/Flexes Necro'ing Muscles!!
Also in no particular order:
Mighty Lornac: My best RL friend and my best SG mate as well. I know very few people on Justice immediately recognize him by name, but he's always there to help me when I need him.
Forsaken Lotus: Despite our falling out, Lotus has also been a huge impact in my life. I always feel bad things didn't work out, but that doesn't mean we didn't have a blast in our time
Con Flict: Holy Cow, what
can't I say about Con? The man gives of himself for the game day after day after day. And in PVP no less. Plus he has time to doll out advice to those who ask, always backs me up if I need another TF member, and still has time to get blamed for EVERYTHING! Kudos, Con!
Arwen Darkblade: She and
Scion of Fire come as a matched set, so I'm getting them both in this entry. The people who taught me how to raid, always brought me on their teams when I was all alone, and still claim to know me after meeting me in person! Oh, and Arwen makes the best roasts EVER.
Honorable Mention:
Phantom Enigma
Plasma Warrior: For the longest time I only knew him as Medibot 3000. Then I met him as Plasma. Then suddenly, I found out they were the SAME PERSON. It was like finding out I could go to the dance with Kitty Pride AND Shadowcat!
Artemis1: The first person I ever met when I started playing on Justice, and is still one of my best friends. Through Three Super Groups, Eight Issues, Hami Raids, Ship Raids, Heroes, Villains, PVP, and about Thirty characters between us, I think we've done just about everything together. ^_^
Mekkanos: Without a doubt, the most formidable arch-nemesis I could ever ask for, my good Rikti friend, a Remastered self, and Power-X-Treme. All in one. The inspiration for countless stories and characters, and easily the best friend I never met!
Fan-Fania: Inspirational in so many was. But mostly through clever application of baked goods
Kaiser Soze: Kaiser has this odd habit of talking to me just when I need somebody to talk to, and the uncanny ability to say exactly what I need to hear, and I don't even think he knows he does it. Which makes him even more amazing =)
Quatermain: DEDICATION. I remember when I first started coming to raids and Quat would tank.... every single night. I mustered up the courage to say 'Thanks' one night, to which he replied, 'Thanks, I needed to hear that. It's good to feel appreciated or to be reminded that you are. I thought how we might not raid anymore if he didn't show up one night, so I did my best to make sure that I do right by the people who work hard for the good of all.
Team Awesome: I think the name says it all. Love it or Hate it, it is still Awesome!
Crikey, I've either been playing too long and met too many people, or I'm way too easily influenced.... <_<