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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I am still in game, but...

    I'm also writing like crazy, and often enough notice that it's like 2 in the morning by the time I'm done.

    >_> only other games I'm playing are fear and hl2, shortly portal2, so ... get back to it.
    so busy i had to give your Last Chance with Kult spot away! :P
  2. Whoop! 8pm EST!

    Last Chance with Kult will be whupsicating the ITF! Cimmy will never be the same! oh wait ..it probably will be the same!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post

    That instead of thinking "how can I better my rep?" we'll start thinking "how can I help out?"

    But the fact remains, we're in this together.

    Of course, some will disagree with my comments here, while others will go the "yes, but..." route.
    My rep is always set to SEXAY! so I have no worries! :P

    I know I was spoiled I had my SG and really kept to myself and them a lot and just stayed quiet in JS cause I was afraid to jump in and Im random sometimes so its hard for me to commit cause Id feel bad the first time I slept through it lol.

    anyways ... I would love to be part of the solution

    I loves protector and I loves the people on it.


  4. Kult666


    Grey - yeah making a "classlessness" is defo the feel - after you 'drink from the well' you're this now all best are off on what skills / powers I like the story behind that (and the mechanics arent bad either)

    Kult is the only one I want to go all out with. But Id at least like to get a couple more up to where is possible. If I want to switch up who Im using I might as well put some shards to use .

    Dev - yay ! glad you like it!

    Kor- shhhhh dont mention the bribe! You'll like it til I institute a dress code!!!

    Ura - licks are ALWAYS a bribe component ! lol
  5. Other than my sloppy leadership skills when it came to the Kill X missions we rocked it pretty good. I remember that being a much longer TF. Has it been changed?
  6. Kult666


    Work is slow and finals are cooking my brain.
    SO I am taking over protector forums! Pew pew pew!

    Since there should be something game related .. I really like some of the new stuff with incarnates. I feel Im back to building something and Im excited for the new stuff..

    and some of the people I've been teaming with lately have been fun (I seem to have regulars for Last Chance with Kult)

    I dont think I'm ever gonna get sick of CoH

    I <3 it muchly.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Myotis View Post
    Hey guys!
    So, get this, I finally got my Toshiba Qosmio gaming laptop, so I shall be installing CoH and CoV again! I hope to see you guys again and I hope everything is fine!

    As for that, nothing new! Just glad to FINALLY be back! lol Oh and wish me luck! I got a lot of hours to go before this thing actually finishes downloading the Issues!
    whoop! I like myo on my chicken sammich! welcome back !
  8. come back wolfieeeeeeeee !
    playing alone is no fun... unless its Plants V. Zombies

    also hi!

    studying,going out to movies, sex, drinking, clubbing, reading. These things keep me out of the game, but still on lots.

  9. Its monday whoop whoop!

    There doesnt seem to be much enthusiasm for this weeks target.

    But I'll still give it a go if there's interest. If not, I wont be heartbroken

  10. I think 49 deaths on Apex is perfectly acceptable

    we could have had a lot more in the sewers.

    no matter how many deaths...was lots of fun!
  11. Mean Monday!
    that means Last Chance with Kult!

    Its Apex TF! whoop!

    I'd really like to form a team that can beat battle maiden in under 15 min

    (derp! edit) 8pm EST!

  12. Monday!

    Last Chance with Kult!!

    Whoop! 8pm in Independence Port!

  13. happy birthday ! *licks*

  14. Whoops! It wasn't repeated?! Yes thank you stale! I hope everyone had a good time

  15. Last Chance with Kult!

    Tonight! 8pm EST! Lady Grey TF!

    I'll be in AP at 7pm giving away inf or something!

  16. It went well and assembled a team fairly quickly... that said it was very "hey who wants to team" scambletastic ...it seems like I need a little extra kick for the event.

    That said... tonight is Monday!

    Last Chance with Kult! 8pm EST - Founders Falls !

  17. *valentines day licks for all*

  18. Its Mean Monday!

    I'm playing mop up on the Weekly Strike Target! Before it rolls over tomorrow, I'm assembling a team to take it on one last time!

    Also I <3 exclamation points!

    This week its the STF!

    Where? - Independence Port!
    Time? 8pm EST!
    Who? ME!

  19. Kult666

    Clear Mondays

    Ohh and the trials reset on tuesdays!

    Mean Mondays featuring Last Chance w/ Kult !

    good idea Ice ! *double licks*

    hehe I like doing a meanie of the week ! *hampster wheel in brain starts movin'

  20. Kult666

    Clear Mondays

    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Meanie Mondays? Sounds fun!
    I hope I just need to plan something fun and sustainable. Gears are turning

  21. Kult666

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    I haven't RtR in awhile! Maybeee there will be a kultyface there wednesday!

  22. Kult666

    Clear Mondays

    Looking on the calendar it looks like nothing is going on Mondays. Does anyone know if there is something and its just not listed?

    Maybe I'll develop something and see if it sticks.

  23. gratz on getting these! I flipped back over to blue side so I couldnt have gotten them even if I was logged in (i need to look at the forums on weekends more often)

    Someday i'll get these *shakes fist* lol .

  24. yes MOAR badges Stale!

    *hugs Mr Grey back*
