40 -
Welcome back to the game Nightcomet.
I came back myself almost a month ago. I know how rough it is to come back and so many changes and not having enough cash to slot out your character. i remember back in 2004, when i played for a short time, it was very hard coming up with enough cash to slot your build with DO's and SO's.
Now we have IO/IO sets, which is a lot better than SO's.
Here is few tips that may help you, when out killing or farming.
Sell any enhancements you don't need to the correct store they are for so you get the highest cash back and for salvage and recipe drops, sell those to WentWorth (auction house) unless your on red side, i am sorry i don't have the name of there auction house but you can ask in general chat and someone will be able to tell you name of the auction house
Sorry i don't have the cash to hand out, i got some help from others here on forums that was very nice and loaned me some cash to get me restarted back in the game,
So there are some very nice players here that will help out with cash when they can and i hope you enjoy the game again - -
Quote:You hit it right on the nose, it's the looks of spines.What is it exactly that you don't think you like about Spines? Is it something to do mechanically with the powers you've tried? Or is it the look of the spines?
If it's the esthetic, keep in mind that there are multiple versions of the Spines you can choose. If you'd like to see the different options, go to the costume creator, choose the "Custom" tab (all the way to the right), then select the Spines drop-down to see the choices you have (Thorns, Metal Spikes, Crystal Spines, Slate Spines, not counting the color tintable option). Play with them to see what they look like and if one grabs your fancy.
My main and longest-played well over 7 years and going strong!) toon is a Spines/Invul Scrapper that I just love, but the original Spines were godawful ugly. When those options arrived, though, I was overjoyed, as some of them are pretty spiffy looking.
It may be that you object to something else, but in case it was the look/feel of the spines themselves, I thought I'd mention it.
I did not like the old looks of the spines that i saw in 2005 which turned me away from really getting into the spine playing role aspect.
I did not know I can choose my spine looks in the costume area, thank you so much. This will now help me a lot of getting it to playing the spine class and not get turned off cause like I was with the old look lol.
Thanks again - -
Hey MisterD,
All the builds are awesome except, this is just a not sure type except, the spines/energy Scrapper, im not sure im sold on spines or should say not sure if spines is for me, YET lol.
I dont know what it is, just something about spines after playing it for awhle im not comfortable with it and sorta turns me off.
It may be i havent tried real hard getting into spines or hmm i just dont know how to explain it lol.
All your other builds are awesome and very fun and rocks and i do have my fire/fire brute which he is very fun as well, i just dont know on the scrapper Spines lol -
Thank you again - -
Thanks again very much -
Both of these builds looks great and i already do have a Brute Fiery/Fiery he is awesome.
Now i have a lot of builds to play, this will keep me very busy so i dont get bored
so easy lol - -
MisterD, the scrapper spines/energy, can I change out hover to combat jumping and fly to super jump?
Quote:I am sorry, do not know why I was thinking a tank.More builds?? Pushing your luck now!
If you want to solo, Id recommend making a brute instead of a tanker. More fun in my opinion. Did you have any preferences as to which sets you want/like for the melee toons? (aside from teh ones you cant use) And please..do not tell me you want a hover-melee! I cant take it!
Oh and..did the blaster and MM builds work for you, mostly? I give no promises..not using SOs myself
I do have an awesome Brute Fiery/Fiery.
Now can't remember what other class I was seeking lol
The MM and Blaster builds you made me are working out very well, I love them.
Thank you very much -
H ha I remember now, I was looking for a Corruptor, ???/Dark.
Travel powers can be flight or leaping -
May i ask you for a great solo Scrapper build and a Tank build please?
Your other two builds you made me are working out awesome, all i'm missing is a Scrapper and tank and them i'm all good-
This still a SO build, till i go vip i'm sticking to SO's builds which im very comfortable with.
Thank you -
One more thing i don't have access to staff fighting, street justice and titan weapon as a FtP -
very sweet site i love it - -
Quote:Okay, sent off a care package- let me know if it got through okay.
yes thank you very much BUT i have a problem, being FTP it exceeds what i can have till i go ViP, could you send it to a friend of mine her Global handle is @Marsha Smile
She said she will hold it for me and buy me stuff from wentworth till i go ViP.
Ill be sending the cash back just send it to her please and thanks again, and oh i am really having fun again in this game, brings back a lot of past memories.
I am very happy to be back - -
Hi, sorry since i am free to play, at the moment, i cannot send PM's so decided to just post to you in case you did not see my other post reply asking for help.
I found out my friend has decided he is not coming back. if your offer is still good, my global name is @Lady on Fire
I appreciate the help, thanks - -
Quote:Thanks Rajani Lsa, i am not at my home computer atm but i was certain i could buy to unlock the classes that are closed to FtP -One must either buy an Unlock (this applies to Controllers, Masterminds, and all four Epic ATs) or reach the bonus for Reward Tier 5 (Controllers and MMs only, 13+ Reward Tokens)
WoW very nice of you MisterD, your a gift from the gods of CoH
Thank you so much for these two builds, this will help me greatly -
I Noticed Aurora_girl asked if i can play mm as ftp, i have to pay in the market store to unluck the the Mm's but if im to buy points to use in the store i might as well just pay the $14.99 but depends if i can afford going that route (ViP) every single month, as for now i can buy the points and unluck the MM class i want, so that will work for now - -
well looks like as a free to play i cant post on any of the other BUILD Forums grrrr
Hi -
I am looking for 2 builds but first let me tell you my play style.
1) I am Free to play so only looking for a SO builds, NO IO's, HO's ect... at this time
2) i solo a lot but do not mind teaming here and there if i am in the mood
3) I love Hover and Fly
4) I am horrible at making Builds, i quit making them and i look for others to make them, then i try them out then make changes if need be if they are minor changes
Now we have that out of the way here is what i am asking and looking for please
I want 2 builds a BLASTER and MASTERMIND classes. Blaster i like Ice,Electricity and fire. Masterminds i like Demon Summing, Necromancy, Ninjas and Robotics. I want them to be able to solo very well, easy to understand and play. I need someone to make me 2 SO builds please.
If anyone has time and does not mind doing this for me, you will be an awesome help to me.
I know there has to be least 1 person out there that would not mind making me those 2 SO builds pretty please -
I did have a friend that was suppose to come back to the game and help me out but he decided he does not want to play CoH, so i do not have anyone else to go to for help, so i come here looking for the help - -
Nevermind on the cash i have an old friend coming back to the game and he said he will take care of everything i need-
Now im back in the game, got almost all my answers to my questions , builds, SO's HO's and IO's and im starting to play again since been gone from 2004 or 2005.
Instead of trying to redo or play my old toons im starting fresh with a new toon, a Brute. what i wanted t ask if anyone can throw some cash my way to help me get back up on my feet?
i like to be able to start getting what i can from auction house in IO's , salvage ect..when hit level 27-31.
What ever cash is mailed to me iwill make sure to pass forward the cash when i get back on my own feet -
My Global Chat Handle is @Lady on Fire on server Freedom, so you can mail the cash to that handle please.
Thanks to Anyone willing to help me out - -
Thanks everyone for the help and advice and the builds, it all makes sense now.
I was looking at things a different way but i am good now - -
Quote:First off thanks for the rebuild. Till I get the money and unlock auction house to buy the HO's, what is exactly am i to put in the HO's that you have in the slots now? That is what is confusing me,cause at this time I need to know exactly what goes into those HO's slots as SO's? This way I know what to put in those HO's slots while I'm leveling up, I don't want to sound like a ***** I just need a complete SO build. I still have a lot to learn and understanding of this game, you see where I am comming from? I need to know what goes into those slots instead of HO's so I'm not sitting here and going ok does this HO'S needs to be replaced with a SO acc or endredex or damage or recharge.Note: I'd pull one of the Damage SOs from Burn and actually slot an Acc in there.
There's exactly ZERO reason for you to take Air Superiority. You can now take the second-tier powers from travel pools (Teleport, Fly, Super Jump) without taking a prerequisite.
You haven't slotted up Health or Stamina at all. They're inherent now. Use them.
Taunt is AutoHit in PVE. And you're NOT going to be taking this build into PVP competitively.
If you're just returning, your funds may be limited right now.
But, once you build those up, look into at least temporarily unlocking the Auction House and purchasing Hamidon Origin enhancements. They work just like dual-aspect SOs and could save you some slots while boosting performance.
For instance. You're currently two-slotting Acc and three-slotting Damage.
Three Nucleolus Exposures (or Synthetic Nucleolus Exposures) provide the same damage buff and MORE accuracy than you're currently burning 5 slots for.
And Ribosome Exposures. They provide Resistance and Endurance Reduction. So they're ideal for Fire Shield and Plasma Shield.
Membrane Exposures do +ToHit and Recharge.
Golgi Exposures do Heal and Endurance Redux.
Here's a quickie rework of what your build could look like on a mix of SOs and HOs.
Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.96
Click this DataLink to open the build!
FireBrute: Level 50 Natural Brute
Primary Power Set: Fiery Melee
Secondary Power Set: Fiery Aura
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leaping
Villain Profile:
Level 1: Scorch -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(3), EndRdx(3), RechRdx(5), HO:Nucle(5)
Level 1: Fire Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(7), HO:Ribo(7)
Level 2: Fire Sword -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(9), EndRdx(9), RechRdx(11), HO:Nucle(11)
Level 4: Blazing Aura -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(13), EndRdx(13), EndRdx(15), HO:Nucle(15)
Level 6: Cremate -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(17), EndRdx(17), HO:Nucle(19), RechRdx(19)
Level 8: Healing Flames -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(21), HO:Golgi(21), HO:Golgi(23), HO:Golgi(23)
Level 10: Build Up -- HO:Membr(A), HO:Membr(25), HO:Membr(25)
Level 12: Taunt -- RechRdx(A), Taunt(45), Range(45)
Level 14: Fly -- Flight(A)
Level 16: Incinerate -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(27), EndRdx(27), RechRdx(29), HO:Nucle(29)
Level 18: Temperature Protection -- ResDam(A), ResDam(45)
Level 20: Breath of Fire -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(31), HO:Nucle(31), EndRdx(31), RechRdx(33)
Level 22: Plasma Shield -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(33), HO:Ribo(33)
Level 24: Hasten -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(34)
Level 26: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 28: Consume -- HO:Nucle(A), RechRdx(34), RechRdx(36), RechRdx(36), EndMod(36), EndMod(37)
Level 30: Burn -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(37), HO:Nucle(37), EndRdx(39), RechRdx(39)
Level 32: Fire Sword Circle -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(39), RechRdx(40), EndRdx(40), HO:Nucle(40)
Level 35: Fiery Embrace -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(42), RechRdx(42)
Level 38: Greater Fire Sword -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(42), HO:Nucle(43), EndRdx-I:50(43), RechRdx-I:50(43)
Level 41: Rise of the Phoenix -- EndMod(A)
Level 44: Tough -- HO:Ribo(A), HO:Ribo(48), HO:Ribo(48)
Level 47: Weave -- HO:Cyto(A), HO:Cyto(50), HO:Cyto(50)
Level 49: Combat Jumping -- HO:Cyto(A), HO:Cyto(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Fury
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal(A), Heal(46), Heal(46)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(46), EndMod(48)
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1434;548;1096;HEX;| |78DA6594DB6ED34010867763A7C176424ECDA134A56D689B36A16E224042A802154| |AB86950251E20B2C2522C596DE4B8125CF242DC718647E2F00666E2FD3794B595E8| |DBFD77FE19CFAEEDD19BE3FCFB67EF1E31EE3C09BCD96CFC38BC8C44EEB9175D865| |E6030C6ACA11F0AA9D2AC918CC6231108E10E7D11BE95E3A6D48FC52B713E532B47| |948339A71717813B0CFCB3D7919D8C5F4C85785990F25CF5CFCFF2C9EC4478539A5| |49F4EFD897B144E227F321E79B3887235A9F636FD8B9CE18A4D7648300D9651CC49| |9A6510FA877978E28B33ECA1D49634963842282F87EF9A22F2DAC86B43FF4830E03| |1A0E515E1B9AE08BD4C45B2F064A19514115BC1BC827A9F08397872D09615EF4BD6| |3556A88E253D19EB81D49A1A9729C6418C837CB71B6049D2A1C20519C30A96D4AAE| |42BE27E8AB8D71B8AE8A1857C2DE89F09657906BC5C410DB0467A15F9AA88BFA913| |793790F70BA18633ADE10C3734B6C9D3407F0DF83635728A59417F2B315DEC2B8D5| |7936721CEAE1EFE1F7D4BE792E416F88DB0864ED6E0DDD2B8834E7690A34EA5D6E1| |5957316007311D783AD0BF13DAE8AC8D983D8D0D2EDF9879DE6DF8F6C0AEE226716| |0B26E4FF2076117BBB18B9E0CAADDC34EF7B0B3071A4D8A7111E3DE93DA40639D62| |FA7802FADA5ACB5CBCD5F49B9F4237A5F453CA20A5DC49297753CAD05C7C0DE293D| |4EAA9B9F80E309E285669F196C73F6D5AE557577FFF5332DC96DDEC6BFC9572FDB9| |EAC23EEF8307E05FCFE6B69C| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
I apologize for sounding like a ***** but I'm just returning back to game and I just need the SO build not a build with any HO's ect... Till I feel very confortable
with the game again and get all my bearings of what is going on in the game ( the basics ) - -
Quote:Hi and thanks, I understand your meaning on everything and i agree that having the extra 4th same type on the defense is not going to hurt me too bad for having it.Evasion (the toggle AoE Defense buff) and Focused Senses (the toggle Ranged Defense buff) each have 4 slots of Defense.
There's a severe diminishing returns penalty at that point, but it isn't necessarily a waste. The toggle powers from SR have such a large base buff that even a small additional multiple can be significant. I assigned as many slots to those powers as I did so that even without running Stealth or Maneuvers you would have very high positional defenses.
It's unfortunately impossible to innately softcap SR on a Scrapper with SOs unless you run three of Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, Hover, or Stealth; you can use Shadow Meld but that will only work for 15s out of every ~45.
Just that each one is an effective "53rd" level enhancement.
Pssht. The only other useful thing to do with them is bite the bullet, run Maneuvers and Stealth all the time, and swap them for endurance reduction.
Thanks on reminding me on the +3's was again -.:?)
I am going to play your scrapper build the way it is all way to level 50
This will give me a good reminder of the game play and how the slots are and how they effect my game play then at level 50 i should be able to figure out if there isvanynadjustments i need to make but for now your build looks GREAT -
Thanks again.
If I have any questions may I contact you for your help?