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  1. Whats the most ordered thing at El Super Mexicano?

    A little bit of this, and a little bit of that
  2. Whats under my house that is going to make me rich?

    Professional cup stackers
  3. What the next cereal to sweep the nation?

    Pinapple flavored ink
  4. What am I going to the cupboard to try togeather right now!

    a red pill and a blue pill
  5. What do you get when you drag your dad all over the yard?

    5 tons of popcorn salt and a mercury thermometer
  6. Who stole my check card?

    3 borritos, 4 boxes of Samoas, 4 cans of Mt. Dew Livewire, and 13 episodes of Gundam 00
  7. What is the best hat in the world?

    A loaf of bread and a broken toaster
  8. Where does Liff go to pick up chicks?

    A vertical stack of 2 liter bottles.
  9. How should I cook my vegitables and what should accompany it?

    3 peices of sting if differing lengths
  10. What direction is the klingon ship from our own?

    Two goats and a jug of wine.
  11. What does Ironman wear when his armor is dirty?

    Jesus holding a cardboard "LEET" sign and a collection plate.
  12. What is the last piece you are missing in your collection, Liff?

    Ice cream cones, HUNDREDS of them!
  13. Wow! was it my double damage weekend idea that made it into the scoop or are there others that thought that it would be a different twist too?
  14. I am so there! I live in Minnesota, but have friends in indy now due to CoH in fact! and am totally coming down for the Con and a party with a bunch of friendlys would just add to the trip, Keep us updated Ex ;-)
  15. And the Dev's anounced there will be a nerf today! but only of that man!
  16. MoonlyteShadow

    Team Invince

    Just stunning! I started reading cuz I clicked the link in your sig, and instently got hooked! I have been reading this from start to finish over the past couple hours, I have listened to about 5-6 cd's the whole time, and you had to go and leave me on a cliff hanger right before lvl 50! but it was very entertaining to read, if anything else the log of everything you have done is as great as an accomplisment as everything you are about to achieve when you ding to 50.

    from 1 - 50 on invincible nothing less then...(well I'm at a loss for effective adjectives), you should all get special badges for it. I look forward to your trip through villains

    may I ask what server you guys do this on, I could figure it out but that would take effort and time, and I just spent several hours reading this when I could have been playing, and I also need a smoke real bad

    I'm deffinatly subscribing to the rest and I will to your next adventure as well!