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  1. amen, again.

    for me, reason 4 is the biggest reason. i made my character. i am uniquely me in this game world. people shall recognize me as me. i do not look like every other member of my "race" except with different colored hair. i can RP and it feels RIGHT---not like a stilted shakespearean monologue.

    i did beta for the game you mentioned, and i was underwhelmed. in the end, it was the same ol' same ol'. it wasn't bad, it was just "meh".

    -lapsed citizen of paragon, back to punish crime.
  2. shadowbane was particularly bad, but it didn't have the same breathless expectancy that DDO engendered.
  3. I am concerned about this recent development. Comrades, we should all take responsiblity for humanity and the march towards international socialism. Until we learn more about these visitors, I advise caution.

    Perhaps it is time to contact "The Vanguard".