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  1. Happy birthday sunshine!!!
  2. Noodleorama


    Hi All

    I've been pondering the pro's and cons of Skype and CoX. Do many people use it? Does it add or detract from the game?

    Yours thinkingly
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neutra View Post
    RedGren: I will be at dinner and I will figure out how to get there without the help of Diamond Dragoon and maybe with the help of a sexy, Australian voiced GPS system.
    Soooo who's been recording my voice without my permission?????
  4. Happy birthday sweet knees!!! Hope you had a great day
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    It would be better news if BA was back playing on Justice more often!
    What Katfood said!
  6. Thanks to the lovely Fanny and her support crew allowing me to pop in and out of the team due to baby related issues I got Nerdleorama from 18 to 22!

    I was just excited to get online and play for a while!!
  7. Noodleorama

    pants help!

    I would have thought there would have been a epic hip thrust in the shame flaunting.....
  8. Awesome work there Elec!

    Also *snigger* at the wood jokes..... hawt!
  9. A belated happy birthday Fanny at least I got your Facebook happy birthday in on time!! xx
  10. Happy birthday Ky!!! Hope it was an awesome day x
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hardknight View Post
    OK I want to find out if @choake has friends, hands in air if u are one of @choakes friends
    Raises hand.... but I'm not on much anymore due to reproducing.
  12. I'm level 25 on farmville ;o)
  13. Happy Birthday to fair Mac! I hope you have an awesome day and make the most of my Australian time zone to get bonus birthday celebrations in!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlindingAura View Post
    In all my time playing coh I have never received a purple drop yet...

    No purples for me either... I don't think they really exist!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soliton_Wave View Post
    or just vegemite and cheese on crumpets
    Cheese and vegemite rools - particularly if the cheese has been melted - toast also works for this combo!

    For me I love a good wasabi pea.... until I lick my fingers after and make myself cry.... a nice way to go though!

    As for beverages, either coffee or water depending on how much brb time I have up my sleeve.

    I am looking forward to one day being able to be online long enough for a long session or have had enough sleep to enjoy the luxury of a long & late session.
  16. Well I don't know what that Canadian dude was talking about - try living in Australia and hearing about all this excitement!!! I hope you guys have an awesome time and don't forget to post photos when the time comes - if you don't I'll hound Plas and Manoa on facebook (if Manoa makes it *crosses fingers*).
  17. That Cho's nothing but trouble I tells ye!
  18. As you already know BA I'm also in Adelaide - not far from fair Sol in fact, but Vic's Secret is in Brisbane if you know him....
    Either way you could just go AWOL I know the Navy love that and pop down to Adelaide and say Hai to Sol & myself!
    Furthermore - Tackle hug!!