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  1. Hi,
    can you give me some thoughts about brute power combos ?
    Right now i would either go with EM/SS as attack power set and INV/EA as defence. Which one would be best for PvE only purposes or what are the advantages/disadvantages?
  2. Hello,
    i have some questions about slotting and powers regarding my ice/axe tanker. I am currently on Lvl27
    following this build:

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Tanker
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Ice Armor
    Secondary Powers - Support : Battle Axe

    01 : Gash dam(01) dam(3) acc(5) dam(7) acc(9) endred(34)
    01 : Frozen Armor endred(01) defbuf(3) defbuf(5) defbuf(7) defbuf(9) endred(17)
    02 : Chilling Embrace endred(02) slw(13) slw(17) slw(34)
    04 : Hoarfrost recred(04) recred(15) recred(19) hel(40) hel(46)
    06 : Taunt recred(06)
    08 : Wet Ice endred(08)
    10 : Beheader dam(10) dam(11) acc(11) acc(13) dam(15) endred(19)
    12 : Combat Jumping jmp(12)
    14 : Super Jump jmp(14) jmp(42)
    16 : Swift runspd(16)
    18 : Health hel(18) hel(33) hel(33)
    20 : Stamina endrec(20) endrec(21) endrec(21)
    22 : Swoop dam(22) dam(23) acc(23) acc(29) dam(34) endred(43)
    24 : Glacial Armor endred(24) defbuf(25) defbuf(25) defbuf(31) endred(46)
    26 : Energy Absorption recred(26) recred(27) enddrn(27) enddrn(29) recred(31) enddrn(31)
    28 : Build Up recred(28) recred(36) recred(40)
    30 : Provoke acc(30) acc(33)
    32 : Hibernate recred(32) recred(37) recred(46)
    35 : Cleave dam(35) dam(36) acc(36) acc(37) dam(37) endred(43)
    38 : Pendulum dam(38) dam(39) acc(39) acc(39) dam(40) endred(50)
    41 : Block of Ice acc(41) acc(42) hlddur(42) hlddur(43)
    44 : Chilblain acc(44) acc(45) immdur(45) immdur(45)
    47 : Ice Storm endred(47) endred(48) recred(48) dam(48) dam(50) dam(50)


    1. How to slot energy absorption best ? Only recharge and endmod(currently i have an endmod. in each attack but might change them into recharge soon)? Or should i also slot for additional defense. I am always running frozen armor, wet ice, glacial armor and chilling embrace without end problems, so will there be reasonable additional defense
    by slotting energy absorption ?

    2.I am thinking about dropping build up and provoke and taking boxing/tough from the fighting pool. With issue 6,
    this was recommended in most ice builds. With the coming changes of defense, will this still be necessary to increase the resistance against lethal/smashing or would it even be better to get aid self instead from the medicine pool.

    Thanks for the help.