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  1. TYVM,

    i suspected sj was best for my toon,
    do u think 3xacc/3xrecharge red's would be ok if my stam is slotted ?

    so i looks like no SO's for me then, do u think i should save my respec till L8r then or do it now ?
  2. I have a LvL 23 Brute atm and need these 3 questions answering asap really.

    any help or advise is much apprecated and i'd love an explaination if possible.

    1)What do i want slotting in dark regen ?

    2)what would be the best travel power ?

    3)My brute is an old toon and since a few things have come to light i've realized he's pretty crappy, He needs SO's(currently on training+about 3 DO's), a respec because i was hoping to benifit from the selling of enh's and to spec out touch of fear for the cloak of darkness power. I'm skint on the server this toon is on and just need cash to sort it out(i think), what would u advise to fund the cost of a full set of new enh's ?
  3. NastyRedFox


    tyvm, i see what u mean bout no self heal but i think i'll give it a whirl coz i've never seen a sonic/ice b4 n this will be my 1st time using ice, ty again
  4. NastyRedFox


    I've just made a Sonic/Ice, and i can't seem to find anything about this type of a corruptor.

    Any pro's/con's ?

    veiw's ?

    i've never seen a sonic/ice i just want to know what there like and if theres anyone else who has try'ed this ?

    all input greatly appreceated
  5. Ive been playing non stop 4 a while now and my dark/rad is now 32 XD. I just got that blackstar, it seems pretty crappy tbh, is it any good

    any help or advise much aprecatied
  6. i cant belive i've been playing for as long as i have and did not kno that

    TYVM for letting me kno that
  7. i have been working on my only deffender L8ly which is a emp/rad.

    I read up on the emp/ and kno what i should be slotting, but am unsure about what to slot 4 the /rad part

    i read 2 diffrent ways and wondered which would be best to go with my emp powers

    dmg/dmg/dmg/acc/acc/. . . . and acc/acc/dmg/dmg/dmg/. . .

    i just want to make the most out ov the bonus frm the 1st 3 slots for my toon

    could anyone help or give advise(even better with an expanation) ?

    all help and/or veiws will be much appreceated
  8. PLZ anyone out there who knows what i should be slotting(mainly for PvP)
  9. the reason 4 dark/rad is 4 good debuffs my plan is to strip a foe ov thir deffences + lower their acc, so their basically stuffed lol
  10. ATM my build is. . . . .

    DarkBlast:-4 slots
    Gloom:-4 slots
    Moonbeam:-4 slots
    T'Tenticals:-3 slots

    Radiant Aura:-4 slots
    AM:-2 slots
    Rad'Infection:-3 slots
    Mutation:-1 slot
    Enervating Field:-2 slots


    Hurdel:-1 slot
    Swift:-1 slot
    Stam':-1 slot

    Thats it m8
  11. I currently have a Dark/Rad which i built(i really wanna rule in PvP)now LvL 20 i, after doing alot of reading up, have realized that my toon isnt slotted properly.

    i need to kno what enh's to put in the powers plz(and if needed a lil explanation why if possible)

    any other opinions and/or advise would be much aprecated

    I just really want to kno what i should be slotting where for wen i come to get SO's
  12. TYVM
    glad to hear thar /sr is good

    i thought i'd need /regen for its stam' power + gettin stam' frm the power pool, but nm i shall now happily plod on
  13. tyvm, That was just what i needed to hear in regaurds to the slotting enh's.
    i was asking about the /regen because i made 2, a bs/regen and a bs/sr, but deleted the /regen and wasn't sure if i deleted the wrong 1(i read that bs/sr did well in PvP). So far i'm scared about the amount of end' he eats(he eats end' like its goin outta fashion)he is still only LvL 13 tho.
    is there any more advise you could offer me ?
  14. I havent been playing CoH long but i've decided that BS/ is the way to go. When slotting enh's, would it help to slot deffence DeBuffs ?, what is the best secondary powerset to pick for PvP ?. . . . . and to stop being as end' heavey would i hav to pick /regen for its end' mod' capabilitys ?

    plz i need help because so far i'm useless.

    could anyone tell me what i should be slotting in my attacks ie:-

    i'm stumped and need to know what works and what is useless plz help

    any other advise that you belive i need or is relivent would be much apprecated
  15. Thanks for the great advise to u both. I only picked AS-Fly coz i have never used fly before and most ov the PvP'ers ive seen have it.
  16. This Grav/Energy is my only Dom' and i have been working to make him good. I really like him now and want to know if i have slotted him right ect. My aim is to Kick the [censored] outta Hero Scum in PvP.I have wrote below all my powers and what i have slotted, because i'm nearly ready for SO's(which i have saved for by buy'ing nothing except 2 or 3 DO's)i want to make sure everything is perfect.

    *all are training enh unless otherwise stated

    Grav'Distort'Feild:-hold20(DO)/acc21/1 free slot
    Manuvers(frm leadership power pool):-deff'buff'16/deff'Buff20

    Thats all i have, I'm LvL 19 just about to hit 20 (i think)I NEED TO ROCK IN PvP, any help, advise or comments will be much apprecated
  17. tyvm for all input much apprecated
  18. For the past few days i have been try'in to adapt to CoH after my recent upgrade, i was wondering if there was any advise on archetypes n powersets that would help me ?
    also could i get the low down on ice/axe tanks ?
    I'm really into the illusionary powers set it rocks so far.

    so far between both servers i have made:-
    illusion/rad controler (i luv this)
    illusion/kin (i luv this)
    electric/electric blaster (loosing intrest fast )
    mace/inv tank (not bad)
    bs/sr scrapper (good but seems slow)
    dm/regen scrapper (good)
    ice/ice blaster (loosing intrest fast)
    ice/axe tank (i think this is really [censored])
    sonic/rad deffender (pretty good)

    all these r LvL 11 or less tho still, plz any advise is helpful
  19. Well will probably manage in PvE which ever i pick i would like to know what rocks in PvP tho with broadsword and dark melee, because atm they seem to be my fav scrapper attack sets
  20. BTW 1 more question i have more than 1 /dark brute n kno that it can be very end' heavey. By getting stam' and toggleing n de-togeling help solve that problem ? or is thereanything else that could help ?