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  1. Well...we gave it a trial go last night, and it went better than expected to be sure.

    The main deaths we had were at the green mitos. Seems we had a good system down there for the second run (taunt the mito and hammer it with holds until it dies) until a untimely death with just a couple mitos left derailed it.

    The rest of the TF was pretty easy, at least with the teams last night. Both were PuG's and both had extremely talented players, so this can definately be done.

    Looking forward to this evening for sure, one way or the other Hami is going down
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    I would rather have a root canal with a Black and Decker power drill then seek this badge.
    ..but i am sure you will try for it though (its the completeness complusion that guides us badgers )
  3. I named my widow Ghost Widow X..sister to Ghost Widow with a backstory on how she is the sister seeking to usurp the original
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    I go away for a weekend, and people just go nuts with the LGTF.

    Grats to Beef on this. I could sign up for this, although my time for the next few weeks will be somewhat restricted. I definitely can't make this Tuesday (Tu and Th are verboten for evening runs). Fri/Sat would be better in general, and Fri evening ~9-10pm Eastern would be best for me.

    Try hooking up with E-Man and the Horde on this? We're all Master addicts here, so that'd be a good pool to sign up with.

    GL on organizing this run, Kotchie.
    If I dont get enough bites, I will just try with PuG's (LOL i know) but I have gotten all the other Mo's that way. Although I would prefer to run somewhat organized
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    How do you plan on tackling the weakened Hamidon mission?
    From what i read/hear from patch notes, the green mitos can be held now, so it is possible to be defeated. Hopefully we can get 1 or 2 controller types, but i believe any challenge in the game can be overcome with the right players. If it doesn't happen the first time, just have to keep trying.
  6. I will still be running this the remainder of the week, starting at 2-3PM EST, going until I can't anymore (usually good for 3-4 runs), to help out those who were not on the team last night, those who could not make it, those who want it on more than one toon, or just anyone who wants to try it

    Any AT and build (within reason )are more than welcome

    On Friday 5/21, I will be playing late to help out anyone who can only play late. Start at 2-3PM EST and going until I cant get a team together anymore .
  7. sign me up Kotchie Stone/Stone Brute
  8. I have nevered played any stalker up to 50, and this combo seemed like it would be good in PvP (loldef), but dont really know what kind of build to make (will use 2nd build, 1st build is good for exemping down, and I like it for PvE) for RV
  9. I recently got a Spines/SR stalker to 50, and it was a ton of fun leveling, but now I am sort of a crossroad with what to do with him. I was thinking of going PvP spec, but need advice on what a good build with IO's would be that wouldn't get hit to hard with DR in RV (I know i know lol def). If anyone has any help it woudl be appreciated
  10. I would like to sign up if you have room 50 stone/stone, Kotchie
  11. I used a Carnie illusionist (Lt level). I just cleared out everything around her, drop my mez protection, and was virtually perma-held, with no incoming damage to worry about. Got all of the held badges that way.
  12. Kotchie - Stone/Stone Brute - Main Toon
    Sound X. - Sonic/Sonic Corruptor
    Ian Somnia - Mind/Psi Dominator
    Ghel-gath - Ice/Kin Corruptor
    Ghost Widow X - Fortunata
    Legion' - Necro/Poison Mastermind
    Kotchie's Anger - Willlpower/Superstrength Tanker
    Heather Healgood - Empathy/Elec Defender
    Hurricane Chiller - Ice/Storm Controller
    Kotchie's Pain - Fire/Pain Corruptor
  13. While everyone is entitled to their opinion...

    1. Sonic Cage is a FANTASTIC power..both PvE and PvP...in PvE you can take out a boss in a group that you normally couldnt handle with all the Lt's and minions surrounding..i.e...cage the boss, stun the Lt's and make quick work of the minions, then deal with the the hard stuff...In PvP (pre-nerf) you could pretty much keep the anyone out of a fight that was causaing your team/side to lose..it is a great power and I feel should not be shoved off so easily.

    2. Clarity..1 ACC!!! are you kidding?..it doesnt accept acc first off and second with enough rech you can stack enough so that when someone is in rest they can still move around...not very useful I will give you that..but it is a VERY useful power and deserving of more than 1 slot.

    3. You put 3 End Red in Sonic Repulsion..waste of slots imo (its also a power pick waste imo as well) 1 maybe 2..but slots are DEFINITELY better spent elsewhere (like Clairity )

    Overall with proper planning /sonic can be a POWERHOUSE... with the Patron Shield (Mako), Sonic Dispersion, IO's and a few little tweaks