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  1. I used the first example for my Dark/Dark and they work great. I still haven't reached lvl 38 so I'm not sure Dark Servant can even be controlled like the other pets but if so could somebody post a bind that that would incorporate him? I usually just hit 0 and have all my pets attack the same target and would like him to be included. I'm totally lost when trying to figure this stuff out so I'd be grateful if anyone could help. Thanks and great guide!
  2. I think it's great that you are trying to figure out ways to win against stalkers but there are so many limitations on this it's not even funny. The only nukes I'm familiar with are from my fire corruptor and blaster and my AR blaster ( AR and Elec are kinda screwed here) and the fire nuke has a good delay before it goes off. Also, 3/4 of the stalker secondaries have excellent AoE defense even out of hide and the 1 that doesn't is regen. I guess if this is all you can really do then it's not bad advice but I wouldn't feel confident using this tactic.