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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty happy with it myself. Its made my purple purchases prior to I14 much more valuable. Its made my regular farming much more profitable

    Its made it so much easier to IO out new characters that there is no excuse for anyone not to.

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    Really, more profitable? I didn't see the price of purples inflate (just the common salvage. . .) I just saw their avaliability drop like a rock :/

    And as far as padding stuff out. . .personally I'd rather team and I don't think that should decrease the chance for a purple drop.

    I don't care if I'm not the one who gets it, so long as someone gets one. . . if every 10 missions I pad for 8 and run solo I get one, I think every 10 missions that has 8 on a team SOMEONE on the team should get one, I don't care who. . . . .

    Again, maybe I'm in the wrong here, but. . . .IDK

    I have the purples I need. . .so it really doesn't bother me either way to be completly honest, but *shrugs*

    I just want to help, if no one agrees, feel free to say it and have the post removed =]
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Purples are supposed to be ultra rare anyhow. Its not like the casual player is ever going to want or buy a purple.

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    I'm not sure I agree with that. . . I know a few "casual players" who have purples, and still want purples.

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    They have said that purples will not be part of the MA system just like mission no xp/inf end mission bonuses. They are entitled to change their minds, but I would not hold my breath.

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    I also realize this, that is why I suggested the reward merit version. . now 1K reward merits was (I hope. . .) an exageration for a random roll, but. . .just an idea. I do agree they should be "Ultra rare" but things that you consider "rare" or "ultra rare" in the real world, who usually has it? People who are willing to pay the price for it, so I think that the same should be the case in the game.

    If you are willing to pay 200million to get a purple I think you should be able to, that isn't currently the case :/

    I do see BOTH of your points, just trying to make one of my own.
  3. Ok. . .so we have all seen what MA has done to the market!

    It is amazing! all those positron's blasts, decimations, Obliterations and the likes have dropped in price to something reasonable!

    It is wonderful, right!? Well. . . yes and no this is a double edged sword.

    People are no longer playing the stuff the devs have made because of the simple fact that MA is something new! (among other reasons. . .) Unfortunitly while all of the orange recipies have gone down, others have basically become extinct.

    I am OF COURSE talking about purples. Now I can't speak for the heroes, because I haven't much looked at their market, but for us villains. . . purples have officially become ULTRA RARE!

    Now if that is how it was intended to be, cool. . . but the fact that even if I did choose to spend 200mil+ on the market to try to grab one, I CAN'T! Why? Because everyone is doing MA which (Dev's choice excluded) has NO CHANCE of grabbing purples.

    I have personally been running none MA missions with a few friends trying to get purples, and stock the market with ones we don't need, but a group of 4-8 people doesn't have a very good chance to do that. . .so here is my proposal. Make some way for MA to award purple recipies.

    I know it sounds insane, trust me I know! I'm not saying make them readily available or anything, or if not MA then the merit vendors! Maybe for the full 9,999 tickets for a RANDOM roll. . .or 1K merits for a RANDOM ROLL.

    That will help the market some, because I garauntee you people will do that for the chance that they get one they need, and they probably won't need everyone so that way the market will get some slowly. . . . maybe that would make them to available, I don't know. But if you really want them to be something exlusive to players that had them to MA I can live with that.

    I don't think that is what you want though, is it?