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  1. I am duly chastened and edu-mah-cated regarding Scrapper/Stalker snipes, thanks.

    (Of course, I can't imagine ever taking a snipe from the pools on either AT, but my playstyle isn't your playstyle, boom-de-yadda boom-de-yadda.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    There are currently 6 ATs with Snipes: Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders, Dominators, Stalkers and Scrappers.
    Um... Stalkers have Assassin Strike, which isn't a ranged snipe. And Scrappers... I don't know where you're getting "Scrappers have a Snipe" from at all, honestly.

    Did I miss something?
  3. The Hollows was completely covered in forest... before Woods Cutter came along.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    for 2000 points it better carry my loot back to town and sell it
    Torchlight! *high fives*
  5. This is very useful stuff, thank you!

    I went about things a bit backward: I rolled the toon, THEN realized that maybe I should see if anyone's written about the combo...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    I just disabled UAC. It's useless.
    On a "family" computer, I don't find it useless at all. I keep privileges low, and folks know that if the prompt comes up I need to be involved. If you're the only one who uses your computer and you're savvy enough? I agree, kill the thing.

    This closes the second-to-last "here's when it's okay to click past the UAC prompt" hole I had, so I'm a pretty happy camper.
  7. So I figured out a quality-of-life improvement for those of us who are on Win7, don't want to run as an administrative account (I don't spend all my time on a Linux server logged in as 'root', either), have indeed set the correct permissions on their game directories (hint: COMPUTERNAME\Users should have Full Control of DRIVE:\Wherever You Put\City of Heroes) and are getting damned UAC prompts anyway.

    In the UAC dialog itself, click the little drop-arrow in the lower-left part of the dialog box to "show details" so you can see exactly what's going on. I'll bet that if you have Test or Beta servers in your list, what's happening is that the Launcher is too stupid to write the "Installation Directory" string entries to your part of the registry. I'm not making this up: I had to manually create those entries in HKCU\Software\Cryptic\CohTest (and CohBeta) in order to shut the bleeping UAC prompts up. Why in the name of bleeping bleep the Launcher couldn't write to my own part of the registry is beyond me. But, oh well.
  8. ...Great. I don't have the original sleeve for my daughter's game account either, so no way can I provide the serial code they're looking for.

    That settles it, she's out of luck. GOOD JOB WITH THE SECURITY THEATER, GUYS.
  9. Oh, and I just realized that my daughter's account was originally setup by her uncle, then I took over the billing. Which means that I'm never going to get access to that account again... we can't get in touch with him, and he's sure as hell not going to remember (or care) what he entered for his security questions five or six years ago. AWESOME.

    This is utterly brilliant, guys. Way to lose another $15 per month, if not potentially more!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    What was your first pet's name? [text box] (limit 32 characters)
    What is your mother's maiden name? [text box]
    So, I'm not a pet owner and my mother's maiden name is a matter of public record. Yeah, that's secure. *sigh*
  11. Happy Birthday, Nomme!

    (Wouldn't it be nice if we had inspirations cast on us when we dinged in real life?)

    (Yes, I'm a weirdo. What's your point?)
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and I like the idea of a temporary hazard zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Croatoa is temporary? Are you sure?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I suspect the reference was to a zone that starts out hazard, temporarily, and transitions later to a non-hazard zone. I could be wrong, though.