Hybrid. Though most of his body is covered by a cloak, it cannot be too radically different, as he appears to adhere the humanoid body type of most characters in the game, and there was not too much room for an massive protrusions under the cloak.
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No, no, we do know he's in fact a Shaper, and don't let the cloak fool you, you never know what could be under there.Besides, the cloak was implemented for two (or three) possible reasons: (1) The devs haven't cooked up what the real Coralax would look like yet (2) The devs doesn't want to reveal what they've cooked up for the real Coralax yet or (3) all of the above.
The Coralax-Hybrid is already too awesome of a design, I doubt the difference between a Hybrid and a real Coralax differ that much, but ofcourse, I'm speculating based on the degree of the art, which is, judging from the CoV art book (came with the collector's edition) is quite creative and unique.
Anyway, Calystix is apparently one of the most renowned Shapers of all time, one proof is that he's able to summon the Leviathan, another would be that he is practically longe-aged or immortal since he's been doing this for quite some time now, even dating back to ancient Rome, and another one is that he's the only Shaper getting all the limelight. He's constructed cults, done sacrifices, and everytime he always comes back, and everytime he tries to awaken the entombed Leviathan to devour the humans. One incident in particular pit him against a goddess. A goddess named Hequat, the goddess of the Mu people, who (Hequat) raised land from the abyss to make it her and the Mu's own, only to find out that the island was already inhabited by Coralax. Calystix sends the Leviathan, but this is where the Leviathan is entombed under the island, the island in which we now call Sharkhead Isle.
With that out of the way though, an interesting thought crossed my mind. What if the unique contacts given for the EAT gradually treat your character with more respect as they crawl through the ranks of the Coralax from Hybrid to full fledged Coralax or better. Kind of like how some of my contacts later in my villains life seem to treat him like he's relatively well known (Or very well known), as opposed to the early ones who seem to initially emphasize you're a "nothing".
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It will all depend on how the Coralax society works. So far, we don't really know anything, other than they are somewhat tyrannical, using the Virtea (a race of fish people) and enslaving them. Anyway, we'll see. We're gonna need more information on the Coralax and their society as a whole for this to be worked out. -
Hmmm random speculation, maybe different "sets" of Coralax will be avaliable for different varieties of the coral shaped entities. MAYBE Slag Golems can be played as a heavy melee role. Crazy out there speculation but hey just wanted to say it. Will the expansion be an EXPANSION to CoX, or will it be the third "Co"? I havent read up on any of this lately but POSSIBLY the next box will be City of Coralax or whatever they choose to name it, with 5 or so varieties of Coralax (Hybrids Shapers Golems Who-knows-whats). I'm probably gonna get called out on how my ideas are wrong in 50 different ways but i just felt like tossing it out there.
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Well, it's too optimistic if you ask me.
I don't think the devs would put THAT much effort into making EATs. I'd expect at least two classes, and probably no more than 3 would be a rational assumption. I have my hopes on two though. Five is just.. alot, and I'm basing that on the fact that the devs have never went in that direction, where they make something too.. well.. more than usual. One indirect but related example would be Dark Melee from Brutes to Stalkers. They could have changed Dark Melee a bit more, but they just chose to change a few powers and basically keep it the same way. Also judging from the Kheldians, the two sets are basically the same, the only difference is in their attacks and the numbers they deal out. If they can barely make two EATs, I don't think they'd go for five, lol. Anyway, I'd say 2 at the very least, and maybe 3 if we're really lucky. I'd be fine with 2 though.
More stupid ideas, what if BotBS attacks involve single part morphing? Turning your arms into squid tentacles for a second to lash at the enemy, aligator head to bite, panther claws to scratch. Stuff like that. Instantaneous short lived body part morphing to execute powers/attacks. Also prepared to have this idea shot down lol. =p
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I wouldn't be surprised. I'm not calling the devs lazy or anything, but they wouldn't want to do something that costs too much. So if whole body shapeshifting for every attack is too expensive, they're not gonna do it.
If Kheldians are any guide, the Epic ATs will represent something they could not do simply by creating a new powerset for existing ATs.
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Pretty much I figured this. I just thought I'd point out that even if it is hybrids, they would not necsarrily be the Coralax's servants. I have fewer problems with being a hybrid as long as my character has their own will. Might be partially because as a hybrid it might give the player the unique aspect of being able to see the sides of each argument with relative clarity.
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Like I said before, there are plenty of reasons why the devs might just let us be Coralax-Hybrids, but at the same time, we wouldn't really be playing the people, and we would be following the part-human trait the Kheldians share with their hosts.
In my opinion, there's a difference between playing a being of one race, and playing a being that is made by another race. I don't want to make it sound offensive, so don't take this the wrong way (everyone), but I don't want to play a "mixed blood" (again, I don't mean that to be offensive or personal.) I don't really know how to put it out there correctly. There's just something about playing the actual Coralax race that makes someone more important compared to playing an infected semi-human race that the Coralax made. It seems degrading in a way (or to me it is, hehe.)
Anyway, that's just me. That's just me.
Though a random thought: Perhaps the Coralax hybrids are true Coralax after they complete their transformation (Coralax already sound as if they have varying types, since the first were very special and almost "elite" as the Shapers, so the hybrids may become a lower type). Though this would not break the "test tube baby" point you had. Most of this is of course just random speculation though. I just have fun overthinking things. >.>
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I'd love that, actually. Transforming into one is definitely acceptable since eventually, you will be one of the true Coralax, and not a human hybrid anymore. -
I don't know when these will be hitting Training Room, but these will probably be the last big fixes in I7... onward to Issue 8!!!
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Well, let's hope.. anyway.. yeah.. let's hope. -
Way better, hehe. I remember they used to be in this crew or something though, but meh.
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Led Heavy?
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Yeah that one I think. With two other guys. That used to be my favourite site. 4 in 1 art mania. -
I've recently returned home from my trip to the FanExpo in Toronto (read more about that here), and I figured you art hounds would appreciate seeing the peice I commisioned comic artist Skottie Young to do while I was at the con. (Since I don't expect I'll ever be posting my own stuff, I've got no skill with the artistic stuff after all)
So for your viewing pleasure, Cloak & Dagger, as done by Mr. Young. (and apologize for the photo quality, I don't posses a scanner)
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While I do like Skottie Young's style, I like Joshua Middleton's better. Way better, hehe. I remember they used to be in this crew or something though, but meh. Anyway, here's Joshua Middleton's.
Just putting up an artist awareness, hehe.
I LOVE that Cloak and Dagger piece by Young though. -
However, I'm rambling. Pretty much my over all point by bringing her up was that there are perhaps people who have adverse affects to the transformation. She is far stronger than your average hybrid, retains a more humanoid form and her will. So if there is a Coralax Hybrid EAT, it is quite possible it will be more than simple lackies.
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It depends though. We haven't really been introduced to who Barracuda is, so we'll see. The same goes for Coralax-Hybrids. Maybe there are different levels of infection or hierarchy, but the only thing I was concerned about was that I wanted to be one of the actual people, not a testube baby (like my earlier example, lol.)
Random Side Note: The sacrifice to the Leviathan was supposed to be the player, as it required a human of wicked heart to show the Leviathan that humans were "evil", and that would supposedly allow Calystix to control the Leviathan. If I am not mistaken anyway.
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Yeah.. I haven't read it in awhile. -
I have not read the entire thread (Started at around page twenty XD), but one thing on Coralax I was wondering about, is Barracuda.
*Spoilers I suppose!*
You probably know this already, but in the Diviner Maros Arc, it suggested she could be controlled by Calystix if she got too close. However, then this in turn means she retained a will of her own after becoming a Coralax Hybrid.
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Coralax-Hyrbids are (as we all know) humans infused with coral. All the Coralax coral are made from the goddess Merulina, thus, they're all connected to one source. Calystix, being a Shaper (Merulina's and the Coralax's assigned priests and priestesses), probably had the power to control lesser coral-infected or coral-made beings with ease. Besides, if I remember correctly, the ritual or the Leviathan needed a sacrifice.
Anyway, I have to be honest, I haven't read the "Cult of the Shaper" arc in awhile, but if I remember correctly, they didn't literally explain why we were supposed to stop Barracuda, other than keeping her from knowing about her origin and how she became a Coralax-Hybrid, or why it would be so bad if Calystix got a hold of Barracuda (she might be special, but who knows? only the devs.)
On this matter though, it is also suggested that she became evil and cold after being transformed. It is not specific if this was the doing of the transformation itself, or her mental response to it.
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I just disregaurded that as that old saying about mermaids, how their hearts are as cold as the sea in which they dwell or something like that. It could be something to think about, but so far, it doesn't really connect with anything (to me anyway, feel free to post any thoughts or connections you have.)
So I was curious... is it touched on why she retained her will, and why her personality changed? If not, then this might tie into how the EAT could be introduced.
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Hm, we'll see.
another matter, if i remember correctly, in the arc where you fight her and the freaks in the cult of the shaper, baracuda looks exactly as all other hybrids. she didn't have any fancy costume pieces or coral grafts if you will.
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She's a Coralax-Hybrid, so I'm just surprised she's not exactly like them. Barracuda's actually beautiful, compared to the other bad-postured, monkey-walking Coralax-Hybrids.
However, aside from that the only real difference I see is that she has more human flesh tones. Perhaps she's in a slightly earlier stage of the transformation, but that would seem odd considering her power compared to other hybrids.
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She may be something special, but only the devs or writers can tell us what's going on.
Anyway, out of all the sidekicks, Barracuda seems to be the least described or least explored in my opinion (compared to Ice Mistral, Silver Mantis, and Wretch.) It may have something to do with her being a contact for the Coralax EAT, but we can only wait and hope the EAT will come out, lol. -
- I remain convinced that the the important part of a Coralax hybrid is the coral, not the host. If the coral budded from a Shaper, then the hybrid is a Shaper, too. So far as I know, nothing like this has ever appeared in-game, but there's no evidence against it, either. Again, other than the backgrounder, which mentions Coralax cities in the sea, we know next to nothing about the "home life" of the Coralax.
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I'm still gonna stick with my old argument: I don't want to be made by the Coralax (as a Coralax-Hyrbid), I want to be a real Coralax who is made by the actual goddess Merulina, but let's not get into that one again, LOL.
- NON-COX SPOILER! Speaking of Fish-men, consider the protagonist of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth." He could be classed as an "infected human" or "part human," but that doesn't make him any less a Deep One, does it? (It's tough for me to comment here; I've never been as impressed with Lovecraft as most sf/f mavens seem to be.)
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While I haven't read all of HPL's books, I'm still a big Cthulhu fan.
- What evidence is there that Calystix is in any way typical of Shapers as a whole? Couldn't Calystix be an especially gifted Shaper, able to call up a Leviathan where other Shapers could only manage, say, a Coral Underling? I find it easy to imagine Calystix as the Coralax counterpart of a hero or villain, possessing abilities that other Coralax might find unusual or frightening. In fact, couldn't Calystix be to Shapers (or all Coralax) as Statesman and Lord Recluse are to Incarnates, a pinnacle a PC could never hope to reach? At any rate, being the only member of the race hanging around on the surface and making deals with the Freakshow strongly implies a very unusual Coralax.
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Well, Calystix has always been a Shaper, and so far, there's no mention of Calystix being special. The limiting of the Shaper population might be just because of the devs' plans on keeping the story small. Although, Calystix is quite a popular Shaper; he's attempted to use the Leviathan against the world a few times already. Anyway, is he the Statesman or Lord Recluse of the Coralax? I don't think so, but I do think he's one of the many Shapers. I wouldn't mind being the "other" type of Coralax Merulina made after the Shapers, I just don't want to be made by Coralax instead of Merulina herself. It's like human being made in a testube.
- How many Shapers are there? Might Calystix be the only one (at this time), or one of less than ten? Again, we have no way of knowing. If there are very few of them, we're unlikely to be able to play them as a sub-AT, regardless of whether player Coralax are "pure" Coralax or not.
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I wasn't really being serious about being a Shaper, since, overall, Shapers seem more divine and their status just makes them better NPCs. I just didn't want to be playing a Coralax-Hybrid - like I said, testube baby!
- Even if you can't be a Shaper, that in no way implies you have to be a hybrid. Again, we just don't know.
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So, I suppose my advice is, "Don't get your hopes up, but it's premature to despair." Personally, regardless of what the epic AT is, Coralax or otherwise, I will make one and enjoy it as a gameplay curiosity if nothing else.
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My hopes are never up, lol. The devs can refuse to make the Coralax an EAT with the snap of a finger, so I'm not even gonna be excited about it. You'll see me getting my hopes up and jumping around like crazy in the forums when a the devs give us actual official info that they're coming. So far, they're still a "maybe." -
Think the Leviathan will rise? Perhaps that is the story that they're following....
/em shrug
Or maybe it's just the 5th??
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It's way too big for it to rise again. It's too big of an event for that matter. If that were to happend, Sharkhead Isle will fall into ruin, with probably a few small clusters of land here and there. The Maw of the Leviathan and/or the Temple of Waters itself covers a good portion of Sharkhead Isle, and that's just the Leviathans head. For it to rise, Sharkhead would have to disappear basically.
Maybe, when Merulina returns, there will be similar Coralax Leviathans, but not as big. Who knows though. Calystix is still around, maybe he'll make some. If I remember correctly, he was the one who spawned the Leviathan in the first place.
Also, maybe instead of Sharkhead disappearing all together, maybe the Leviathan would just dive under and Sharkhead would still float? I don't know, but if you ask me, the thing is too big, although at the same time, the text (IIRC) states that Hequat entombed the Leviathan under, so maybe Sharkhead Isle can survive afterall?
But wait.. I just had a thought.. if Calystix was able to spawn the Leviathan, does that mean (if the Coralax EAT will still be released) that us players can't be Shapers like Calystix cause we can't summon huge Leviathans like that (I doub't we'll be able to spawn zone-sized pets, lol)? and does that mean we'll be Coralax-Hybrids? that would suck, I don't wanna be human or part human or an infected human, apox on humans. =P -
I'm sure the devs have conjured a plethora of different travel costumes for everyone.
Ah nice little video you got there. I'm sure Cuppa would have enjoyed it. Good job!
So, nothing in the I8 information about any epic archetypes, but check out the wings .
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Yeah, I've been in the know about them for quite awhile now (before any info came out.)
I'm excited about getting some myself.
Too bad we can't have Wings + Cape or Trenchcoats + Capes... Since they can't even fix the current clipping issues. :/ I want a trenchcoat and scarf dammit!
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Yeah that would look bad. Assuming Trenchoats will flow like Capes when flying, I doubt it'll mix well with wings. -
Oh I had ideas alright:
Wait, no, not that.. this one..
Ah, finally more Coralax news.
The Gaurdian? I assume this is the Leviathan. I mean, what else could it be? It can't be Merulina, but then again it can be, but it's not very likely seeing as it's almost clear that it's the Leviathan that they're digging up, the one entombed beneath Sharkhead Isle.
Although, Merulina could have been made out of coral herself, so her people and the Leviathan could have always been and may always will be a part of her, hence, the "alien presence" they're talking about. Besides, I think it's pretty obvious. Who did Calystix send after the Mu when Hequat raised that Coralax city from the depths of the sea for it to become the Mu's? Yep, the Leviathan, ergo, the Gaurdian of the Coralax.
It's just the red coral I'm thinking about. It can't all be the Leviathan, Merulina must have something to do with the red coral animating those Slag Golems. That, or another powerful Shaper maybe, but I have a feeling it's Merulina, eventhough she's nowhere to be found.
Darn, devs, please tell me this story will be in this "big storyline" for next year.
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Neh, I didn't bother reading that one. After I got that awesome temp power that can 2-in-1-1-shot an Infected minion, I went on an Infected killing spree. Maybe that's why I didn't read the story arc, too much fun.
Anyway, thanks for sharing that. It's definitely a nice tie in. Not necessarily sure if it ties in directly with the Incarnates, but it does tie in with Lord Recluse's geneology sort of. Pretty interesting. -
Haha, I remember this video. So fake, but so awesome at the same time.
I'll update as news comes in. So far, there's nothing really.
I agree. Nice work.
The thing with Kels is that unlike your other heroes they have set origins & some pre-existing back ground. So u r kinda restricted when it comes to make a BG for them.
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I don't think of it this way. I kinda think of it as the devs giving you inspiration to work out your background. I've seen some people make some really cool backgrounds for their khelds.
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It's weird how some people think that, because the way I see it, this is a story that we can take part in, and the AT should be the least of our concern, and knowing that you are entering a story, you'd think the word "restrict" wouldn't be used here.
I mean, we're playing a part in their story, so your role is basically written in stone (well, not directly, but loosely, being that you are tied to playing a Kheldian with your past and origins pretty much set, but you're still an individual Kheldian who does have free will and who's future isn't written already.)
I guess people only care about playing the AT and not about the story?
IMO, the story dictates who they are. Without it, the devs could have just easily made dark and light Blast, etc. sets, and called it a day, which I assume is what people wanted so they can have the freedom to do what they want without the Kheldian background?
In any case, pardon me, back to the original subject. -
As one of the biggest fans of in-game lore, I have to say, good job.
Was this during the recent w00t interview, or in an earlier interview? I was thinking it was the latter, but I could be wrong. If I was indeed wrong, then they must be planning some EAT between Nictus/evil PB's and Incarnates.
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Boomtown interview. He said:
Theres an epic archetype planned for the retail expansion, but until then we are looking at introducing Warshades to City of Villains. Youll not get access to the new epic AT just by hitting level 50 this time. Instead well send you on a special Strike Force or trial.
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However, what about the other potential zones? The only other match that springs to mind for me is Desert and BotBS. For instance, how do any of the announced EAT's relate, if at all, to the Rikti Homeworld, another popular choice in that poll? Are we left with no EAT at all, then?
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It just occurred to me that I might be committing another error of assumption here. Who's to say that the new zone will have anything to do with upcoming EAT's at all? Maybe the two things are separate. We could have, say, Coralax without an underwater zone, just as we have Kheldians without outer space. This subject is like some Escher drawing, getting more and more elaborate the longer you ponder it.
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Yeah, I believe the Rikti Homeworld was one of the most popular (if not THE most popular) voted zone in the Poll. I don't know, it makes me wonder. Anyway, you're right about them not being tied with the zones. They really don't have to. I guess we just need to wait for the complete premise of the story to come out so we can make more solid speculation.
(By the way, I think this is a good time to remind everyone that the devs specifically noted during the zone poll that the voting wouldn't necessarily determine which zone was built; it would just be something they considered before starting development.)
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I do specifically remember that. Although, I'm afraid I also remember another quote from a dev stating that the 'winner' of the poll will be in the expansion box (now issues.) But again, plans may change, so who knows. I believe the story for issues 8, 9, 10, and 11 are already written in stone, so I'm not sure if they can change that much. Maybe some minor things on the 'side', but that's all. The coming of an EAT has to be planned beforehand. I mean, IIRC, the Kheldian's introduction was still an event of it's own, so any other future EATs has to have that solid story. With that said, a solid story can't just intrude on a big storyline such as the one being introduced in the expansion 'issues' (if it is as big a story as we're led to believe.) So basically what I'm saying is, they have to had planned the EAT to fit in the story a long time ago in order for it to make sense, otherwise, we'd have two seperate stories, and I'm not sure if that's what thedevs will be planning on doing.
That's just my opinion though. A bit long-winded, sorry about that, lol.
PS, I'm not delusional, at all, but I have a theory:
Another very important challenge is the story. Its okay to make changes in the world, indeed it is great to do so, but they have to make sense, and continue with a story that is fluid. Going to put Arenas in the world? Add in a construction site first, with construction workers talking about what they are making and how their kid is going to clean up in Arena matches.
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With that said, we do know that there's a small pool that let us go underwater in Grandville. What's funny is, before, you just fall in like it was a hole, but the devs fixed it. They made it so you would still have the wading animation like you're underwater. Later on, they also added Coralax-Hybrids in the pool doing different emotes (I'd consider that as the devs making fun of me for my obsession with the Coralax.) Also, if one would look closely, you'd realize that the Coralax-Hybrid's skin, when underwater, shimmers with the light, like it's really underwater.
What am I saying? well, it somewhat shows that the devs are working on underwater mechanics. Now, like I said, I'm not delusional, and I'm not gonna assume that this is a clue that the next new zone will be the underwater zone, but it's definitely a nice hint. The devs wouldn't improve that small water-hole for nothing, right? Anyway, that's just a small theory.
Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4 -
1) The Devs want to put Nictus and probably a villanous counterpart to Peacebringers in CoV as soon as possible. They will be unlocked by reaching 50 with a villain. All of this is subject to change and will happen "Soon(TM)."
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2) At one time, an EAT (Coralax, BotBS, Avilan, Incarnate, or something else never publicly mentioned) was to have been released as part of the boxed expansion.
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Correct. Do note that the idea is still up in the air.
3) There will no longer be a boxed expansion. What was to have been in it will be in i10 and i11. This is subject to change (i.e., the contents of those issues could change, and the material from the former box could be spread out further, concentrated, or scrapped).
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4) i10 and i11 are planned to relate to a single storyline. This is subject to change.
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Actually, I10 and I11 is the final issues of the story. I8 and I9 are included in there as well. I8 is where they introduce a "fat loot" system which derives from the Legends system. This system will continue on in I10/I11.
5) That storyline does not relate to Incarnates. This is subject to change.
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It would be hard for them to change it. Do note that I'm not being biased. I really find it hard to believe that they can change a big story such as this unless the change is very minor and/or an extension.
6) The devs plan to do future EAT's in this order: (1) Nictus/maybe evil Peacebringer; (2) Incarnates. This is subject to change.
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This is a hot topic. We know the Nictus will come. After that, is either (a) a new EAT in I10/I11 or (b) the Incarnates after I10/I11.
All together, this suggests to me that the earliest we are likely to see an EAT other than evil Kheldians is after all the material that would have been in the boxed expansion is done. The only way I could see them straying from this is if they figure out a way to work one or more EAT's into the storyline of i10 or i11. Apparently, this is most likely to be the Incarnate, since the devs currently want to tackle them next.
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We don't know the story for I10 and I11 yet, and being that Positron announced that they are planning on introducing a new EAT during this storyline, it would be easy to assume that this EAT does have something to do with the storyline. Let's not forget that one of the zones in the "which zones would you like to see" poll is an Underwater zone. If that were to be introduced in I10/I11 (or whatever expansion box issues), then it will be highly likely that they will include the Coralax. Again, I'm not being biased about this.
So basically, there are many things that are still up in the air.
1) Nictus and possibly the evil version of PB's are introduced in CoV, probably in i9 but possibly as early as i8 or late as i10.
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2) The storyline that runs through i9, i10, and i11 (what was to culminate in the boxed expansion) completes.
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You forgot I8. Assuming I8-I11 will cover the storyline, I agree.
3) Once that storyline is over, a new issue, featuring Incarnates as an EAT, is released. By this time, we're well into 2008.
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Notice that I repeatedly said "subject to change." All of us, including me, frequently forget that the devs often don't have a much better idea of where things will be in six months or a year than we do. Things are simply too mutable that far in the future. The fact that an EAT was once planned for the boxed expansion/i10 and i11 but can't be worked into the story bears this out.
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No, not "was". They never said it was cancelled. Posi was referring to the Incarnates when he said it doesn't fit into the storyline since the question was about the Incarnates. There's still a chance that there will be an EAT in I10/I11. Again, this is all from an unbiased point of view. -
is that confirmed, because my understanding is that the EAT which was to be in the box IS nictus and 'warbringer'. has that been changed to include more EATs?
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Here is EXACTLY what Positron said in the W00T interview:
From Positron's interview at W00T:
"The Incarnates are planned to be an Epic Archetype. I do not know when the Incarnates will come out, however. They don't really fit into the story line. But it is probably the first epic archetype that we want to do after putting Nictus into CoV."
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"Yeah, that's our plan, is to get Nictus into City of Villains as soon as possible and get them there as a reward for getting your villain to level 50."
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"They will probably be alot like Warshades, and there will probably be an evil version of a Peacebringer as well and with some tweaks to some of the powers to kind of put them more on the villainous side."
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As far as EATs go, here's what he has announced:
1. The Nictus (and evil PBs) coming ASAP!
2. A new EAT that was supposed to be in the expansion box (Boomtown interview.) Positron said he wanted to do the Incarnates after the Nictus, so I'm not sure if this new EAT (which CANNOT be the Incarnates for reasons explained on #3) has been cancelled but as far as we know, it still hasn't and will be included in the expansion box (now issues I10, and I11 if I recall correctly.)
3. They want to do the Incarnates after the big finale of the expansion box (now issues.) I assume that they will after the expansion box (now issues) because he exactly said, and I quote, that they don't fit in to the storyline of the expansion box (now issues I10 and I11.)
So basically, I8, I9, I10, and I11 is going to be one big story arc.
PS, For those who don't want to take my word for it, you can listen to the W00T interview, the time is 51:51. -
I've heard talk about an upcoming epic, called a nictus is that true? I know wat they r just wanna know if its true.
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Are you aware of the Kheldians (Peacebringers and Warshades)? If not, then the Nictus are pretty much Kheldians gone bad through scientific means. Warshades are practically Nictus who chose to abandon their evil background and chose to be good.
The Nictus (and possibly evil Peacebringers) will be given to the villains "asap" according to Positron, a dev. -
Dear sexy Jay,
Please make some of the costume options able to blend if they aren't paired. For example, the Plant bottom costume piece alone, if paired with a top costume piece like Bare chest, will look odd since you can see the limitation of the Plant bottom.
It would be awesome if you can make it so, (as an example) while having a Bare Chest top costume piece, you can have a Plant bottom that blends smoothly so it doesn't look cut off. -
* Salvage disappearing from storage objects. If you click too fast, some salvage may get lost in the transaction when pulling from a Storage Object. This is a high priority bug to fix.
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Thanks Posi. This was such an unfortunate bug. With my luck, I lost +80% of my Salvage from 1-40.