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  1. Happy birthday Meg you little ray of sunshine! *tacklehugs*
  2. Happy birthday! Have fun with those hands!
  3. Happy birthday sunshine!!! I hope you have a great day!
  4. 31. Do not substitute vegemite for toothpaste even if it comes in similar looking tubes.
    32. Keep your fingers out of there.
  5. Happy birthday I hope you have/had a grand day!
  6. Happy unbirthday Choakeh - see I posted on your thread you b*stard!
  7. Oh and hey Choakeh where's the happy birthday in my happy birthday thread?????? RUDE!!!
  8. Hmm being a fellow Aussie and real life friend type person I should have been the one to get this thread going - oops! Happy birthday Sol, at least I gave you my Facebook status for the day XD
  9. Thanks guys! I spread my birthday over three days had a family get together up at my Mum's farm on Saturday, a trip to a steak house for dinner on Sunday with friends then on my actual birthday went out to lunch with another of my chums. A good time had by all!
  10. Noodleorama

    Justice sucks

    I was going to do this *pokes Pum in the eye*

    But I was too busy doing this *loving the Hoff*

    Then again.... *Pokes Pum in the eye* ah that's the stuff!
  11. Noodleorama

    Happy New Year!

    Happy 2nd of January!
  12. Happy birthday Manoa!!!! xx
  13. Everything everyone else said plus Hai!!

    Heaps of Aussies on Justice - we are trying to convert all of Justice to the joy of Vegemite sooo far I know of one who likes the black tar and one who can tollerate it..... feel free to try and convert some more for us!!

    Hope to see you on when I make my all to infrequent visits!
  14. Belated Happy birthday Brax!
  15. Granted but they are on antibiotics and can only drink orange juice.

    I wish this icecream wasn't sooo yummy!
  16. Granted you are now on day shift and have to spend those 8 hours of daylight inside working!

    I wish we weren't having a heat wave it's not even Summer yet
  17. Granted, but now it just blows instead!

    I wish I could get more time on CoH these days.
  18. Happy birthday Mr Plas sir! *huggles*
  19. Happy belated (in Aus time) birthday Choakeh! I got in on time on Facebook so I know I'm not in trouble! Hugs to ye!
  20. Noodleorama


    Thanks for the help guys! I'm going to ponder it for a little longer methinks, just 'cause I can