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  1. I've had a problem with I17, in both beta and live versions: something about Mercy Island causes the game to crash for me, often before even loading a character. It seems to be connected the the recovery station in Fort Darwin, going anywhere even vaguely near it triggers the crash, as does trying to load a toon that has crashed there already. Different toons, different outfits, powersets, different graphics settings, Ultra Mode on or off, different servers, none of that has any effect, just going past that one area of Mercy. I have tried one toon that's in Sharkhead, and had no difficulty. The only additional info I can offer is that I always get the same error message about instruction 0x6904b8a3 referencing memory 0x00000034 that could not be "read" (the quotes are part of the error message, not sure if they are relevant). I've tried verifying my files repeatedly, to no avail.

    I'm on a Mac, using Bootcamp to run XP, if someone could tell me how to look up my Windows drivers I would would be glad to post them.
  2. Nemeas


    I've had a similar problem with I17, in both beta and live versions, something about Mercy Island causes the game to crash for me, often before even loading a character. It seems to be connected the the recovery station in Fort Darwin, going anywhere even vaguely near it triggers the crash, as does trying to load a toon that has crashed there already. Different toons, different outfits, powersets, different graphics settings, Ultra Mode on or off, different servers, none of that has any effect, just going past that one area of Mercy. I have tried one toon that's in Sharkhead, and had no difficulty. The only additional info I can offer is that I always get the same error message about instruction 0x6904b8a3 referencing memory 0x00000034 that could not be "read" (the quotes are part of the error message, not sure if they are relevant). I've tried verifying my files repeatedly, to no avail.

    I'm on a Mac, using Bootcamp to run XP, if someone could tell me how to look up my Windows drivers I would would be glad to post them.