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Quote:Yeah, when I built the machine (2008 I think) I built it to be a recording PC/media server for the house.This isn't a modern card. In fact, it's several generations old, and it's in the "upper middle" of its series, powerwise. (First number is generation/series, second number is power....higher is better.)
Even the most recent cards can't run everything at total max with smooth FPS at all times.
So the one thing I skimped on (since all of my gaming is mostly on my 360) was the video card, having abandoned PC gaming, largely after Tribes 2 dies down, only coming back to it for CoH off and on.
What do you suggest for a decent video card nowadays? On a side note, I find it odd/strange/funny/sad that the further entrenched I get in the IT industry, the LESS I know about the latest hardware. Probably because client machines are all in one, mobo powered everything POS's. -
I cranked the graphics all the way up on my game, first time playing it on my new(er) PC. It staggered quite a bit and was largely unplayable. I had to turn everything back down.
Maybe I have it set up wrong, because for my specs I think it should run better. I have 4 gigs of RAM, an ASUS GeForce 8600 GTS 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express and an AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ Windsor 3.0GHz dual core CPU.
Any suggestions or is my stuff just lame? -
Ok, one last dumb question: Haven't played in so long, where is the tailor for a lvl 38?
I Pre-ordered GR, I am assuming I won't have access to double pistols until I have the game in hand, correct?
Ok, I set him up an NCSoft account and started his download for him this morning so it will be a surprise for him when he wakes up. He is on a 14 day trial and when I log in to my NCSoft account I see his details there, so it looks like I can manage it. At the end of his 14 days if he still wants to play I will pick him up a copy of the game. Any places running any good deals on the package? Didn't I see there is an edition of GR that includes CoH and CoV also? Or did I just make that up?
Quote:Yes! I know LotRO, it doesn't matter if youhave a second disk, they seem to encourage you to just use a friends disk. Ok, so I need to pick him up a copy? Or how do I do this for just the 14 day trial thing for him? I'd like it to be a sub-account of mine so I still handle the personal/financial info. He's 11 and smart, but he's still 11, ya know? I'd like to be able to play with him as much as possible.Bwah? The question was specifically targeted at NOT buying another copy of the game.
Quote:Awesome! Thank you!Found it for you:
Guide for Moving CoH or Installing Test -
Quote:Thanks for everyones replies, guys! Does anyone have a link, perchance, to the guide in question?As others have mentioned, there are no restrictions on the number of installs
you can have with the software.
The restriction is that each actively running copy (ie. logged in player) has
a unique NCsoft account that is being paid for when it is running.
So, I have only one account, but the game is installed on 3 PC's in my
home network. So friends can visit and we can all play at my place, each
using our own NCsoft accounts.
As for the install itself, don't use the CD.
I keep a copy of the most recent version of the game on a flashdrive and
whenever I need to put it on a new (or friend's) PC, I use that and refer
to Bill Z Bubba's most excellent guide on copying/installing the game.
It's a 5 minute process, max.
The download needed just to upgrade to the current version from the CD would
be MUCH longer to do...
4 -
My son said he'd like to play with me. Can we use my discs to install it or do we ned to buy a new copy of CoX? Tia for your help!
Back in the day it was fire/dev. Then that was nerfed. What do you guys think does the best DPS? Any good build guides?
I don't have that one yet and honestly, I can't remember what I had planned out for him. I need to find a decent MA/SR guide, I guess.
Quote:When is everyone on? I was on last night from 8 - 10 and didn't see any one else at all.Yup, definitely. We've had a few admin changes, but the Legion chugs on. Sadly, a lot of the scheduled activity went down when most of the missions we ran were available in Ouroboros, so it's mostly TFs and weird special events. Like I ran a GM hunt last month that was well attended, and I'm setting up a "Comics through the Ages" AE costume series where you have to wear a costume that represents the Golden Age, the Silver Age, etc. for each one. Things are a little slow now (pre-issue/expansion doldrums and many in the beta), but things should be rolling again once GR drops. Stop on by and say hi, if nothing else!
Yeah, I've been getting so excited about SWTOR that I have an MMO itch. Tried LOTRO but I kept thinking of the things I missed in CoH. So here I am. I just wanna have casual fun on a server with a lot of people. Where are you at now? Still on victory?
Quote:Well, I want a fun server with friendly people. Victory used to be like that, now its a ghost town. I used to be in your guild a long time ago and we had a lot of fun.If by better, you mean more, then Freedom would be the choice.
If by better you mean which you would like better, that may take a bit more investigation. -
Thanks guys. More than likely I was going to go to Guardian or freedom, which ever has a better player base and start some new toons anyway.
Quote:Than this should work fine for me. I haven't played regularly since launch, and I haven't played in a year at all, so I am not used to anything right now. I am like a noob with a lvl 38.This.
Be very careful to remember to turn all your toggles on. It used to be "I'm not glowing, I need to toggle up." Now you have to look at your buffs/trays to make sure. -
Quote:Ok, I just hate to upset anyone by posting in the wrong place. I mod a forum myself (although mine is fairly crazy) but I know rules are rules and I don't want to upset anyone.Don't be sorry! I just meant the people there will have a better ability to help you plan out a build.
Quote:Oh cool. Off topic, but maybe you know, have they nerfed the MA/SR set in the last year or so? I had my build all planned out (when I played regularly) but I don't know if I have a decent build now.Go to the tailor!
i16 introduced powerset customization. Power sets like Super Reflexes, Invulnerability, and Willpower can have their aura effects turned off entirely. -
My main is a martial arts scrapper. I like the effects of my reflexive powers, but the auras go against my natural origin in my opinion. I haven't played in quite a while... I remember hearing you could change the color of your auras, but can they just be turned off so they don't make noise or glow? I don't want my natural martial arts character to glow.