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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJKyo View Post
    I love the way these pictures are staged. It's like each one tells a little story. Layla, how did you get so darn creative?! And where can I get some of that?!
    I could say that both my parents were artists .. or i could say i study art in college.. But I'm sure a big part of it is that Stone Demands Greatness. Every artist needs a muse, a critic and a friend to encourage them. Luckily I found all three in Stone. now.. TO THE CRAFT ROOM! *plays batman music*
  2. Pets Twoheadedboy.. please let it go for me. There's many reasons why ppl dont come to the forums which include real life things. So ppl go outa town for weeks unable to check their mail or surf the internet. Some are so busy at work that they cant spare the time to constantly check the forums. And it sounds like to me that witch only gets few precious times to get online to play and he rather be using it playing with awesome ppl (LIKE MEH) then spending it reading thru all the forums. I was like that way when i was in oklahoma. I worked so much and then had to come home and make dinner and clean and when i finally sat at the computer all i wanted to do was have some fun with my friends. I had an hour to play and i wasnt going to spend it going thru the forums. So i know where witch is coming from.I'm asking for understanding.. Dont make me start throwing out rainbows and fairies and cute forest animals..
    instead! think of something that would have made the DoV day better! think of some new activity that we could have done.. maybe a theme costume contest you like to see? i mean after all you have two heads that's two brains that could be working :P
  3. Solution # 5
    this is probably stupid but i randomly look at ppl's bios when i'm next to a stranger in WW or waiting on a raid and so forth. why not put at the bottom of ur bio about the event about to happen . For those weird ppl like me :P * i'm not a stalker I swear*
    your turn :P
  4. Witch makes a good point since he didnt see me . So for the next one I suggest we kinda get an idea when the ppl involved play and see if we can set up shifts of dropping info at different times of day. so we dont miss ppl that can only play here or there but would make the effort to log on for a special event. and i'll admit it . i didnt look at the calendar either or the tweets :P I do know there are some ppl that just dont like the forums. I was one of them til Stone forced me on here.Does that mean i can have a dogpile too i prefer a pillow fight myself! I know we dont all have the time but if we have more ppl involved with getting the word out it will take less of each of our personal time * sooner's calling tree* I now have an image of a bunch of dolls piled ontop of witch's doll Witch you have to enter my next contest so i can make a doll of you giggles madly.
  5. that could have had me riding thru all the zones on a horse shouting about it make that a unicorn. OH that leaves a trail of rainbows! Lets just leave it as there's always room for improvement. NOBODY is perfect . and i think it went off pretty well.
    SO back to ideas
    I vote for Sooner's "calling tree" idea. I vote for ppl who have deviant art pages that are city of hero themed write journals advertising it. Be excited about it and go blog about it somewhere. I even told two of my friends that are EX coh ppl about it hoping to get them back to it. And you know what if you talk about it with others in open channels it's not really spamming. we could do already written dialogue in broadcast between two or more ppl that talk about how excited they are about the event. Saying what they are really looking forward to. Say i meet up with Kyo and in broadast be like "OMG HI KYO!!! I hope to see you at my CC contest next sat at 9pm!" and she by like. "HI layla! oh yeah? what's the theme? Oooh are u going to give away another doll?" and so forth.. then we go skipping off to do a tf or something. the "skipping is very important"
  6. GROUP HUG!! and witch some how you missed my consist reminding of ppl to come to my CC XD i think ppl were sick of me promoting my doll giveaway. Every time i was on i talked in the pro vig channel and pro tf channel about how excited i was about the event and my CCs Plus i annoyed ppl during the weekly RtR about it while they waited for us to start. I even posted it on my Deviant Art page. But not everyone knows me or gets to play at the same time as me. So i totally understand where your coming from and i believe we will work harder at getting the word out. I suggest we actually get a "Promote the event" team. Players that are on multi channels that play alot and who can be upbeat and talkative in as many ways as possible. Also on at different times. I tried to do the "calling tree" thing like sooner suggested with all my globals.
    SOoo.. lets all stay positive so we can make the next event more awesome! because there WILL be another one :P even if i have to make it a LAYLA CON.
  7. I think making it more than one day is a good idea. even just a three day event wouldnt be that bad ( fri,sat, sun) I had fun playing hide and seek in the morning but i think next time i would like it to be a all day hide and seek. Where once an hour a selected hero hides in a selected zone and if they are found by someone within say 20-30 min of the announcement then the person gets the prize. I also agree with spreading out the CCs I think it was just alot of events to try to fit in all one day with not repeating them where someone could make it another time. Thou i dont think i could do multi of my doll giveaway contests in one weekend :P but i had fun and let me know if you guys plan something like this again so i can help in one way or another
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    The detail she puts into this little guys is outstanding... and now with actual glowing eyes?!
    Beyond amazing!


    Quick question, is there a compartment in the back of the doll with glowing eyes where the battery can be swapped out?
    I'm still in the protype stage of this but yes there is a place for you to swap batteries (9v) out. its a pocket that goes in the doll and can be velcro shut with a flap . When you open the flap you will only see the battery and fabric and not the guts (stuffings) of the doll I'll have pics at some point of this but i'm having problems finding the time to work on my own personal doll
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
    I'm ashamed of myself I didn't even remember to show up for the costume contest last night. I am extremely sorry to everyone.
    that just means you have to make it up to me by entering my next contest in august!
  10. dont make me go over there and plan a jail break comrade :P
  11. can't wait to see who wins a doll tonite at the "dress ur badge" contest!
  12. i cant wait to see who wins a doll tonite at the "dress ur badge" contest!
  13. i might be convinced to join you
  14. laughs so hard she dies ... dead layla=no more dolls
  15. The owner is letting her stay with layla so they can throw a slumber party!
    No boys allowed!
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    This doll is looking for a home

  16. HAPPY BDAY!!! tosses candy in the air
  17. yea I'm attempting to make an awesome doll for myself.. we will have to see how it turns out :P
  18. >.> oh the pressure! what if i fail at it!
  19. Yeah! they made it! and that's a cute pic