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  1. Lucius_EU

    Defiant Legends

    [ QUOTE ]
    From my experience most of the 'legends' have been nameed already. From my own viewpoint I'd like to add Mini Icy / E-gen who introduced me to the swords which then leads me to the one and only (thank heavens!) Plight Trawler.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now wouldnt it have been weird if there had have been more than one Plight... the arena would have been buzzing!
  2. Right oh! I claim Paragon city's American football team to be called the Paragon Lucius's...!
  3. Right im a fan of American football, and college football at that, and was wondering, since Paragon City has its own University system. Do they have an American football team?
    Or even their own ice-hockey, baseball, lacross team?

    Or can I just make it up on the spot, like say, the Paragon City Puma's or such?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome back - I remember you

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. Lolz, im leaving the game since they still lets n00bs in. Hows it going tyl?
  6. Well maybe not better, but im back anyway, probably only a few people will remember me, but heck il be the new face on the block for a while.

    Good to be back and roll on the new issues

    5 points to whoever can tell me where my post title is quoted from.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Im from Union, and thanks for not coming over and making it even worse than it already was!!! :P
    and you should beat up your friends who came over and ruined our fun!!! 5 second power delays FTL!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Steps out from behind ArticFire and locks the door*

    We got one boys, he ain't going no where

    Good to hear defiant stood defiantly against the onions though I wish I had of got more time to play this weekend
  8. Woops my mistake didn't check that, now im trying to figure out what i took at 32 :/
  9. Im not an expert on fire primary, but a few quick notes on energy melee. I'd advise taking total focus(38) and energy transfer (32) at the levels you unlock the powers, they are the most vital powers of the energy set.

    I'd also suggest slotting whirling hands with stun durations, helps with aggro control, and it might be handy when it comes to handling aggro Cathrynhas already said you should take your statis protection power earlier, will make your life-span longer.
  10. Lucius_EU

    New to tanking

    The thing is Energy melee isn't designed for aoe damage, though with a tankers primary will help with crowd control.

    Its a players choice which power they choose, yes a f/ss tanker will deal a hell of a lot of dmg in one hit, but energy melee can out do that.
  11. Lucius_EU

    New to tanking

    [ QUOTE ]
    EM is a great choice for pvp but I do not really like it for pve tanking, it's the poorest aoe power pool, whirling hand is a joke and your strong powers come very late (lvl 35 & 38).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It isnt a joke when you slot it with taunt and stun SO's, you can manage close targets without even needing to use taunt, while pulling mobs back that peel off.

    The best powers do come rather late in the high levels, but believe me they are well worth it. Seeing LT's going down in one or two hits is brilliant, you can't help but smile.
  12. Sorry I was waiting for a good ahead msg on the boards, been busy this week and becuase there no was no sign of a go ahead, i thought other wise. My apologies for this.
  13. since the first team has a tanker ill sign up ere for the 4th shard,

    Lucius, 50 Invul/Nrg Tanker, @Lucius
  14. oh right nm you already have a tanker, put me down for a secondary team then
  15. I'm ladies and gents, with instability of T.F's and other plans I can't make it for tonight, but if you decide to reschedule gimme a shout and ill see what i can do to help, Fridays are good for me
  16. Right is this T.F, still on or not? just wondering, might need to make arrangements tonight unless
  17. Well looking at the damage output our team should cleave through the ranks of enemies pretty fast
  18. Lucius_EU

    Orf Again

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cya Tyl, Arena won't be the same with ya. (Whether that's a good thing is a matter of opinion )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    and help for that matter

    you will be missed Tyl, but i still believe my ambush fom the tree was ingenious.... you would have never seen it coming... if i hadn't been glowing like a christmas tree... wwas the wrong season for an ambush
  19. Oi that touching council moment... didnt look so touching from my angle.... looked much like something else
  20. Rock and Roll!!!!

    *Tanya Quote*

    Shake it baby!
  21. any chance i could join lvl 45 invul/nrg tank
  22. What am i not counted o_O

    i say again Lucius will join in
  23. Put me down for it

    Lucius 45 Invul/nrg tanker