
Forum Cartel
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  1. How about a mission, that gives you the temp power, but instead it is permanent so you can play with the ball anytime you want!
  2. How bout you gain a temporary power if you are around the Ball that knocks it back?
  3. all we need is an FF defender/controller

    problem solved!
  4. [ QUOTE ]

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  5. can characters still be added?
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    in your earlier post you said that after this chapter youll start the next book "soon"

    i have heard this many times from the devs, can we trust you with this word?

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    Cause I just posted the next chapter.

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    you just happen to post the same time as i! and now, are you starting the next book?
  7. good read, cant wait for next chapter

    and you know my vines can hold back dinah!
  8. in your earlier post you said that after this chapter youll start the next book "soon"

    i have heard this many times from the devs, can we trust you with this word?
  9. i believe it once i see it!
  10. and where is nether?!?!?!?
  11. dont think Figi will team up with Rad anymore!!!!
  12. Netherflare

    Questions Only

    isnt it something with disco?
  13. *whips SS with of course a whip*
  14. Ok this event has been tried several times, but not im going to make it happen!

    <ul type="square"> WHEN: 1 Tuesday a Month (Not Tankers or Brutes)[/list] <ul type="square"> WHERE: Port Oakes Arena[/list] <ul type="square"> TIME: 8-12PM EST[/list] <ul type="square"> WHY: Cause i Said So![/list] <ul type="square"> Host: Figi[/list]

    We will team up and maybe do some PvP because you know we are the lowest guys on the totem pole so we might as well find strategies to help us. We can do some missions and help level and go for some badges.

    My Dominator will be Figi, lvl 40 Plant/Energy Dom
  15. Netherflare

    Pocket D

    This Friday @9PM EST


    Called "Tea With Me" (soon to be Weekly)

    We will meet at Pocket D and team up with anyone of any levels and go and get badges. Name the badge, you WILL get it. This week's badge goal is:
    The Silver Bullet and The Slayer (both needed for Atlas Medalion) in Striga Isle, all lvl20's+ show up in Pocket D and we will be ready.

    Hope to see you there!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Getting "Post already exists.

    Please use your back button to return to the previous page."

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    from where?!?!?!?!!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Problally T.V.

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    the usual

    from where?!?!?!?!!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The thread necromancer has arrived!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    from where?!?!?!?!!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    wait is that age a typo? i thought you were already 15?

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    when did i say that?
  20. Ok, Updated version of me (still with no pictures, dont want another war going on)

    I turn 15 in *counts fingers* 4 days!

    Im still playing the flute and piano, but decided to give up the clarinet.

    And im still getting good grades!
    This past week i was in Las Vegas and stayed at the Bellagio and it was really fun. I say that everyone needs to go see the play by Cirque Du Soleil called "KA" It was really great.

    Pets: We just got a new dog about 2 months ago, he is a golden retriever. And then my 2 other ones are black labs, very pretty. I have 1 cat now, my other one ran away. 2 lizards still, tried to get them to breed but it never works. I have 5 birds still, all cockotoos(sp?) And we gave all our fish away.