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  1. An excellent guide, though I take Siphon Life despite being /Regen... It fits nicely in an attack chain, and thus can be a slight HPS boost, very slightly complementing your /Regen. Though it can be overlooked, it isn't a horrible power to have.

    Somehow I made it all the way to level 38 without ever taking Touch of Fear. I'm gonna test it out on the Training Room, and maybe respec into it. Being a fellow Life Draining Energizer Bunny of Doom, I tend to find that most of my enemies are dead too fast, or are simply not hitting me hard enough to overcome my regen, so I wonder why I'd want to lock 'em down when I can just knock 'em down.

    I also advocate the use of Dark Consumption for difficult fights, but I wouldn't recommend getting it until you start seeing Crey Protectors and other bosses that can actually make you fight for long periods of time. That said, it is a decent enough AoE damage attack, only a bit less damage than Soul Drain, and there's nothing like actually finding yourself low on End and facing a big spawn, running into the middle, hitting Dark Con followed by Soul Drain. Instant hate from the mobs and near instant death to anything around you. Some mobs that run at half health will possibly flee instead of help with the inevitable alpha strike resulting from such crazy scrapper antics, too. Pop Instant Healing and/or Dull Pain before this if you're afraid of the return fire.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    ok i looked this over and made no sense to me, im new to binds and computers in general, what id like to do is when i hit fire armor my toon changes froms costume "B" to costume "A" is there anyway to do this and if so if you could post the "code" for it to work, thx for your time

    [/ QUOTE ]


    /bind key "powexecslot X$$cc 0"

    Change Key to the Key you want to bind to. Change X to the slot you put Fire Armor in. Alternatively:

    /bind key "powexecname Fire Armor$$cc 0"

    Changing key to the key you want it bound to. Make sure Fire Armor is spelled the same as the power in game. Should be.

    Costumes are numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3; not 1 to 4. The $$ is a separator. It tells the bind system that you are using two commands. If you want this bind to only turn on Fire Armor, change powexecname to powexectoggleon.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, I must be blind as a bat because I looked in my COV folder and there is no folder called COVBINDS, so what do I do? I mean not everyone is a scripter. I understand how to do it but since there is no I just create one?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Create the folder directly in your C: Drive. I.E. Open My Computer, double click your C Drive icon. Create the covbinds folder right there. Create the bindfiles inside the folder just created.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    A section about how using + $$ can be cleaner than using say +down$$-down$$

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just going to show that I don't know everything about binds... what the heck is this one?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In toggle binds where a single keypress toggles two powers, say, Acrobatics on the keydown and Integration on the Keyrelease, you can make two different binds for it. One is "clean", the other is "dirty". By dirty I mean it isn't obvious why it works, or it uses obscure tricks when a "cleaner" method exists. The bind I just described could be written:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>CTRL+T "+ $$powexecname Acrobatics$$bindloadfile c:\BindB.txt"</pre><hr />
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>CTRL+T " $$pwexecname Integration$$bindloadfile c:\BindA.txt"</pre><hr />


    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>CTRL+T "+down$$-down$$powexecname Acrobatics$$bindloadfile c:\BindB.txt"</pre><hr />
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>CTRL+T "+down$$-down$$pwexecname Integration$$bindloadfile c:\BindA.txt"</pre><hr />

    In the second example, it is unclear why +down was used, and -down is also confusing. The bind is about toggling a couple powers, right? Not moving down... so why the down? It works perfectly, it's just "dirty"

    Of course, toggles like that one are likely to only be used to turn those two powers on. So instead of doing a bindloadfile based toggle, you could "clean" it up like so:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>CTRL+T "+ $$powexectoggleon Integration$$powexectoggleon Acrobatics"</pre><hr />

    No bindloadfile command needed. This is the cleanest way to make such a bind, since it requires no extra files to be written and stored in a specific location. Notice that the order of powers is switched. In a single bind, the last power written is the first power to be turned on. Why does this bind work on keydown and on keyup? Because of the + $$. By the way, there is a space between + and $$, and yes, that space is highly important. Without it, the bind will fail.
  5. There hasn't been an update for so long because, honestly, the original was, and still is, very current. For the basics, I'd just use what's in the original version. The following stuff might be good to add in, however:

    A section about the underscore, and how it isn't needed in commands unless you want them easier to read.
    A complete run down on how to use the targetcustom* commands.
    Teamselect and petselect commands, and other methods to select team members and pets.
    How to use petsay and petcom commands.
    How to use the new chat channels, and how to create binds that work with the global channels.
    A consolidated list of all the /bind tricks discovered to date
    A section about how using + $$ can be cleaner than using say +down$$-down$$
    A fully updated list of keys available (one that's missing from all lists I've seen is the mousechord key, which is essentially lbutton+rbutton)
    A fully updated list of emotes (I know, not really a bind issue... but when you're creating a bind, you might wanna have easy access to this. Maybe a link to an updated list?)

    I'm sure there's more stuff I'm not considering.

    BTW, thanks for creating the original guide to /bind, without which CityBinder would've never been started.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    The baseline Mastermind binds are available in CityBinder (link in Sig), along with the ability to set up chatty versions. I'll likely add a chat/no-chat toggle to the thing as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay. Just finished adding this to CityBinder. Fairly easy modification, though I decided to get fancy and allow finer control over exactly what chat modes to use. CityBinder supports Chat in Local, Self-tells, petsay commands, and each command, selection, mode changes, and Attack/Follow/Stay/Goto commands each maintain their own chat method. You can also turn off all your chats with a simple Chatty-Mode toggle. You can also relocate the binds to different keys, and even to mouse buttons. This new version is available for download now. Check the link in my Sig for details. Make sure to download version 0.4a for these binds.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think my project for the weekend might be downloadable versions of these files, and a downloadable version of the extra chatty keybinds I just went into. (that people can customize with their own chat, but all the other stuff is taken care of)

    Sandolphan I will send you a pm when and if I get it done. (Assuming I find a reliable file-host)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any one know if this was ever done? I would love to get my hands on already made files and just edit them. I don't like to spam the chat window with pet talk so I would use the chat only every once in a while, but it would be great to do.

    Anyone have the files?

    Edit: just wanted to clarify that I was asking about the chat/no chat files that dynamically call each other.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The baseline Mastermind binds are available in CityBinder (link in Sig), along with the ability to set up chatty versions. I'll likely add a chat/no-chat toggle to the thing as well.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Was wondering if someone could direct me to the bind set up for a chat balloon while typing to another channel or sending someone a whisper or tell. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Happy Holidays to all

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's a relatively complete set:

    /bind enter "afk Typing...$$show chat$$startchat"
    /bind / "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
    /bind ; "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
    /bind backspace "afk Typing...$$autoreply"
    /bind comma "afk Typing...$$show chat$$begin chat /tell $target, "
    /bind ' "afk Typing...$$quickchat"

    Change Typing... to whatever message you want.

    You may also find it easier to make a bindfile, say in a folder c:\coh, which would look almost the same:

    enter "afk Typing...$$show chat$$startchat"
    / "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
    ; "afk Typing...$$show chat$$slashchat"
    backspace "afk Typing...$$autoreply"
    comma "afk Typing...$$show chat$$begin chat /tell $target, "
    ' "afk Typing...$$quickchat"

    Save it as something like typingbubble.txt, then enter the game and type /bindloadfile c:\coh\typingbubble.txt

    Instant AFK bubble based typing messages.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    my wife wants the hover/fly bind but she only uses the mouse for movement is there a way to get citybinder to work with that setup?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've been amazingly busy with my business and had little time to work on CityBinder... what free time I have is spent playing CoH. Soon enough I will start working on CityBinder again, but until then... no known date...

    However, to help with your question, can you give me an idea of exactly how you want the binds to work? I.E., What should happen when your wife presses the left mouse button, right mouse button, middle, etc.?

    I am unsure if there is a way to rebind the forward movement command that occurs on pressing both the left and right mouse button. I have determined how to bind the left and right mouse button combo: mousechord. So if you wanted to move forward with SoD using the left and right mouse buttons, you would change the Forward Key text box so it says mousechord.

    If you want the right mouse button to be used for forward movement, simply type rbutton into the forward key box in the Speed On Demand section. Likewise, use mbutton for the middle mouse button and lbutton for the left button. You can also use button4, and possibly higher button numbers for additional mouse buttons. If you want mouselook to be activated when moving, simply put a check mark in the Auto-Mouselook while moving option box.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    numpad 9 petcom_all goto$$petcom_pow lich fol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have tested this in game (using my mercenaries). This command will cause all your pets to goto the point you click on, then after your Lich has reached that point, it will return to you. You must explicitly send only one command to the Lich. The problem exists that it is possible that sending two goto command, one to your zombies, and one to your grave knights, might cause one goto command to cancel the other out. Best to use names instead, and make sure that your tier 1 and tier 2 pets have similiar name components that your lich does not have. E.G.:

    zombies are named: Bob, Bill, Reuben
    Grave Knights are named: Becky and Betty
    Lich is named: Rufus

    Then you can use the command, "petcom_name b goto", to tell your zombies and grave knights to goto, and keep your lich out of it.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi, first of all, great post, the commands must save a lot of time!

    Which brings me to my point, I can't get it to work.. I've made all the text files (All.txt, Necro.txt, Zombie, Grave, Lich, and 5 named ones), and as far as I can see, everything is spelt correctly and referring to the proper file.
    However when I try to /bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Necro.txt in-game, it says "Unable to read in keybind file c:\covbinds\Necro.txt" .

    I've no clue what the problem is, and would appreciate any help.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You might doublecheck that Microsoft Windows isn't adding an extra ".txt" to the end of your files. If you are using Windows XP, open up the folder your files are in (c:\covbinds), and click on the Tools menu then click on Folder Options. This will bring up a dialog box with about four tab pages listed at the top. The second tab should be labeled View; click on that tab. In the lower half of the View tab are the Advanced Settings. In there is an option to "Hide extensions for known file types". This option should be unchecked. Why Microsoft thought of hiding a vital part of a file's name from the user and call it a feature, I don't know. If it is checked, uncheck it and click the OK button at the bottom of that window. Older versions of Windows have similar ways of disabling this feature... just hunt around your Explorer menu bars for the Folder Options menu choice.

    If that isn't it, then you may want to be absolutely certain you are not adding any spaces (doesn't seem like it), and be absolutely sure that your binds are actually on the C drive.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't imagine why it wouldn't work with an add-on keypad. The code sent for the keys would need to be the same to be recognized by the computer. It's not like CoH is doing something arcane, it's just reading the input like any other program.

    Of course, as stated you could just remap the system any way you like!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    You could always try CityBinder to create your Pet Control binds for you. I have a lot left to do to make CB easier for people to use in general, and I plan on expanding the system for some advanced personalizations, but it is in a state that's ready to use right now. Check my Sig for a Link.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    CityBinder is INCREDIBLE! I've tried, and I can't make it glitch. With CityBinder(CB), I can hold down two movement keys at once, without causing a problem (so that you can fly, say, up and sideways). I can also use the essential spacebar-while-flying trick (hold down W+SPACE, so that you can look down at the ground while flying level). I can trigger powers while flying without a problem. It even turns Sprint on and off automatically, so you are seamlessly dropped into Sprint while moving, and it shuts off by itself when you stop. Granted, Sprint doesn't eat much endurance, but every bit saved helps, and CB does it without you ever even having to think about it. I also like the automatic camera-distance option. (Frankly, it sounded like a bit of a gimmick until I tried it, but having done that, I'm sold).

    I haven't tried Gnarly's latest, so I can't say which is better. But CB works wonderfully, and it fixes every SoD-related problem I've ever heard of.

    For anyone who hasn't tried it yet, check out CityBinder - It Rocks!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm very glad you like CB. It took me a while to get it all working like it currently does, and I've got a rather large list of things to add in the future. Real Life(tm), however, has been interfering with my ability to work on CB in the past week. Thankfully I think all that is behind me and I'll have enough spare time to restart development. I will be adding a check for Speed on Demand stuff that needs to be used to get it working right in the future, as the tooltips and configuration window aren't actually all that helpful for people not already familiar with Gnarly's latest SoD program.

    CityBinder can glitch... it's just so rare that it can be discounted. If you have the powexec_unqueue option checked, likely you'll almost never see the glitches that happen. Otherwise a simple Ctrl+R while pressing no other keys will unglitch you.

    One of the things that most amazed me back in the Pre-Issue-1 days was the fluidity of Gnarly's binds, and the End saving that could be had by using them. Most people don't realize how much Sprint can chew through Endurance, but it is noticeable when using a bind system like Gnarly's or my updated version, especially early in the lives of fliers.

    It's also important to realize that I lay claim only to a couple upgrades to Gnarly's system, not the system itself. Specifically, the work I did creating the camera distance settings and the support for Kheldian travel powers were added solely by me, and I had thought/created them entirely on my own (though the camera distance trick was used in the advanced TP binds brought to my attention later). The addition of the World Detail level settings was not my idea, nor was the advanced teleport bind (still gotta get a tp-er leveled up so I can personally try that bind out... maybe my Mastermind has recall friend...). The coming features for Superspeeders and Superjumpers will likely be based on the Gnarly binds, especially considering how much the will have to interface with them. I have my scrapper copied to the Training Room and that character has both SS and SJ on the Training Room(though not superspeed on Infinity server, one travel power is enough for me generally speaking. ).

    On an unrelated and completely off-topic note... I'm now a Certified Microsoft Windows XP and Office 2003 Preinstallation Specialist.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get CityBinder to do automatic toggling between hover and fly.

    I'm finding that, using CityBinder, I have to use the "F" key to toggle between hover/fly. In fly mode, when I release a movement key, I do NOT automatically drop into hover. I'm using the files CityBinder generated - I haven't edited them at all. What could be wrong? (I know I've loaded the binds generated by your program because I see binds I didn't have previously, unrelated to fly).

    I'm probably just doing something wrong, but at least for me, CityBinder doesn't seem to work like Gnarly's did. But the CityBinder program itself is just so wonderfully handy that I'm really hoping I'm just missing something stoopid on my part (for which I apologize in advance).

    I note that the bind generated for fly mode reads like this:
    F "powexecname Sprint$$powexecname Fly$$powexecname Hover"
    Given that the fly-mode key does not load a new bind file, how can it possibly trigger a Gnarly-style auto-hover/fly switch? Having examined RESET.TXT, I can't see how it could work. Once again, I'm sure the error is mine, but I'm stumped.

    CityBinder looks very cool (Thanks for putting it together) - what am I doing wrong?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It seems to me that you are not enabling the Speed on Demand system after loading your reset.txt. If you left it at the default key, hit Ctrl+M and then try to enter Fly mode. If that doesn't work, you may want to reset all your keybinds in the options window and reload the reset.txt, then enter SoD mode. The good news is that, as a general rule, you will never need to reenter normal mode, except on rare circumstances like wanting to completely reset your binds.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Does it do coffee?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you running Linux?

    [ QUOTE ]
    It sounds great. It's the Hover/Fly I want above all -- I'm not a Teleporter and don't need binds for it (though I'll wave as you flash past me) -- but I'm sure I'll find some of the other features useful.

    Will give it a go this weekend. Thanks!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, you're quite welcome. I made it because I got tired of re-entering settings over and over again when using Gnarly's program. I wanted the ability to just tweak a setting here or there, but I also realized that if it could handle more than just that one bind, it may be capable of being a one stop shop for making perfectly customized bindfiles. For about a week after the headstart I scoured as much (though not enough) of the forums as I could to find useful binds to add to it.
  16. Heh, like Gnarly's? You could say that... I used his Basic source code to create the first version of the Speed on Demand module to CityBinder. Yes it supports automatic toggling between hover and fly, and even more.

    No, in reality it is more of an updated version of Gnarly's. I've added a few extra things to it such as the ability to set your camera distance when flying and when not, Kheldian support, world detail level while flying. DrLetharga has contributed the Advanced teleport bind, which I have attempted to assimilate into CityBinder. CityBinder also supports the creation of simple and cyclebinds, Khaiba/Sandolphin's Mastermind binds, a per pet selection bind, an inspiration popper bind with accurate names for all inspirations except the Awaken line, and the AFK based Typing message for all methods of chatting.

    Oh yeah, it also can save settings in a profile per character, so you can go back and easily just change one or two things about your characters binds without having to redo the entire thing.

    It's also GPL software with the source code available, so if people want to make changes to it, they can, and if they want me to add it to the main CityBinder project I pretty much will.
  17. Or you could download CityBinder... it has an updated Speed on Demand system implemented, which supports Kheldians, and a number of other bind systems. Very Soon it will support full featered Toggle binds of any sort. Link in Sig.
  18. Just a little heads up... If you want to easily combine these Binds with a Speed on Demand Bind system... I've already done the work for you.

    Read my Posts on CityBinder for information on how to get it and how to use it. It'll do all the work for ya, and no worries about Windows messing up your filenames for you.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    One question on your phrasing above (bolded by me). Permanently meaning for that summon or once and never needed again? IE. is this like the name change or is it a buff that gets applied every time i summon a new minion? I'm assuming the later but i wanted to get a clearer idea of that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once per summon per henchman.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm, i need to find a C compiler I can use that is cheap. I have an idea for a program that would randomize the emotes you spout when you shout stuff. But i dont have a compiler anymore . Need something that can create a .exe file so that i can distribute it too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For a C Compiler look up CodeBlocks on Google. 100% Free

    For an Installer system, Look up NSIS (Nullsoft Installation System). Also 100% Free.

    I love GPL and free for non-com use software.