Not Me

Forum Cartel
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  1. *hits Angry on the head with a stick* Hey!

    *changes TV to the Flintstones* Yabba dabba doo!
  2. I'll also bring the insect repellant. No mosquito bites for me!
  3. Anyone watch Heroes last night?
  4. *waves* Morning peeps. Have a great day.
  5. *places pats of butter inside corn husks, wraps them in foil and places them over the fire* Mmm, roasted corn on the cob! Who wants some?
  6. Have you ever been taken way too seriously by someone when everyone else knew you were joking?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    ...when someone kisses you and has cigarette breath? (YEEEEEECHHHHHHH)
    That is nasty, tastes like you're licking a dirrty ashtray

    Don't you hate being quoted a price, then when you go to pay, it's like twice that?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    *searches for Ren and Stimpy* ah HAH!
    Ren and Stimpy FTW baby
  9. Not Me

    Hero Mash-Up

    Rogue Arrow

    (Rogue and Green Arrow)
  10. Gah! I used the wrong "here here" I shoulda said "hear hear" ... How can ya ever forgive meh? *sad pouty face*
  11. Not Me

    Hero Mash-Up


    (Darkwing Duck and Nightwing)
  12. *chuckles* I meant that I agree with you about the not washing dishes, silly. *snuggles Early* I woulda asked you to sit by me in a much nicer tone
  13. Don't you hate when someone says they're gonna call you and never does?
  14. Have your morning donut first, Fed.

    *tosses a chocolate donut up in the air, and it fits neatly around the sackperson while it lands*
  15. Not Me

    Hero Mash-Up

    Darkwing Hulk

    (The Hulk and Darkwing Duck)
  16. Not Me

    Hero Mash-Up


    (Wolverine and Howard the Duck)
  17. uhm, I'ma bring a cooler filled with ice and a 12 pack of Coke!
  18. *changes channel to old GI Joe cartoons*

    Gotta love them PSA's "Knowing is half the battle!"
  19. Have you ever kidnapped a catgirl?

    *gets ski mask and rope*
  20. What's that you say?

    Don't you hate having to wake up an hour early just so you can go to the gym before work?
  21. Good morning peoples *waves* have a great day.
  22. Hello everyone. Happy cake day Shecky (a day late, sorry)

    Have a nice Sunday night everyone.