116 -
Fact: what Khel just said was complete crap
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Fact: The above fact made me lol -
*uses super soaker filled with melted chocolate icecream on Question_Reality *
Fact: This was on page 2 =(
the post count just got higher
Some Ribbon worm will eat themselves if they cannot find food. This type of worm can still survive after eating up to 95% of its body weight
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wouldnt them eating themselves contribute to maintaining the same body weight?
i would assume it stops at 95% because that's the point at which it cannot bend enough to take another bite of itself, thus dieing of starvation -
the human body cannot withstand 500 Psi
TPAM needs to get down from that Aeroplane over the sea
i refuse to LOL you, but i will ROFLMAO you
Apparently, Mars will be cloeer to the Earth than ever before by the end of August (27th) making it appear nearly the size of the moon.
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This information was gotten from an external source