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  1. Mary_H

    New artist

    Hey Crescent, rockin' robot chicken.

    Here is my suggestion: rough out the basic shapes of the entire body before adding in the robot-y details. If you start to work from the general & basic, and leave the specific stuff for last, it will help your whole picture look like the parts fit together. I think of it as making a paper doll to stick stuff on top of later. Sorry if that's a really ridiculous analogy.
  2. Hello fan art forum... I am a long-time lurker, first-time poster (sorta).

    I did a drawing of my tank (who is also a dental hygienist), Tappan Zee, and I posted it to the Virtue boards. I actually got interested in developing it further (unusual, I tend to start things and not finish ), so I thought I would post progress here instead of spamming the poor Virtuites.. Virtueonians..

    First sketch
    Cleaned up, but gah my ink made a mess
    Some color

    I wanted to rough out the color scheme on the last one -- I have plans to go back and clean it up, especially the mesh on the shirt, eww. My main goal is to give it texture without making it look all noodly and over-worked.

    I always welcome criticism!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure if this falls into costume bug or color bug, but look at this...

    Tight, patent leather top colors on costume screen

    How top looks outside of costume screen

    The top tiger stripe was (until just recently) very very light. Now, it's dark as black and I've tried two free sessions to try to fix it. Tried setting it to a new color and back, but that doesn't help either.

    Any suggestions?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry if you've tried this already, but are you in SG Mode? It sounds like your SG color is showing up instead of your normal color.
  4. I lurk here a lot, admiring the art.. I strongly disagree with the notion that art is a magical gift. It downplays the artist's hard work. I'm not a fan of fuzzy Carebear hang-it-on-the-fridge comments, but if you're going to attribute a successful piece of art to a God-given gift, a simple "you're blessed" is better than "you're blessed and I'm not." How do you even respond to that?