Nice. Can't wait to make a bow defender. Gonna be sweet.
One question though. Why did you decide to put in Druids? Tuatha de Dannan=Druids. I've seen the witches before, but the druids are new, aren't they?
Edit: I mean, I see why they're there....forest of dread and all, just a bit shocked you went with the lesser known name (understandable)
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Actually, the Tuatha de Danaan were a race of gods and demigods who defeated the Fomorians and ruled over Ireland during a golden age.
The Druids were the priests of the pre-Christian Celtic religion--not just in Ireland.
Not quite the same thing.
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And there are still a few of us Druids kicking about if you know where to look.

Beating up strange mutated representations of my Gods will no doubt be an interesting experience...