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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    Great how am I going to get rid of this vision of a Kheldian in go-go boots dancing out of my head now?
    Good luck all.

  2. Whoop! 8pm! (eastern)

    Moonfire-A-Go-Go !

  3. *birthday bites*

    hope you are enjoying !

  4. Are you going to always shoot for a certain Tuesday -- Like "last Tuesday of the month" ?

    For some reason the idea of the 'big game hunters' popped into my mind. Bunch of people sitting around a lodge.. "Well old bean I took down the mighty Jurassik on the Serengeti last week!" Keeping score of what got taken down. LOL

    I'm strange and haven't had any coffee yet...

  5. Whoop!!

    Mean Monday!

    I'll be in Ip for the first respec trial! Last Chance With Kult!

  6. *hugs you soooooooooooo tightly*
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MoonRoach View Post
    I'll try to be there today, been a week or two since I did a WST, but currently my power is down at home due to the storms

    Hopefully it'll be back up by the time I get off work...
    hopefully the power stays on so we can get some Last Chance With Kult on! Less than an hour away! WHOOP!
  8. happy birthday! *hugs and licks*

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    I won't be able to make it this time. My desktop isn't working right, not sure if it's the mobo, the chip, or the video card, but my laptop can't handle too much gaming, and the keyboard I have has a broken (you should hear it) space bar. :/ no jumping for me.

    I hope you guys have a good time though!
    sorry you couldnt make it Zek! *hugs* hopefully you can get back up and running soon!

  10. its monday! Whoop!

    See ppl in IP around 8pm EST!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    AFAIK, you don't have to qualify for all the badges in the same run.

    The big stinker for GKES is those damn wall guns.

    If everyone forgoes qualification for the badge for NOT clicking the glowies that are shutting them down, GKES becomes more doable. You still need timing though. It'd REALLY suck to get one of the AVs rezzing at full HP because you didn't keep the HP beating coordinated.
    Yeah the new style stuff its not all in one run. I have about 50% of the BAF badges and just 1 of the Lambada ones. It appears by not clicking on the glowies in BAF you get better loot so that was the route that was taken and then AVs brought together.

    It was my 1st and 2nd time doing back to back and everyone else seemed to know what was going on so I was a little lost and just going with it. (they sent some people to a chokepoint and I had no idea lol but I stuck by a door and kicked butt)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    That was an epic, intense, heroic battle. Nearly 20 minutes of 16 characters working together as a team, supporting each other, and everyone putting their entire attention toward one goal. That fight could have been the climax of a movie.

    It was awesome, and that was a badge we EARNED.
    have not attempted a Mo for either finally got on a BAF and they were decidedly not Mo (keep em separated seems like a badge that is going to be hard to get)
  13. Mean Monday!

    Its gonna be the ITF tonight! 8pm EST WHOOP!!!

  14. I have been doing Lambadas like crazy! I need to do some BAFs!

    but not tonight since its Last Chance With Kult. Whoop whoop!

    it soo many lams this weekend I think 4 yesterday. Everyone was happy with my holds and one guy kept flirting with me! lol =)

    Oh and I did the new TF in IP -- it was pretty fun but we didnt do the optional stuff. I suppose theres more badges in there for me!!! *drools*

  15. glad to hear you are on the recovery road! Drive faster!

    *hugs and licks*

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    But Mental didn't. I had to neglect the rest of the team to do it, but Mental didn't, for the whole TF!!!

    But Taalan didn't die that much. I died twice, I think Taalan died 3 times(?) And the total for the TF was 9 deaths.
    2 deaths were mine .. I got rezzed ...stunned and rekilled - might have died one more time too
  17. Mean Monday!

    Last Chance with Kult - 8pm EST!

    ZOMG Manticore!

    be there!

  18. Hahah <3 it. I thought this was hilarious! +1 for whoever thought it up!

  19. tyty for all the birthday wishes! I <3 you all! *licks*

  20. sooner ! happy birthday!!! *licks*

    sooner has one of the bestest bdays EVAR
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    And a nice handful of badges, too. It did end up being a master run, didn't it?
    yup master run! we kicked booty!

  22. Tin Mage tonight at 8pm est!!

  23. This is a great idea! Xfer all your characters over here and build PvP up! It will be great to bump our population a bit!

    ohhh this isn't an event on Protector?

    Please do it! Join us! We're friendly!
