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  1. I'll get some pictures posted over the weekend.

  2. Llydia

    The WAR ((OOC))

    A big thanks to everyone who's posted their Directory information!

    There are others who also call Mr. Green their manager. Would you please add your information too, that we can all know our neighbors?

    As Dark_Harrier and prodiguy have shown, there are other storytellers that interact, but don't claim the Whitmoore as home. Please let us know who they are as well!

    Enjoying everyone's company at the Whitmoore Apartments (Open RP) thread,
  3. Llydia

    Family Ties

    Slipshod, you're not going to make us all wait another six weeks, are you?

  4. Llydia

    The Fog of Hope

    Delightful! Please, continue....
  5. Llydia

    The WAR ((OOC))

    You might try Tick-Tok when the Task Force is over, Feldon. Last I heard, he had posters up around the Whitmoore, advertising space for roommates.
  6. Llydia

    The WAR ((OOC))

    Thank you for the information, everyone!

    Steele_Magnolia, were you still moving in with Sol_Ar? Or is he moving up in with you? Either way, when do you guess that the construction will be done for you?

    Don't forget the details on both cats, please!

  7. While your teaming experience may be so-so occasionally, your journal entries are always great! Please keep sharing.

  8. Llydia

    The WAR ((OOC))

    The Whitmoore Apartment Residents

    OOC: This post is to help gather information on the current storytellers of the Whitmoore Apartments (Open RP) thread, with all comments to be considered OOC. When replying, please also assume it is OOC. Most importantly: Continue your stories in the RP thread!

    Side note: Links work best with the default 10-posts-per-page view.

    Attention all residents of the Whitmoore Apartments! Mr. Green, our front doorman and friend, is updating the Resident Directory that is posted in the main lobby. Please reply to this thread with your room number, the name visible on the list, last location (try for 5 words or less), and your name (as the storyteller). You are also welcomed to include a short (say around three sentences) summary of each resident, including information on any pets or others who call the Whitmoore home.

    Here are a few to start us off:

    Apartment: 1231 [[1937486]]
    Name: Stanley Green
    Current Location: Whitmoore Lobby
    Storyteller: Community (originally created by Slipshod)
    Summary: Mr. Green is the doorman and manager, working the day at the front desk by the main doors. He's an elderly dapperly dressed gentleman with exceedingly good manners, discretion, and strong sense of decorum. He is also one of the few common-pool characters that anyone is free to write for, within his personality and duties as outlined.

    Apartment: 911 [[3049026]]
    Name: Zenitheon
    Current Location: Whitmoore Lobby
    Storyteller: Yydr_
    Summary: Usually called Z (no hidden or alternate ID), this elf with familiar skin-tight jumpsuit has an unnatural dedication to registered heroes, usually to her the exclusion of her own well-being. All color has been bleached along her entire 46 inches, from her four-digit extremities through long hair caught back by in a low ponytail, and she is unsure what the chest infinity symbol has branded her for. Among her confusing ignorance and sporadic memory, she knows there are still some of the more social basics that she needs to learn.
  9. Llydia

    Twined and Bound

    Another chapter! Thank you so much, QueenEtheria!

    Here's hoping that your muse remains to treat us all to your story. We are all waiting as each chapter is presented in its woven enchantment. Again, thank you!

  10. ((1st draft - there will be spelling, grammar, and flow errors. Feedback and criticism most welcomed.))

    ===== Discovery =====
    Doctor Raven hurried down the streets toward the tram to Chiron Medical Center in Atlas Park on her way back from a rare 24 hours at home, rain darkening the street to match the water-heavy black clouds above. The sudden downpour had caught her unprepared and she clutched her coat tighter while the late November rain did its best to melt the mound of snow nearby. Wait a moment… snow? There hadn’t been a snowstorm in Paragon City yet this season.

    Raven swung around, shoes skidding in a shallow puddle as she raced back around to the alley entrance. There half-buried by abandoned trash was a small form curled up into a fetus position that couldn’t belong to anything but a child. The sky’s attempt to give her a second shower for the day forgotten, Raven dove alongside, brushing aside the loose newspaper to reveal the tiny backside. With the realization that the newspaper had been the only thing between skin and rain, Raven froze with shock for a moment before shucking her own trench coat and covering the quivering form. Brows furrowed and irritably pushing back her namesake hair, she felt for the pulse: weak but strengthening. But the tan skin was rapidly draining of color, the shaking wouldn’t stop, the helpless thing was filthy, and already soaked through.

    Curse the MedCom system! Why didn’t doctors get medical patches to let them get to their own emergency rooms in a hurry? Because the doctors would just use them to get to work quickly and not because they had actual emergencies, can the quick irreverent thought. This child needed an ER, and needed it now! There wasn’t time to wait for an ambulance. Swallowing a mega-meal sized lump of pride, Dr Raven yelled out as loud as she could, “I NEED A HERO!” Wincing at the cliché words, she let out the breath she’d been holding when a red streak of light changed directions and alighted next to them seconds later.

    Not giving the hero a chance to even introduce herself, Raven jumped up with the quivering form swimming in the long coat. “We need to get this one to the ER, now!” Her eyes cannot contain her gratitude enough when the hero grabs her on the shoulder and activates her MedCom connection, instantly bringing them both to an empty teleport pod. Luck was with her! They were just down the hall from Raven’s own hospital office and the ER rooms. Leaving the hero to follow as she would, Raven dashes down to an empty room shouting orders to the started staff as she passes.

    Trying to be as gentle as possible while all but dumping her package on the table, she pulls back her coat, the florescent lights revealing more shocks that the dark alley had hidden. While trying to take in the obviously mature female figure and pointed ears that were still half-hidden under the brown hair trying to pose as a rat’s nest, she finally realize that voices were talking to her. Mumbling an apology, she took the towel and began vigorously drying off while the staff responded to her earlier orders, easing the girl from Raven’s coat and draping a sheet over the quivering form before beginning the short battery of blood and x-ray tests to try and determine what level of emergency they had on their hands.

    Glancing around to see who else was free to rope in, Raven quickly spotted the hero standing out of the way near the door. “Thank you so much for your help, hero!” Raven offers her hand; glad to see someone had gotten a towel to the hero as well. “Rose Cross,” came the reply along with a handshake. Could there be any more luck left for her both this year and next? Like the rest of the senior staff, and most all of Paragon’s medical centers, she was very familiar with the name. “Please, Rose Cross, could you take a look at her? Obviously she’s alien, and I’m afraid that even basic medical attention will be harmful.”

    Offering a small nod, Rose sits down in the chair offered at top of the bed, quickly lowered so her elbows could comfortably rest on the table. Drawing a slow deep breath, Rose brings her hands closer to gently cradle both temples on either side of the tightly-closed eyes. As her own eyes fell closed and a soft rose aura moved over them both, Rose reached out mentally. And found herself in. A delay from surprise at the lack of the normal defenses, she looked around. Flashes, like slow lightening, momentarily painted the black abyss with blurry images of lab coats and sanitized walls. Even those were becoming infrequent. Lingering a few moments to watch, Rose withdrew and sighed as she stood.

    In the short minutes she had sat there, Raven has fetched an energy bar to replace any reserves she may have used. “How bad is she?” Raven asked as she went to hover over the form, worry trying to furrow her brow even more as she watched the color continue to bleach a white to rival medical codes. “She’s doing fine.” Shaking her head at both Raven look of disbelief and the color change taking place, Rose continues, “I’m not sure what the skin and hair change is all about but her mind was just slipping from a nightmare in REM sleep into a deeper healing state. Take a look, she has stopped shivering and is as relaxed as you could ask for someone without them being in a coma. Her body seemed to only be cold, there wasn’t anything you’d expect from hypothermia or infection.”

    Raven sank into the chair Rose has just been using, sighing, “Oh, thank heavens,” as her nervous energy abandoned her. Pausing, Rose continued just a shade cautious. “Her mind is just this side of a paradox. There was great structure that already knew what needed to be done to recover. But it was also strangely simple and... empty. As if it had only had little to store. Don’t be surprised if she has several of her memories missing.”

    “A last final piece of instruction,” Rose took in extra air. “It goes against our modesty taboos, and probably against every medical standard, but after you clean her up leave her uncovered. Something in the sheets, maybe the cleaning chemicals or the artificial fibers, are an irritant and she’ll recover much better without than with.” Blinking a few times at the unexpected turn of conversation, Doctor Raven finally nods. “Rose, please accept yet another ‘Thank you’ from this grateful citizen. I couldn’t have asked for a better hero to respond.”

    A quick report of her hero info to the staff member, wasn’t that Harry?, composing notes for a new file and then Rose waved as she took off for the front doors. As the front door closed behind her, the front desk receptionist could hear Rose reassuring her frantic Super Group that she was on her way to help with the bombs ticking down. ((Got to love timed missions!))

    Finding energy from another nutrition bar hastily consumed, Raven follows two other orderlies and Harry to a private recovery room where they washed the street grim off as gently as possible. After untangling the hair until long strands of white remained, Raven worked her way down. She struggled several minutes to open a four-fingered hand locked around a scrap of silky fabric almost as gray as they storm clouds outside. Conceding defeat, she washed as much as possible before finishing the rest. Coming to a decision, Raven directed the girl be settled in her own office, as if sheets were not recommended, then neither were sensor patches.

    Filing out, Harry offered a parting shot as Raven already buried herself in a search for any useful information related to the strange white form across the room. “Welcome home, Doctor Resident,” he laughingly danced out of the room, introducing a closed door to the pencil thrown after him. Imp, Raven though as she took a stack of printouts to the corner recliner. The staff’s nickname for her was easy enough to understand, as Raven rarely left the hospital grounds, usually catching only a few hours of sleep at a time. Sleep that shortly came unannounced to rename the recliner as ‘bed’.
  11. Llydia

    Family Ties

    Wait... where's the rest of it?

    I feel like I've been enjoying a really good dinner ((aka The Long Goodnight (Origin) , just discovered and completely read for the first time yesterday 4/7/05)) and had started in on the dessert cookie, to learn that the two bits are all I get, and I can't eat the rest of the cookie yet.

    When's the next part going to be posted? This "cookie" is very good and I'm hungry to finish it!
  12. ((Found, Started and Finished entire thread 4/7/05 and forced out of lurker mode by deep awe.))
    Wow... just Wow!

    ((Looks at simple backgrounds for my four alien heroes.)) Humm, these concepts need a re-work now.

    But before I get back to Paragon....
    ((Jumps immediately over to Family Ties (Story) for the next part of the Heroic story.))