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  1. Thanks - any help on the elusivity business?
  2. Thank you - excellent read but I'm having a hard time applying it.

    So here I am, as Grav/FF.. and I can stack a whole slew of defenses via dispersion bubble, maneuvers, hover, combat jumping...

    So I get the part that according to A and B value, if I have something that is modding my defence by around 0.32 I'm actually only receiving 0.16 out of that due to DR.

    Thats per power... so before I start enjoying the ability to circumvent DR by having a whole slew of +defence powers then, I realise DR is then applied on the whole stat as well.. so while I may think that I have several abilities contributing some X% to my defence, those are all actually heavily Diminished as well...

    Ok - now where can I find info on elusivity?
  3. Anywhere I can read up on this stuff and figure out which powers give elusivity and which do not? Because it doesnt appear on mid's CoH Character builder or so
  4. Wait - what? Really? Defence sucks? I'm confused as to diminishing returns.

    So you can't even get a few seconds of a breather using PFF as a controller anymore?
  5. A few questions from someone who stopped playing over 1560 days ago (Thats what it said :P)

    1) Personal Force Field - slotted up with defence (I guess something 2-3 Defence IOs) - am I still almost unhittable? What is the %defence you need to have to be mostly unhittable nowadays?

    2) detoggles.. are they still around? Other than draining endurance, what can detoggle my shields?

    3) Holds - do I still need to put like 4-5 holds to actually hold someone now? What is the duration on holds when I finally land them?

    4) Are people still dying in under 6 seconds?

    7) What else should I need to know about Grav/FF/Primal.. is powerboost not worth it now? Should I switch to something else psi or cold as the epic pool? thanks