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  1. Lt_Pyron

    In My Pants

    Foxey Lady in my pants- Jimi Hendrix
  2. insistent that Question_Reality scares children.
  3. Fact:
    The most expensive cow in the world was sold $1.3 million.
  4. Lt_Pyron

    Dairy Queen

    [ QUOTE ]
    here I'll get that for you AngryYellow....

    *hands over a Peanut Buster Parfait*

    *wipes mouth*

    *DQ Burger please*

    *burp/ xcuse me *

    [/ QUOTE ]

    today ill have This^
  5. TPAM should make sure this happens
  6. Lt_Pyron

    Dairy Queen

    hook me up with a reese's blizzard
  7. post a random fact or just some odd statement.

    i love... desk
  8. paid $24

    i paid my lost forum time and got...
  9. bored within 15 minutes

    i wish for 2.5 hours to pass by quicker
  10. TPAM wants to make an arc about the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide
  11. Lt_Pyron

    In My Pants

    slowride in my pants- Foghat
  12. TPAM has listened to too much of this song..
  13. TPAM will never let you down
  14. TPAM-the poster above me

    TPAM wishes he was a neopet
  15. Lt_Pyron

    In My Pants

    Girls,Girls, Girls in my pants- Motley Crue
  16. a pack of bubble gum

    i paid $7.51 and got
  17. Lt_Pyron

    In My Pants

    Have you ever seen rain in my pants- Creedence Clearwater Revival
  18. Artificial inteligence that plans to take over the world

    i paid the government 637.56 and got
  19. Lt_Pyron

    In My Pants

    Hotel California in my pants- The Eagles
  20. gives $400 to buy early_girl a better handbag (and what ever you get back is what you get)