Mr. NoPants

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  1. They are mostly a shortcut between zones.
    I love having that shortcut.
    Also the base leader does not get your money the people with base construction rights do.
    What they need now is something that peaks the SG bases above certain zones.
    I would like to see a terminal or something where you can auction stuff straight from base.
    You could store/buy/invent in one room and if you have good members you can swap salvage and recipies easier since when you want to do that most of you would be in the same spot.
  2. I haven't tested on other models but if you have tights instead of footwear on females the bottoms of their feet are gray.

    edit: Feet more feet
  3. Mr. NoPants

    Drops II

    I understand being upset if you can't get your rare cause they don't back date drops....but I seem to recall a method to get old contacts to give you story arcs you missed.
  4. But there's only 5 rewards....that seems fair to me.
  5. There he goes. One of Statesman's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered archetype never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.