24 -
A heads up on that Sheridan's location. It is more of a walk-up spot. Not a lot of seating space that I recall. Looks like it will be nice weather tomorrow though.
If you bring a lawn chair you could treat it like a tailgate party - something else we do well in KC. I assume you will be enjoying some barbecue while you are in town. -
Wow. It really might happen!
I will be picking up my kids from school Friday around 3 but could at least swing by and say hi to the gang. Overland Park is not too far. Sheridan's is de-lish BTW.
You guys pick a time and place that works for you and we will try and stop by. If the kids (they have played a bit of CoH too) are well behaved and don't cramp everyone's style then we can hang out a bit. If not, then we'll exchange hearty hand shakes and take our frogert to-go.
Whatever happens, hope you have a good time in KC!!!
Cheers! -
I live in Kansas City, Missouri (we have the airport). Not sure about any other CoHers in the area.
Are you suggesting the First and Last Annual CoH Mid-West Meet and Greet? I'd love to try and get together. My schedule is fairly tight unfortunately but would hate to miss out, especially if this is the end.
Are there any other players in town? -
I have and thought her story was kind of resolved. Although the trial is pretty chaotic and it's hard to follow the specifics of the storyline. The wiki does not have all the dialogue and exposition from the NPCs transcribed yet it seems. (Not a critique, ParagonWiki is a god-send!)
But then, in Night Ward which I think comes after MoM in the story, she shows up again still playing out the children's story theme. That seemed odd to me or maybe I did not catch on to the pertinent plot details.
This is a general nit pick for me regarding the Praetorian story as well as the Incarnate story. It has gotten so involved that I am losing track of things. Without the wiki I find it hard to go back and review things in-game. I appreciate Prometheus' dialogue tree but even that has become difficult to follow. Might just be a challenge inherent in MMO storytelling.
Sorry to derail thread. Hopefully these teasers and i24 clear some of this up for folks like me. Can't wait!
BTW - just saying "fix" in a tongue in check way. Thus the quotation marks. I totally agree that it would be too much to expect a comprehensive laundry list of fixes. I agree it's fair to let a dev make a joke without it leading to crushing disappointment amongst the player base. I simply hope i24 cleans up some of the loose ends. -
The idea of Praetorian Penny's mind seems to fit the picture. Could it be that "fix everything" also refers to the loose plot threads from the Praetorian storyline? There seem to be more than a few.
I think that I have run all the Praetorian arcs and missions now but there still seem to be missing pieces. Have not run the new SSA though.
My questions are:
(possibly spoiler-ish for some people)
What happened to Penny after she talked to you in the Night Ward mission?
Who are the angelic figures seen around Night Ward?
Now that the Resistance has won, is everyone screwed when Hamidon returns?
Pendragon's got to figure into some new storyline.
Where are the various key figures in Praetoria now, Loyalist or Resistance? (I loved seeing many of them in the Emperors Sword arc.)
Anyone else have loose plot threads that need to be "fixed" in i24? -
I have had a similar issue. It seems that I can be in the Paragon Market for a short period but it seems to crash if I try to go to the wishlist or some other page after the initial page. I HAVE been able to quickly close the window upon restart and avoid another crash.
Will test a bit more but it seems that this has been going on for the last couple weeks.
Anyone else have similar issues? -
Quote:I have this question too. Any suggestions?So anyone say what be best scrapper or stalker trying to decided which to make?
I have been waiting to really get into a stalker. Is this the set for that, or is there another set that's more stalker-y? My gut says that staff will feel like more of a scrapper set.
What-da-ya-think? -
What exactly will I lose if the preference file is deleted? Suppose I should test it.
And how will that affect things when this goes live? I don't mind losing things on Test or Beta but would be sad if I lost game settings on Live. Can I back things up?
Or does it not matter much?
Mainly, thanks for the progress for us Mac users! -
Quote:I had a similar issue on my iMac. When I tried to change the resolution to the widest setting it zoomed way in to show like a quarter of the screen area. I could see the control and clicked "cancel changes." I then moved the other menu controls so that I could access them from that same zoomed in area, reset the resolution again, closed the game. When I launched it again it was at the proper resolution.Anyway, if this change/client goes forward, I wont be able to play at all and will have 3 useless accounts. Has anyone else reported this? I submitted the bug in the client with /bug but didnt have room for many details.
Am I the only one?
It worked for me but it's too convoluted to expect everyone, especially free players to mess with. -
I have had this issue too. I normally run on "recommended" but go down to "performance" on some maps or on big leagues.
But I've fiddled around and found a way to get those same glowing pieces to show. I set the slider to "recommended" then enable advanced settings, I turn world detail and character detail up all the way (200% I believe.) That seems to get the details showing but keeps the rest of the graphics and game running relatively smoothly.
There may be another way to do this. I'd love to hear others' thoughts or if this works for you Winterminal.
Good luck! -
Awesome work!!! Keep them coming.
Where was the Undercover Heroines piece shot? I don't remember seeing it before. Is that an in-game location or SG base? -
I've had a similar issue. I've checked the version of the Mac client and it is v1.0.3068. It should be something like v1.0.4606, correct?
Do I need to download the client again? Is there another way to update my client? Why has it not updated itself before?
Thanks for your help! -
Ah, I see.
I just was surprised at the volume of trading over the weekend. It looked like alot of them were changing hands.
I thought about keeping one of each for fun myself.
Thanks, Aggelakis! -
What is base salvage used for now?
I know that you can get invention salvage for it by converting it to Brain Storm Ideas. But I see it changing hands in the Market now also.
My question is - why are people trading a dead type of salvage? Should I consider selling mine rather than converting it all to Brain Storm Ideas?
Thanks. -
Same issue here. Glad to know it's not just me.
Fixing files now after copying piggs over from live. Created shortcut and ready to bypass.
Thanks for the help gang! It was gonna take 8 hours to download the whole game again! -
Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a decent beatnik character?
I've got a low level ill/ff controller who I want a beatnik look for. It is proving hard. He is slim/average build and normal height. He's supposed to be pale and sensitive to light so I'm trying to cover most of his skin/eyes.
Sorry I don't have a pic but right now he has the Fedora hat, wrap glasses, tight chest with neck cover (turtle-neck), soul patch beard, the military jacket open, office belt, basic pants and sneakers. Everything is black but his skin.
It kind of works but at times seems more hip-hop or Run DMC than beatnik. It might be the jacket but I think he needs some kind of cover.
If anyone would enjoy taking a shot at it I'd be thankful. Or maybe there are just some pieces in the costume creator that I'm not thinking of. I can't seem to break my rut.
Thanks. -
I appreciate that NCsoft has been so thoughtful and is proceeding here with a players-first attitude. Based on recent developments with the game I am comfortable with the direction they are taking it.
That being said, I will be opting out of the feature and am grateful for the ability to do so.
Some of us have a healthy skepticism about ads and the over-commercialization of everyday life. I place a high value on access to my mind and those of my family members. With ever encroaching advertisements there are few places where people can be free of being marketed to. For me, CoH is one of those places. I play to get away from real life.
I respect that others feel differently and will opt-in.
My one real concern is the community content that will be displayable with this system. It sounds cool and could be a real asset to players. If I opt-out of the ads, will I be unable to access this community content? That would be a shame. Hopefully there will be two different opt-in options: ads/community content and just community content.
Regardless, thanks for the update and for being player-first with this new feature. -
Well the Red River goes from the bay just outside of Talos Island (a bit NW of the NW corner of the zone) and into the Hollows. This is near to PI and from what I understand the Rogue Isles are N/NW of PI with Mercy Island being the closest to Paragon City (hence why escapees from the Zig are dropped off there). The lower level coralax from the Rogue Isles could easily have swum down to the delta for the Red River and followed the river up into the Hollows area. The rest of the coastline along that area isn't in a zone or is part of Talos Island and the more powerful DE along the coastline would wipe out the coralax that came over. Maybe in time we'll see higher level coralax take over some of the coastline of PI, Striga, or Talos.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Coralax showing up in Hollows makes me think of the Digger history plaque #3:
This building once housed the lab of Dr. Calvin Stewart, who pioneered Eastgate Bay's Seaview project. Since the Hollowing, Dr. Stewart has been forced to abandon the lab, and communication with the Seaview project has been erratic. Very little is known by the public about the scientists' activities in Eastgate Bay.
[/ QUOTE ]
I always thought this Seaview project had something to do with the Coralax but cna't remember why. Maybe somewhere else in the game or from a forum post.
Have we ever been told what the Seaview project was?
Another thing that makes me scratch my head from the WW piece:
The Legacy Chain have a presence there too, a heroic group of mystical heroes who are there to help, not hurt the heroes of Paragon City. They want to get to the bottom of the Circle of Thorns threat as we do. There might another reason, too, but they won't even give that up to Longbow.
[/ QUOTE ]
What is the "other reason" Legacy Chain is there? -
There is also this bit of the Midnight Squad's history (plaque in Terra Volta) that may or may not be involved:
"In September 1999, super-powered mercenaries stole poisonous gas from a Terra Volta factory. Days later, they struck. They attacked the complex that once rested on this site, gassing the people within. When the Freedom Phalanx investigated, it was discovered that the facility had been a front for an undercover Midnight Squad operation. Several of the Squad's more secretive researchers had been living in this facilty, under the belief that this subterfuge would keep them safe. Forty-seven men and women died in the attack; to this day, no one knows who the perpetrators were."
-who were the attackers?
-did they travel through time to get at the Midnight Squad? -
Thanks for the answers Ex and Obsidious! I think I'll try to get in.
I'm most curious about this comment:
[/ QUOTE ]I won't speak for Ex, but during the Dress Rehearsal, each rehearsal lasted about 30 minutes. There's a bit of gathering before the event, and some fun afterwards.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unless it breaks a non-disclosure agreement, when/what/how did this Dress Rehearsal happen? Sounds fun!
Also thanks in advance for recording the event for those of us who can't or won't be lucky enough to get in! That takes the sting (of the Manticore) out of the exclusivity of the wedding. -
We want everyone possible to enjoy this event while we can. The live event will be running from 3:00 PM PST (6:00 PM EST) for only three hours, it will be repeated as often as we are able during that time.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I understand you need to keep it vague in order to keep expectations realistic, can you give us a rough idea on how long the ceremony might last? 20 or 30 minutes? Just trying to get an idea of my chances to get into one.
Thanks Ex! -
Fleeting Whisper just got a nice, clean tux from Serge. He's put away his fighting gear to get ready for the big event.
The Facemaker says Sally Lee Brown is "absolutely radiant". Sally was particularly obstinate about keeping her shades, but all was forgiven when Glenda got to play with her hair
[/ QUOTE ]
Anyone notice that each of the "ushers" has that pointy black stuff at their wrists? You can see them well in Whisper's photos.
I played around in the costume creator and discovered that they actually have the "tied" glove option selected under the sleeves instead of bare hands. Sent in a bug report but might as well mention it here.
Is this an accident or a clue to their true nature?
EDIT: cool pics Whisper, thanks for sharing! -
Correct. We guarantee it will run till 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday night. Anything that may happen after that is gravy.
[/ QUOTE ]
You heard it here first folks! Free on-line gravy starting midnight Sunday!
Seriously, thanks for clearing this up LH. It is good to know there is a grace period for those of us playing late out West of the Mississippi. -
When I logged in today I found that along with most of my costume temp powers, a Shivan Shard temp power was also missing. I expected the costumes to expire but I think that my Shivan was wiped at the same time.
I did earn it during the Halloween time period, so perhaps it was somehow tagged as something that should be removed with the others. I've petitioned it but not heard back yet.
Has anyone found a similar problem?