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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    2. Character Transfer Service (from one server to another) - we are closer than we have ever been with this. I hope we see it around I8.

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    What about purchasing additional character slots on a server?

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    Ooooo, yes please! I'd love more slots on Champion.
  2. LadyMer

    Questions Only

    Where do you think you are?
  3. LadyMer

    Questions Only

    Why do you say that?
  4. LadyMer

    Questions Only

    Who is Leroy Jenkins, anyway?
  5. LadyMer

    Issue 12 is out!

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    I didn't say they deliberately favored certain servers over others. I suggested that they could have tried to balance the selections between the servers so that everyone that plays the game had an equal shot.

    And, with the politest of respect, given the relative size and artistic quality of the cameo drawings and - again with all respect - the variety of costume choices, I highly doubt that a hero character's appearance had much to do with these selections.

    If so, frankly, I'm concerned about the artist's taste. Earlier appearances of player characters, yeah, that probably had something to do with it, but these...

    ...can't buy that.

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    Actually, if I recall correctly, the selection for this contest was random- basically names out of a hat. It seems the fairest way to do it.
  6. LadyMer

    Issue 12 is out!

    Sweet, number 12! I guess they needed someone to rez the fallen...
  7. LadyMer

    Ten Tracks

    Because I'm bored, another 10!

    Hmmm.... seems like iTunes is in a soundtrack raiding mood.

    1. One Day More- Les Miserables soundtrack
    2. End Title (Dying Station)- Babylon 5:Sleeping in Light soundtrack
    3. Pirate Ninjas from Dino Island- Tom Smith
    4. Hungry Eyes- Eric Carmen (Dirty Dancing soundtrack)
    5. Grandfather- Stephen Lynch
    6. Underground- David Bowie (Labyrinth soundtrack)
    7. Carolan's Farewell to Music- Turlough O'Carolan
    8. The Seven Deadly Virtues- Camelot soundtrack
    9. To Life- Shoggoth on the Roof soundtrack
    10. The Flying Dutchman: Overture- Wagner

    Bonus 5!
    11. Me and Bobby McGee- Janis Joplin
    12. And We Danced- The Hooters
    13. Walk through the Fire- Buffy the Vampire: Once More with Feeling soundtrack
    14. The Lady of Shallot- Loreena McKennit
    15. With Cat-like Tread- Pirates of Penzance soundtrack
  8. LadyMer

    Ten Tracks

    1. Rocket Ride- Tom Smith
    2. Thunder Road- Bruce Springsteen
    3. Tai Kwan Leap/ Boot to the Head- The Frantics
    4. River- Bill Staines
    5. Episode 1- Weird Al Yankovic
    6. Paradise by the Dashboard Light- Meat Loaf
    7. Bells are Ringing- They Might be Giants
    8. Cartoon Heros- Aqua
    9. Even the Losers- Tom Petty
    10. The Highwayman- Danny Doyle

    I've got a fairly eclectic taste in music, I admit it.
  9. LadyMer


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    Some people just don't realize that defenders are not happy that more and more people are saying "We need a healer."

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    That is the most annoying thing I hear over and over again. The fact that some people think:


    really burns me up. As I'm sure it does for everyone else who doesn't play an empath.

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    And more than a few of us who play empaths. I hate, hate, HATE people who call me a healer. I'm an empathy defender, darn it, and I do more than make green numbers appear overhead.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    SO What do the FHAPs get to wear?

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    Well, hmm.... Red, Blue, Purple, Black, and Grey are out.... so is yellow... guess that just leaves HOT PINK.

    Excellent idea, guys. Hot pink costumes, that'll make it REALLY easy to find you if you need a rez.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    ok just wondering how do you pronounce Tsoo?

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    It's pronounced Throat Warbler Mangrove