702 -
I think they could tune it more. Maybe have Defiance kick in quite well at around 50%, and then max out at 10%... At least you have a chance to achieve something.
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This for me would be the ideal way, and probably the easiest to implement for the devs...a re-tuning so to speak.
Though I'm still not sure about the Blaster AT.. I don't know any other AT with a secondary anywhere near as overpowered as a blaster. How is hitting something with super-energized/flaming/etc fists considered blasting?
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I was thinking about this earlier in regards to toggle dropping - why should the melee damage be the best - because of the risk - but why should we have melee damage at all - only thing i can think of as an explanation is that you're actually using blasts close up, putting all the power into the fists instead of expending energy to give it velocity - hence the damage is better.
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Well i'm guessing the lack of replies to my post means you don't want either.
Anyway, I don't know who proposed limiting trollers holds, the idea is pretty silly imo. The holds themselves are not overpowered.
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Hold themselves aren't overpowered. Although since ED i've noticed the duration is a bit silly. It's the fact they detoggle all toggles when applied.
Stacking holds will overcome any resistances but once hit, all toggles drop. Why should this be the case. Trolls/Doms have access to so many holds that multi-stacking is easy. Taking acrobatics seems pointless unless taking it for the knockback resist - which does work against pretty much everything but power push. Surely there should only be a chance to drop toggles once held. The blaster risk is they have to get close - the controllers risk is...erm...none. So the damage isn't great, but they aren't a damage class - but held long enough (without breakfrees it's easily achieved) and it can be done.
p.s. not specifically replying to you Hammerfall apart from my first paragraph. -
Do you want a lvl 50 or is lower ok?
I have a level 50 nrg/nrg, though she needs a respec and a sonic/elec which is 36.5. See sig. -
Subsitute head with stomach and you pretty much have the premise for the films really.
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That would be chest, not stomach.
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Good job i'm not an MD! -
It was.
It's not the melee toggle dropping power that was the problem.
As my pb at lvl 30(37 actual) i have no mezz resist.(roll on 38). It's the holds that dropped the toggles...ALL of them..ALL the time. Any toon without a mezz resist toggle, but perhaps other resistance/defense toggles will have them ALL dropped when the hold hits. Is that not comparable, in fact better than a blaster having a chance to drop toggles?
I'm not suggesting blaster should have a damage increase to their melee powers(they do quite enough damage), but if the melee powers are going to be nerfed then yes, the ranged powers should get a damage increase. They are currently NOT a ranged damage class.
You could have mezz resist if you took acrobatics/cj...same as blasters. -
Subsitute head with stomach and you pretty much have the premise for the films really.
Nobody can dislike Aliens
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Of course not.
Now figure out if that's sarcastic or not. -
Depends on whether you think referencing films is what defines a standard to which you slip from
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It's the freakin' Alien series, you philistine.
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Not the point i was making, but tbh, the best thing about the Alien series was Brian Glover.
The next best thing is Sandy Collora using them is his short film; Batman: Dead End.
Just not my cup of tea. I'll go even further and suggest Alien vs Predator was a more enjoyable watch! :P -
Losing the first sonic attack (the lowest damage one) is probably a good idea, but not until the later levels.
[...] and to be perfectly honest, you guys should retoggle when something important gets knocked off. The amount of Brutes and Scrappers I've killed because they don't retoggle is silly.
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Pretty difficult to retoggle when you're mezzed.
9 out of 10 times my mez protection toggle is [one of the toggles to be] dropped.
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That's the point. Holds drop ALL toggles and you can't do anything but pop a breakfree to get away. At least you have a chance with a blasters toggle droppers - plus the fact they are in melee range and you as a melee AT can hit back hard. Try getting back into melee range against a troll. -
Damage is good...good?! Damage is fantastic.
Its the highest single target attack attack in the game! (providing all 3 photons hit the same target!) -
Rolling a sonic/elec myself, hes gonna be pure team and more "Concept" than "Uber". However, looking through all the permutations, i need to decide on two out these four:
Charged Brawl
Havoc Punch
Lightning Clap
I was tempted by last two - im playing him inbetween blapper and blaster. I would have thought thunderstike better because of disorientate effect (stacking with the sonic disorientate) and its AoE. Thunderclap for similar reasons.
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You'll want all 3 melee attacks!!. Havoc Punch and Charged Brawl especially will up your dps.
Lightning clap i haven't tried yet. Heard it tends to more knockback than disorient. -
Fact is a good controller can overcome Mez protection in a matter of seconds, from range. That means you've no toggles AND you're locked down.
Other fact is, the blaster has to get in to melee and drop all your toggles, sometimes one by one,....
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Exactly. -
what about mind control then?
had thought about at that, but these are game mechanics - a hold is a hold is a hold - whatever the type doing it.
also, holds do have to overcome mez resistance. If I trot along with my tank in sirens, I cant remember losing a toggle to a dom before i was completely held cause he fired up domination. In this case he just overcomes my mez resistance, mezzes me and yes i lose my toggles.
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And the blaster also has to overcome ur defence to have a 'chance' of dropping toggles. Not automatically dropping all toggles. -
/Energy Blasters can solo melee AT's in close combat. That is the most important feature and bottom line of this argument. It seems fairly straightforward to me.
The chances of a Dominator having the time to stack the necessary amount of holds on any melee AT in a zone where 1v1's are statistically uncommon is small. It would take less time with Domination of course, but again rarely will you have the time to build this before you enter a fight. Yes, some of the Dom secondaries (if not all? i'm not sure) have toggle dropping powers, but even if they managed to hold a melee AT the mez won't last anywhere near long enough to solo all the health of a melee AT (unless you're fire secondary possibly, i'd like to see it).
In my opinion you can't compare the toggle dropping of a Dominator with the same ability and damage of a Blaster.
~Spoken from the viewpoint of an Ice/Energy Dom.
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Was in sirens with my pb and got held constantly by a dominator. Plant/Thorns.
The risk though that a blaster has to be able to 'solo' a melee AT is huge. For a melee AT, they are where they are supposed to be with the tools at their disposal to provide damage mitigation. Yes, blasters melee attacks can guarantee dropping one toggle, not all - which is what happens if held. And /regen only has to bother about the disorient part - i.e. pop a breakfree and pound away again.
The point being is that blasters risk to get into melee combat is far larger than other ATs - and every AT has the option to use a BF. Then those that can hold can hold the blaster, dropping any and all toggles they might have. Yes, they may not be able to do the damage, but that's not their AT description.
I'd be fine with toggle dropping chances being reduced on blasters melee attacks if they up the primary damage to fit the description of the AT. -
Nice made up word there Syn - might even make the dictionary some day! :P
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What's this, someone playing an MMO who didn't get an Alien reference? Tsk, tsk, standards are definitely slipping around here.
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Depends on whether you think referencing films is what defines a standard to which you slip from -
It doesn't have to overcome resistance - this just reduces the time the hold applies. It has to overcome defence, just as the blasters attack does. And only the first toggle is guaranteed to drop for a blasters attack. Not EVERY single toggle ALL the time.
Why should being held drop ur toggles? Yes, you can't use ur powers to attack, or do anything but stand still. But your mind is still free to keep those defenses up. Being disorientated should drop toggles as you can't 'think' to keep ur defenses up. -
Oops. Typo. Must have been musing about my pb at the back of my mind at the time i wrote this. Meant dreadful wail!
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We'll have none of this xenomorphic chatter on the Blaster board.
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Nice made up word there Syn - might even make the dictionary some day! :P
Took about 10 year before ginormous made it in, but the rate at which new words are taken up nowadays, you might not have to wait that long. -
What gets me about this thread is that toggle dropping isn't just the domain of blaster secondaries.
Was in sirens last night and my toggles were constantly dropped by dominators using holds.
Now yes, there is mez protection to help against this, but if you're going to nerf blasters who can drop 1 toggle at 100% then a decreasing chance of dropping more, how about we nerf all holds to the same?
Seems to me blasters get picked on a little much when there are other ATs that could do with a thwacking of the nerf bat instead - especially as blasters have already been nerfed - damage kings - hardly. -
i would pay good hard cash to see someone one shot my empath
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Meet you in the Arena then. I'll bring along kronos x and the little things called photon seekers! -
dawn strike
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What the hell are you talking about?Dawn Strike is the Tier 9 (SL 32) PB Nova.
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Oops. Typo. Must have been musing about my pb at the back of my mind at the time i wrote this. Meant dreadful wail! -
Jumanjimon has a sonic energy at around 37/8. Would be a good bet to discuss the synergy aspect.
Me, i went for sonic/electric, currently at 36 and have an nrg/nrg.
Anyway, to answer your question.
Sonic teamed with energy is certainly good. You get a shed load of stuns with energy secondary and one of the best primary blaster attacks in Screech (ranged disorient!)
Energy secondary also has powerboost (not sure if this boosts the -res) and boost range will be handy as sonic attack doesn't have a snipe and seems quite short range.
There is an AoE sleep, which whilst handy for soloing i'm sure, is just not worth it for anything else if you ask me.
Basically sonic/energy is built for a blapper build. There are the 3 primary single target attacks, dawn strike and screech. Personally i'm going to respec out of the lowest damage single target attack, but it's good to have when starting out. Nice quick recharge.
I also prefer dawn strike to the nrg nova. It has 3 hits, each one doing a -res, so the damage increases with each hit - there is no knockback and the secondary effect is disorient - no more annoying tanks/scrappers!
In fact the sonic attacks are quite low endurance cost and reasonably quick recharge also.
Go roll one...have fun!Just stay away from the aoes.
Another point to note is that photon seekers are quite good in pvp, certainly better than dawn strike.
Go 1 shot a squishy! -
You definitely want both Danger Sense and Ninja Reflexes.
When teaming, if you don't have Danger Sense, you'll notice if you don't manage to get in and AS quick enough, or someone draws ranged aggro, you'll take a hit and won't be hidden any more. Same goes for PvP and any ranged AoEs that happen to come your way.
NR obviously helps when in melee.
3 def and 1 or 2 end rdx in each.
And how you can't notice the difference when they're not running i'll never know unless you don't have any slots. Not slotting means you will get hit...alot.