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  1. Sounds like a pretty good arrangement. Giving everyone tells would suck badly. The RMT spam would be horrible.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    At the moment. There was recent mention that they will resurrect this in a manner suited to the new format. I think each person gets Paragon Points in the new system. I don't recall the details, but it's not active yet anyway. I'm sure there will be a hard-to-miss announcement at some point.
    Thanks for the reply.

    Does anyone know the answers to my other questions? How do I go about trading on several accounts in the most efficient manner?

    I am one of the crazy 88s, if that helps (TimeWellSpent) you understand what I am up to.
  3. Also, to trade on a non-VIP account, I need to both activate the toons and the market, right?

    How many paragon points would that be for 50 toons on one account?
  4. Before Freedom, I could let one of my accounts go inactive and the stuff I had in WW would still sell and be there when I came back (even after 180+ days once).

    Does Freedom affect this?

    What happens if I leave an account in "free" status for a year? WIll my auction items still be there when I go VIP again?

    Also, the "invite a friend back" thing is gone now, right?

    Is there a smarter way for me to do this? I have 100+ toons trading on seven accounts (I do a lot of multiboxing)