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  1. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    [ QUOTE ]
    And what's the usual time? I I have been online a lot lately and I haven't received any tell. Have you forgotten about me?

    I was one of the firsts in posting here with global and all...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No i havent forgotten about you or anyone else who posted on this thread - i did however get a lot of tells in game as well as replies on this thread...and im working my way thro people.

    We have only actually done this SF 4 times since last Friday so its not as if we are doing it every night...

    There is no "set time" or as i mentioned planned runs as such - if i have the time and i can build a team that i think stands a chance then i will do it. If i can only make a team out of predominantly melee chars then unfortunately im not going to...
  2. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    there are a few of you who have posted here but havent left your globals so either post them here or send me a tell ingame pls
  3. and a Massive gratz from me! now when are you coming back to the dark side?
  4. yup - im planning on a run tonight - i wont be online tho until just after 7.30pm - so i guess we are looking at an 8pm start.

    Im pretty sure we have a full team, but wont know for sure till i get online and see who has turned up...
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    I could have a problem with that because my computer is on the living room, and it could be a problem talking to you and annoying my family lol.

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    You wont need to talk just so long as you can listen in to us giving instructions etc. So headphones might be required unless your family wanna listen to me rambling

    Check out and download skype at
    Its basically an online telephony program - you need to dl it which takes a couple of minutes - register (you will need an email address to register - yahoo mail or hotmail will suffice) a name (ficticious will do) and password and then we can add you to our conference call. As above you dont need a microphone to talk so long as you can listen...
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Think I have been on a few LRSF with you Electro Liz and London before, so am not clueless when it comes to them, if that helps.
    p.s:- are shivans/nukes required?

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    We only do it now to get people the MLRSF badge and so we set parameters to no deaths and no temps - so no shivans/nukes can be used.

    The only thing you will need is Skype
  7. Kisana

    Mistress of LRSF

    [ QUOTE ]
    Er yes a huge thanks to kiss inviting me to the team, less than 10 mins after i came back to the game. sorry 2 the team for the time it took me 2 re enhance and well work off some of the rust

    Well done all great buffing and leadership. couldnt have done it without you kiss hun

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    Thanks Liz but i only organised it We were stood in GV stone bruteless and you appeared as if by magic we knew then that we had it in the bag so to speak

    With an awesome team behind you its a piece of cake - when you think about it you just aint gotta die and so eliminate
    the risk of dying and its sorted - i knew the Risk Management course i went on would come in handy one day!
  8. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    We've managed to complete this now twice and so will regularly be running it if and when enough people are interested - so if your name is on this list or the one that Liz started then we will be in touch.

    We dont seem to plan them as such we just decide if we have enough players and the time to give it a shot and then we build a team to do it...
  9. It doesnt matter what powersets you are just so long as you are level 50 and want the badge on a char

    As far as i am concerned i will only be running with a full team of 50's.. im sorry if that seems harsh, but hey ho..
  10. great job and a good time too - Gratz
  11. Kisana

    Mistress of LRSF

    [ QUOTE ]
    (We should have a PvP matchs betweent the two teams :P)

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    well the other 7 team members may take you up on that but well, im allergic to PvP
  12. Kisana

    Master of LRSF

    It can be done - we did it tonight on defiant, so keep at it!
  13. Kisana

    Mistress of LRSF

    TYVM - it was AWESOME
  14. WE DID IT

    MASSIVE thanks to the team tonight on an awesome first run of the LRSF - The badge is lovely

    Miss Useful
    Dr Zweistein
    Dark Figment
    Soul Finder
    Thief Of Time
    Snow Sprite

    First ever LRSF for Snow - so well done you!

    And a MASSIVE welcome back to the game for Liz (Miss Useful) - she hadnt been back in the game 2 minutes when i grabbed her for the team.

    THANKS everyone - you were all awesome
  15. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a L50 Thermal and am available at 20:00 on Thursday. Name of the toon is Sulfur.

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    great! make sure you have Skype and access to lucks pls. Hopefully no-one else on the team has promised the place to anyone - but i guess we will find out later.

    One of the drawbacks of this is letting people down , but there will be plenty more opportunities.
  16. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    Thanks Shock and thanks to those who expressed an interest in this.

    Ive got the first team sorted for Thursday at 8pm but im a corruptor short - im kinda being fussy here cos im holding out for a thermal or a rad.

    If needs be i can play my thermal or rad so if you have a 50 corr and fancy a crack at this then lemme know.

    This is only the first run probably of a few till we Master it, so if you didnt get on this team there will be others.

    Thanks again
  17. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    [ QUOTE ]

    Im willing though I hope you have a stone brute in mind. I know of one that was wanting to try it at some stage.

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    Nice one! Of course a Stone Brute would be great but i cant always rely on having one readily available so thats when Plan B, C and D come into play

    As to when: i'm on most nights - if i can get a team of 8 who stand half a chance ill give it a whirl.
  18. Kisana

    Master Of LRSF

    I must be mad... cos im thinking it may be time for me to give this a shot or 33

    Im not "too" fussed about powersets, although there are 1 or 2 i wouldnt leave home without!

    I REALLY dont wanna be typing so voice communication is a must. SKYPE is easily available, "relatively" reliable and downloads in a few minutes. It doesnt matter if you cant or dont wanna talk, just so long as you can listen in... I find co-ordinated retreats so much easier when you can shout "Run Away!"

    Stick your details below including powersets and global or contact me ingame: @ Kiss Of Death

    No pressure: - Prizes each run for the first to die
  19. Gratz Muddy

    Phew - spent all my lunch hour just congratulating Smurfs