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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    And according to Terminotaur:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wings, Trenchcoats - Both are coming very soon. Trenchcoats will be unlocked by the long term subscriber program. Wings are costume options and will not be specific to any certain AT.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It seems as if the devs have taken it in consideration. Well, let's hope the game doesn't turn into City of Wings, which was my fear before, but I guess we'll see how this turns out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For Trenchcoats - Yay! I think that's excellent, it will allow anyone to, potentially, get trenchcoat, without allowing EVERYONE to - no City of Neo-Wannabes.
    About the Wings - I dunno how I feel about that. When I first heard they were gonna be an EAT, I was somewhat dissapointed by this, thinking 'But I want to potentially be able to blast, OR fly in and melee!' but I've since realized that that could EASILY be more then possible.
    Furthermore, making wings available to any AT, reguardless of the Avilan EAT, will, doubtless, result in, as you said, City of Wings. Don't get me wrong, I think wings are cool, and will assuredly make at least 1 character with wings. In fact, my demonicly possessed Necro/Dark MM, Asto Vidatu would love a set of wings on one of his costumes (each costume is a further perversion of his human body down the road of possession. His final costume would look AWESOME with wings)

    Reguardless, I'm hoping they make wings, as a costume option, unlocked for all your characters, by unlocking the Avilan EAT however that will be done, that way, there will, hopefully, at least, not be so many of them. I'm also hoping that Avilans will be unlocked by the new Veteran Rewards system, and only after you've played for quite awhile - perhaps 2 years. Granted, that will make me ineligible for quite awhile, having joined the community JUST before last years anniversary, but still, I don't want to see hordes of people running around with wings. We're supposed to be Super-Heros/Villains here, not Angels/Demons. Thats a different game...

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    wait, what if like trench coats, some of the eATs are unlocked by total subscription time?

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    Sounds good to me. Makes it easily possible for anyone to get them, without them being everywhere.

    In fact, though it may take awhile for it to happen, I can guarentee you, that at LEAST one EAT for each faction will be unlocked in this way.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, and thanks for agreeing with me about the whole City of Wings thing, to me, the main winged people that sticks in my head that are in the comics are Angel, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, there are some others, but there are only a few of them.

    As for the Veteran's Award to unlock them, while I agree that it should make a decent reason to cull the winged population, I think for an EAT to be a Veteran's Award would go against and probably beyond the lvl 50 requirement that they aren't going to use anymore. So IMO, the lvl 50 requirement and the time-spent requirement are almost on the same page, but hey, anything can happend despite wether or not we like it.

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    You have my consent and flattery.

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    I hope you guys don't mind if I attatched you guys' names to those quotes for my guide.

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    Sure. go ahead. Just curious though, what kind of guide are you writing?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Awesome, thanks guys.

    Well, I already have written it for a few months now, but I just continuously update it through posts.
    It's my Guide to Upcoming EATs.
  3. Pardon my previous post, I meant to say Positron.

    Anyway, from the OC meet-n-greet, a few things have been confirmed.

    According to Obsidius:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I asked Matt if Avilans and BotBS are still on the board, but he misunderstood my questions and said that they will not be the next EAT released. This leads me to speculate that villains will probably get Coralax EATs in I8.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So here's to hoping it will be the Coralax for I8.. *raises glass*

    And according to Terminotaur:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wings, Trenchcoats - Both are coming very soon. Trenchcoats will be unlocked by the long term subscriber program. Wings are costume options and will not be specific to any certain AT.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It seems as if the devs have taken it in consideration. Well, let's hope the game doesn't turn into City of Wings, which was my fear before, but I guess we'll see how this turns out.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I asked Matt if Avilans and BotBS are still on the board, but he misunderstood my questions and said that they will not be the next EAT released. This leads me to speculate that villains will probably get Coralax EATs in I8.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for confirming that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Wings, Trenchcoats - Both are coming very soon. Trenchcoats will be unlocked by the long term subscriber program. Wings are costume options and will not be specific to any certain AT.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for confirming this one as well.

    I hope you guys don't mind if I attatched you guys' names to those quotes for my guide.
  5. As for the avian players in the game, I think they would be happy to know that the Avilans just might make it to I8, officially confirmed by Matt Miller, aka Manticore:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Issue 7, or I7, brings the City of Villains up to date with City of Heroes. Most of the content added is for the villain side, including 10 more levels of game play, a new 40-50 zone called Grandville, and new power sets. Both CoH and CoV players also have access to a slew of new costume choices and base items, and the new 40-50 PvP Zone, Recluse’s Victory. Note on costume choices, while wings aren’t appearing in I7, Miller told MMORPG.com that they will aiming to have them ready for Issue 8.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I8 will definitely hit sometime this year, but as to when is still unconfirmed. I would make a guess and say between Q3 and Q4.
  6. I just found some unofficial quotes from Bridger about the Coralax EAT:

    [ QUOTE ]
    All have been mentioned as ideas that Cryptic would like to do at some point.

    As others have pointed out, Issue #7 may feature some time-travelling action.

    Submariner is one of Statesman's favourite comic heroes (and the coralax are an aquatic race), so I think underwater stuff is very likely.

    And no comic-book game would be complete without adventures in space.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think it's worth bearing in mind that, to the best of my knowledge, the 'coralax' in CoV are actually coralax Hybrids.

    According to this background info (coming to the European CoV site soon - we're doing some additional design to create a good place for this kind of info), the coralax have a 'slave race' called the 'Virtea'.

    My guess (and this is pure speculation, not based on any 'insider info' of any kind, and so could well be wrong) is that there will be a 'true' coralax Epic AT and a Virtea Epic AT (in the same way that Kheldians have Peacebringers and Warshades). I would suspect that coralax would be villainous, and Virtea heroic.

    I also suspect that the coralax Epics will tie in with some form of underwater addition to the game.

    Of course, I could well be completely wrong, but I like speculating as much as you guys.

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    While it's true that the Coralax themselves don't appear to be very friendly towards humanity as a whole, they do have a slave race, the Virtea. It's quite likely that the Virtea don't like the Coralax very much (being enslaved for millennia can have that effect) and so they might be quite willing to work with humans.

    So, in theory, Coralax could be a Villain Epic and Virtea could be a Hero Epic.

    Please note that this is pure speculation on my behalf, and should not be seen as an 'official' confirmation of anything. I honestly don't know what Cryptic's plans for the Coralax are.

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    Like he said, it's his guess, but that's what I thought of right away when I first encountered the Virtea in the Coralax bio. It would be interesting if things turn out they way they do.
  7. Yeah you were!

    Well, all of us were.. pg 16
    Wait till you get your Coral Gaurdian.. pg 18
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    To be honest, the mission was easy. Not VERY easy, but easy regardless.

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  9. [ QUOTE ]
    First of all - the fonts of power are extremely difficult, even on the lowest setting - and that's just the ones in the ante-rooms before the last one (I'll come onto that later). As the team gets bigger in size, each 'font' actually consists of more and more Elite Bosses (each with a Psionic Tornado attack that can near one-shot squishies, and is an AoE). Just one of these Elite Bosses is tricky enough (if you are solo), but dealing with 2 or 3 at once is nuts - even in a team, due to the AoE nature of all their attacks. At least make them all spaced out like they are in 2 of the rooms - expecting a team to take on 3 of them at once is nuts. In the end I had to kick the other 3 people in my team and reset the mission for one person before reinviting them, and even then they were rather difficult.

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    It was tough alone, but I managed to bring 2 Brutes, 1 Corruptor, and 1 MM, all of them were dead (the Font of Powers, not my teammates) in less than a minute.

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    These are bad enough when there is nothing else to worry about, however in the final room, you have another font of power (consisting of up to 3 Elite Bosses right next to each other with the aforementioned AoE Psionic attacks remember), and an Elite Boss/AV not far from the Font of Power - oh and of course loads of Water Spouts too.

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    Thinking it was easy, the 2 Brutes carelessly, but humorously jumped into that final room where the Whirlpools are to fight the Font of Power in front of Calystix. Nothing bad happend, we still finished it (the FoP) off quick.

    And besides, the Whirlpools aka Water Spouts are just in front of the map. The only time it bothers you other than that is in the final room.

    IMO, it was challenging, but not enough. It was too easy for me, and I loved that mission. The FoPs went down too easily. Maybe I should turn up my mission difficulty..

    [ QUOTE ]
    Okay this is getting scary... I'm almost afraid to attempt the Respec trial without an optimized team now.

    I'm going to see if I can round up some 44+'s to get a good look at the 3rd respec trial.

    I hope it doesn't turn ugly.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh I can't wait for that.. I wonder what it is...
  10. It doesn't depend on your AT, it depends wether or not you finish the first timed mission or not.

    And you can move in that dark map of a mission..

    See, here's the situation:

    The mission map is floating in the middle of that big black room. When you enter through the door, because of the bug, you don't end up inside the mission, but you are in the middle of the map, and when you fall, you're at the bottom of that black room outside of the actual map. If you fly up the middle of the room, where the mission map is, as showed here: where I'm standing on top of the map, you will find that the enemies are standing on top of the map itself. If you treat the enemy pattern as you would a real map, just follow the trail and it will lead you to the three Death Mages you need to kill in order to finish the mission.

    Also, it's fine that you don't finish the mission since you can get your PPPs anyway, but the Patrons will tell you to come back at 45 for something. Not sure what, but they won't give you that mission unless you finish that arc.

    I'll help you finish it if you can't find somebody with Fly. Tell me when you're on.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Guess I am missing something here with the Fly, how is that going to help me get in the mission instead of plummeting? They would have to be able to tp me the minute I entered. if they reached the real map using Fly.

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    Well, if you have Hover or Fly when you come in, you won't fall..

    And just to clarify things, you can't reach the real map. You can only land on top of it where the enemies are.
  11. Yeah alot of people have. I was the first one to complain about it, lol.

    Just bring someone with Fly, or even better, Group Fly. Use it upon entering the door. If you can't do it, just ask someone with fly to do it.
  12. Do you have Fly? if you don't you need to get someone that does. Scower the mission map that's at the same level as the door. The enemies do exist in that outer map where you are, and they're at the same height/level as the door. Follow the map and keep your height at the same time, and find the 3 Death Mages.

    It's easy after you find the door, and just track enemy after enemy until you find the Death Mages.
  13. Why do all the Patron pets (including the other Patrons) have Self-Destruct? That's odd. Or is that the "dismiss"/"release" command they're referring to?

    And Water Spout has Invis? wow..
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you fail = you get the Leviathan arc and fight Mako himself
    If you don't fail = after McKnight, he tells you to come back at 45

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hmm well that's weird - coz I didn't fail the first mission (Agent Greer), and I just completed the initial arc (where you get the badger and unlock the Patron Pool by defeating McKnight) and he has just given me a new mission in Sharkhead to investigate the Leviathan - which sounds like this second arc you are talking about.

    The only thing perhaps that may be different is that I had almost made it to 41 before I began his arc (only recently discovered the workaround for crashing in Grandville so I'd been doing Nerva missions I had left over) so I actually dinged 41 before I unlocked his Patron Pool - maybe it is like those Kheldian arcs which were a bit bugged and didn't give you the missions at quite the right levels. Were those who didn't get his second arc still 40 at the time? Maybe see if he will give you that second arc afterall once you are 41?

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    That's such BS, and I'm very disappointed that the devs aren't paying attention to this (no offense to the devs.) This is obviously a problem, can we have a dev look at this please?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well the Dom Mako pets are the 'Blue' Hybrids - which in their mob incarnations are only Lt-class. Corruptors get the full 'Red' Hybrids which are Boss-class as mobs. I'm guessing they all end up with similar hitpoints as the pet incarnations, but the 'boss-class' ones having a wider variety of powers.

    I only just hit 41.1 on my Dom so I'm a fair way from testing it out I'm afraid.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Aren't the Coral Gaurdians you summon bosses? if so, then that equates to the Red Coralax-Hybrid since the Reds are bosses as well, but IMO, the one reason why the Dominators don't get the Red one is because they already have pets, maybe?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    boy he sure is ugly though

    ps can you make him do emotes?

    try /petsay_all <em drumdance>

    it works for my mm's

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    Don't believe you can.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But I thought it was controlled like a MM pet??

    Anyway.. he's cute.. aw...
    I'd rather have that Coral Hammer though.. meh.. I'll wait for the Coralax EAT..
  16. it says "panic" so it probably makes them run away.
  17. Eyyyyyyyeeeeeee eeeennnnnnvvvvveeeeeeeee yyyyyyeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!

    That looks so FUN!
  18. SEE! What'd I tell you.

    Mako's insignia shows up!
  19. Just do a "find the needle in the haystack".

    If you roam around the door's level (as in stay in the same height level as the door - if you Fly, if not, you're screwed.. or get someone with Fly to do it for you.) You'll notice upon exploring that the enemies exist outside of the map where you are. Find the 3 Death Mages and kill em, that's all.
  20. Where do you fight Barracuda at? Scirocco mission?
  21. LOL..funny thought.. imagine a cute gentle girly "pwoh!"..

    ...or a big heavy snot in the back of your throat.. *hackkkkkkkk* "tsooh!"
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I want a Big Red Ball!

    No, no, not as power or anything, just in the game.

    [censored]? u ask

    lemme explain

    In one zone in CoH (Talos) and one zone in CoV (Nerva) there should be a single big red ball that does absoutly nothing except when you attack it, it gets knocked back a bit. By every attack not just knockback attacks. It cant be destoryed or anything, just a Big Red Ball to hit around, thats it.

    How big is big?

    Well not huge. Just like 1 meter in diameter. Thats Big for a Red Ball!

    The reason for just one and being in just one zone is so you dont run into it every time you log on. Maby you'll only run into it once a month or something, then youll be like "WOW! a Big Red Ball!" then you will knock it around for a few minuties laughing very hard then you will leave saying "What a cool Big Red Ball"

    Whats the point?

    A little extra thing like this would add tons of fun!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *pushes Kythorn off a cliff*
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    If you don't fail, after McKnight, he gives you another arc, starting with "Defeating Circle Guardians" or something.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, that's what we're talking about, lol.

    In the final mission, you're gonna have to fight 4 Font of Powers (all EBs), Calystix, and get ambushed by Mako and his followers. Not to mention in the last room, there's 12 whirlpools that could easily help any enemy kill you.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I can say that I did fail the very first mission... and was able to fight Mako himself in a very epic 1-on-1 that still has me giggling like an idiot. After that mission, I was then told to come back at 45. So, no, failing the first mission doesn't prevent you from fighting Mako. Dunno if I missed out on anything ELSE, though.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No, no, I meant the opposite.

    If you fail = you get the Leviathan arc and fight Mako himself
    If you don't fail = after McKnight, he tells you to come back at 45

    Which actually makes sense. If you don't fail the timed mission, he'd think you're strong, but on the other hand, if you fail it, you're probably labeled as weak, that's why he uses you. Remember: even the Arbiters said that he constantly does that. He tried to get us arrested by Arbiter Dao, but Dao figured it out and decided to help us instead.