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  1. I agree that it's annoying, and I've seen it quite a bit recently. Tho...I can't say that I've seen it now more than I have in the past. It's come to the point where if I walk up to a group of 3 baddies, I expect at least one to bolt.

    On the lighter side...sometimes it's very funny. It amuses me greatly to walk up to a group of trolls in Skyway and have one shout "For Grendal!" - then immediately tuck his tail and run like a scalded dog.
  2. Here's an idea for the devs...

    All the stuff everyone's whining about? Give it to them. Even if it's broken. Then maybe they'll understand what your reasoning behind it was.

    But, then again, that'll flood the boards with things such as "ZOMG fix my ice brute's broken fury bar!" and "ZOMG kin MMs are just SICK in PvP!" ... and let's not forget the "ZOMG Ill/ doms can't build domination on 4 powers alone!"

    Sorry, peeps...that was my random rant for being sick and tired of reading 67 pages of (more or less) complaining.

    On a different, more on topic, note - I'm excited to see how these new sets will play out. I'm very curious to see what the Stalker Elec Assassin Strike will be like, and also very curious as to how the new Mental Manipulation for blasters will be handled. And fire scrappers? While I'm skeptical on them, I'm also very anxious to roll one up and see how they work. I'll also prolly roll up an elec dom...heck, anything with a new elec I'll prolly check into, since I'm rather biased towards it anyway.

    All in all, I think this is a good start. Especially if more powerset porting is on the way.

    And now that I've put in my .02, I'll go back into lurking. :P
  3. Ok, first of all...

    *ZOMG Faints*

    *Comes to*

    Okay, now that I've gotten that outta the way...

    My guesses for the blaster secondary...psy assault (which was mentioned and makes sense...already exists in a form for doms) to go along with the psy primary that's been confirmed...but other possibilities...maybe a combination of both DMs? Or maybe even Sonic??

    And am I the only one that's in a state of *squee* over the fact that there's now going to be a hospital in the Hollows?? No more running back from AP on those lowbie toons. Yay!

    And being able to look at my contact list without scratching my head wondering whether or not I've outleveled them is gonna be chalk full of awesome.

    Oh yeah...and one more thing...

    /signs every petition made thusfar requesting additional character slots.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Gratz to my bro Scott Wild, even though the punk didn't even tell me he was close so I could be there for it :P

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Scott's gone wild!! Gratz bro.
  5. A couple of big congrats to my fellow Night Walkers...

    Bundle - a claws/regen scrapper - his 2nd 50! (and it's about time he stopped loitering around at lvl 48... )

    Claws and Effect - another claws/regen scrapper - his FIRST 50!! So extra grats, bro.

    Gratz, Yayz and Woots to both of you guys!
  6. SG/VG Name: Night Walkers

    Public relations: Website under construction - will be at when it's finished.

    Peak teaming hours: weekends, late/overnights (after 7pm EST)

    Amount of PvP: Low, but we do have some members who do it fairly regularly

    Amount of Powerleveling: Up to the individual player - we don't endorse nor condemn it.

    Amount of Drama: Zip, zilch, zero

    Size of Base: 9 rooms, telepads to almost all zones, rez capabilities, salvage/insp/enhancement storage, invention worktables, supercomputer, etc. etc.

    Requirements: Our only major rule is that you be laid back and be cool to the other players. We're all just here to have a good time. First promotion comes at 10k prestige or 30 days membership, then beyond that it's based on merit. We also ask that you play in SG mode whenever you're able. Members inactive for more than 30 days are kicked without notice unless they have made prior arrangements for their extended absence.

    Other: We are most definitely alt-o-holics. We're also very team based and love running a good TF. Sense of humor in members is a plus!

    Guild Description: Sleep well, good city. We walk the night in search of that which plagues you.

    Leader or Recruiting Officers: Bundle, Claws and Effect, Joe Shadow, Kresnik 02

    Voice chat: none at this time - working on setting up Ventrillo

    Preferred Method of contact: ingame emails to any of the recruiting officers or tells to @Bundle, @Claws and Effect, or @Kresnik 02
  7. * Supergroup Name: NightWalkers

    * Website (if any): None, as of right now

    * Leader or Recruiting Officers: Gomslaw of the Moss, Bundle, Kresnik 02, Claws and Effect, Schattenjager, Blue Samurai

    * Preferred Method of contact: Send an ingame email to any of the recruiting officers or a tell whenever one is online.

    * Guild Description: We're looking for active, prestige earning members, and we have a special interest in those players that are on during the "odd hours," such as overnights. Those inactive for 50 days or longer will get kicked unless there's a *really* good reason why you haven't been playing. Our SG is motivated towards helping our fellow members, and we welcome just about anyone. We live by some pretty simple rules: respect your fellow SG members and receive that respect in return. No flaming or harrassment is tolerated in any way, shape or form. Our goal is to keep it friendly, and have a fun time in game. We've also just recently built the Arcane Crucible. So, if this sounds like your kind of SG...give us a jingle!