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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Nice. Can't wait to make a bow defender. Gonna be sweet.

    One question though. Why did you decide to put in Druids? Tuatha de Dannan=Druids. I've seen the witches before, but the druids are new, aren't they?

    Edit: I mean, I see why they're there....forest of dread and all, just a bit shocked you went with the lesser known name (understandable)

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    Actually, the Tuatha de Danaan were a race of gods and demigods who defeated the Fomorians and ruled over Ireland during a golden age.

    The Druids were the priests of the pre-Christian Celtic religion--not just in Ireland.

    Not quite the same thing.

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    And there are still a few of us Druids kicking about if you know where to look.
    Beating up strange mutated representations of my Gods will no doubt be an interesting experience...
  2. Oooh, sparkly mirror! Yay!

    *sparkles happly*
  3. Little_Unicorn

    More answers....

    I have a question...

    Will invulnerability scrappers remain sparkly after the armour art revamp?

    I'm still a little disappointed with the removeing of sparklies from the martial arts powers but if the invulnerability sparklies go I'll need a new battle cry.