39 -
Quote:Very Nice Sentry! Thank's alot bro. Your the only person that actually didn't put their 2 cents in about fightclubbin or duelin, and what I mean by that is saying something dumb or stupid like half the other people like to do. You actually responded positively and helped me out with exactly what I need. I love the build. Can't wait to respec. Imma hit you up for other builds in the sentry... LOL| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA9D94D94E135118C7CFB485A11B6D81B276616D4B9781D EB94544D9290629128|
|D4B1DEA112634D3A61D8CDCF9005EE98557B844A3BE82F151 4C7C0B2E4DFD96D37A|
|E19D13F8FFE67CFDF6E974E7C54A4088974B42EBBF55335BA D4AB9DA341B0DD9D46|
|F9BCE69D3ACF96F9E4D2E1FB6EAB55347EA428878C7A1B223 6B521ADB962D1DAB5A|
|59761CB37AF2F7D315F94CDA2D69ECC92369CBA6E958753BB 2691FCBA6B41DA3731|
|3D8ADD76BC69AE5D8B2D5F2D1A1DC90F26950D98F8E1DCB3E 62AF92341B7048AC36|
|ACAA5176CCDA099429C9E796E91C9B7665C76C39B279360A3 DCEC3FFBD885057BB4|
|7CCB885280A57863147F0A419D7C0C5E316BD39171E577046 4D851D6868EABD4BE8|
|BBC3D802A4856F92A27D31C2FD880A82288D8B0566195CAC3 FC5E09A616E64156AB|
|939CAE3DEA3ECE13261609F9120BF21AEB506EE3DDC9AABE7 2D753BF49A30FC86F0|
|00BAD05517FA3B328D7E228CBF677C20C43E1266CF0183621 D42BCAA0B2F8F138B1|
|3125C3E91647017BDE0EEE72E84BF0D97D0C112542B0B4E91 539E7DF39C2ECF790A|
|9CA7701D7CE36203A2426A9A106F38CD1BCEF20EA6C1819F6 15B8BE40439306674E|
|C9B5B182C90A90F4C51952DCABB19E6DD8CF26E36C16144B5 3D92A7980A641F53EB|
|1AFB46A6A92F5CE02B61B6C87B3208E945C216249AE028D70 4EFA9C0F32DF07C9A8|
|EE371A5382DE809144AAA42C91465994C33328C79C25496C1 DF0E37E49956234D67|
|69253306A3402881C39C4A3B1725536A9B4253EB8C0D42314 29F1507083FC196515|
|1993C159C2F3016189F69F82CAF22CBABB8801F899C1A2AC7 4FE1172432D4228C25|
|0A5DB8C158E60700FD2DF200DA22F757FC8DBF2022E6E9BE9 BF0872B2AFD63D9F57|
|45F29A19125E9E9BE9A6D6FB8FBEAFCEFF53DD049E7DDF381 EEA3EC82680778F710|
|E5111E1FE39D89778728553CB67F043A0D872E615F9751AEA 05C4589427FE2157AE|
|A7E103F4A002588D28F124209A30CA28CA39CA3B4FF00E2FB FD84|
I'll explain the build if you're interested why i did what. To put it very quickly, this is the damage per time of each attack but also factoring in arcanatime. Which means when someone is standing still, like in fightclub and melee duels, you want to do as much damage in as little time as you can. These numbers are taken off mids without any enhancements, the animation times were taken from CoH, then i had to include arcanatime for each one individually.
Attack...Damage / animation time = DPS
Quick strike...81.7 / 0.924 = 88.4 DPS
Body blow...107.6 / 1.188 = 90.5 DPS
Smashing blow...103.3 / 1.32 = 78.3 DPS
Repulsing torrent...178.5 / 2.112 = 84.5 DPS
Burst...208 / 2.772 = 75 DPS
Focused burst...169 / 2.112 = 80 DPS
Concentrated strike...441.2 / 2.904 = 151 DPS
This means smashing blow and burst are bad, body blow is the 2nd best, quick strike is pretty good and CS is just plain OP in every single way. The build i provide uses focused burst rather than repulsing torrent because of 2 reasons. First, you want Apoc and devast IOs for their awesome regeneration and hp bonuses, and 2nd, the recharge is of focused burst is low enough that against colds or slows or whatever comes your way, you will still have a perfect attack chain. Just looking at it breifly it may be...CS/quick/body/quick/focused burst/quick/body/quick and restart. That should work, and i gave you sharks for ranged toons, but mostly for apoc and devast again.
The build has 794% regeneration, having three 16% (2 apoc and 1 soulbound), five 12% (3 numina and 2 devast), and finally five 10% (1 LotG, 1 shield wall, 3 panaceas). I assume you know the rule of 5 bonuses so i aimed for just about as much as i could without including 8% regen bonuses which would wreck your attacks. You have 67.4 hp/sec which is what most people have with DP on, but with DP on you jump to 79.9 hp/sec. Which is extremely good for a regen. I believe i've only seen 2 regens that have passed 80 hp/sec without sacraficing everything for it.
Your HP is 2048, some may see this as useless as you hit cap with DP, but it isn't always on. I usually beat regens once their DP drops, it's as if they are squishy again. Therefore with a very high HP, no matter what you are not squishy. Actually the most survivable regens i have ever seen had a lot of resistence and a lot of health, usually around 1900, and you instead have 2048. You also have 46.9 resistence to S/L (not DRed).
Recon has perfect heal/rech %s, DP is lacking a little tiny bit of recharge but your massive amount of hp makes up for that. IH is lacking a bit of recharge but you never use it twice against another regen, while MoG has a perfect recharge as well. Your end will be perfectly fine as you have low end consumption/high recovery/MoG for end. IMO your chance of hitting people will be fine too. There's Power siphon and other regens don't have defense anyway. That is obviously who you are currently losing to.
Your damage should be very good, since your attacks reflect the DPS i showed at the beginning.while having good Dmg %s and then procs accordingly. If you look at the top attacks and their DPS, you can see why Burst is a good set mule but horrible attack in a duel.
Also, most people think recharge is the only way to go, but in fact it isn't and the only reason i get recharge on a regen is for my damage and attacks. It doesn't matter if recon comes back 3-5 seconds earlier than normal if you have this much hp and regen. Let's say you have 55 hp/sec in zone with this, that means within 12 seconds you have healed as much as recon would but you didn't need to stop attacking or waste a single heal. Regen over recharge for dueling.
Even if you don't use this build, i've had a few friends who have been bugging me to build a km/regen for them, so i'll just direct them to this page. I would be surprised to see this KM/Regen build lose in a duel, not before KM gets nerfed anyway, hopefully it will.
I'm very tempted to take a slot from hasten and put another numina in integration to make you hit over 80 hp/sec, but as a regen and not having the best recharge in the world...you need it.
Good luck.
-Kib -
Anyone else? I mean seriously, this sucks. I see a lot of complaints from people about how upset they are with the activeness of PvP and so forth, and yet, I see all these new people trying it out, looking for advice, and nobody want's to help? No wonder why nobody wants to play. I mean seriously, i'm trying to learn, trying to get help, and it's like impossible? I might just go back to farming everyday.
Aww, I hope this isn't going to be one of those posts where there's 105 views but nobody posts anything ;-(
Hi Guys,
I've been playing this game for year's and I finally decided to dip into PvP. I've been hearing some great things about Kinetic Melee / Regeneration Scrappers, so i decided to roll one. I had no idea on how to build one, so someone gave me his build via mids hero designer. The build was extremely expensive, but after breaking down some old toons, selling purples, and doing tons and tons of farming, in addition to rolling rare salvage and selling on the market, I was finally able to make the build. Problem is, some of the same Archtypes are pwning me. I've noticed some people went with summon monster instead of water spout, and that seem's to be a great advantage to them. The guy that beat me told me he's getting way better regeneration and hit points then me. Some people told me that could already tell that I was slotted wrong in the heals and other area's of the build. I'm really really really new to this and i'm not sure how to correct the build. The build was crazy expensive but im willing to change it of course per advice from you guys, the experts. So please, post your build, change the IO's around, pick different powers....and do whatever you gotta do to help me out! Thanks a ton. Also, i'm more looking at this build for dueling or clubfighting.....whatever it's called..... more then arena, but if there is a build that would work for both, it would be greatly appreciated. If it's not to much trouble, and you guys do change the build, please post the changes via mids hero designer rather then saying to change 100 different things as that is confusing for me.
The following build I have now:
|78DA9D945B4F134114C767694B69E99552AE2D050AB4D0760 16FE16224C68202AD1|
|2302446A5AE752C1B9AA5693746DFFC003EF9A04FDEE2A730 3EF93DFC1A3E9A7AE6|
|FCA7F8E09B1BF8FF66E79C33E79CD999565F964342BCDE124 6E456D3EA746A47F5B|
|6D56AC9B6AF6A35ECBAF00B21D2BDB95A5536A534F76D47BA 76BD76D375ADFAD95F|
|6B593E974E479A87B2211DD9B65CFBDC89EF3AA7B22D1DD7E C0D4207E7E74D73C77|
|61DD9E904F9E5A825E533CC57A4D5B29D46583B354E5D7A9B DA6ED975F3C8B59A67|
|94A6225FD8967B6A39B5AAD57165FBD518D5B848FF0FE2423 F5D9FC87A845815DE3|
|946649E515A602CE7803CA3AC5A3474D40C4FF5A518FDD38C D5292003A419DB7E1D|
|24BA5EE39EC151FB8CFE0A63AE0ADC65EC90BB0749FA3CEFF BB8B4B78CB9778C7E7|
|2F0C141F8F2424D3DA476FC3A85FF237B0D7C023E33B25F80 AF8CDBE41BD0EE0154|
|1E441F41941C421F21F4314BEE837037060B9C300764C912D 6967089A722C01DB24|
|451A4378A1431A48821C518522C23859FDCE3BAE9F831EFC3 D00D425A0CED117262|
|801C12DA21815D19C6AE0C635746C82109074F32C92B8CFC5 627528CEC23E124C32|
|0BF51942C46BBF4080FCD8CEBA5C74D8E9C58020A8C3D7298 D4DB35895E52E82585|
|5E72E825875E6A719515A7245DE4E2A64A80092C336656194 B458E7A4251191D955|
|960CB740EC8038B882A003891A354DAACFE00B3380B59A042 9679583CF3D88F8561|
|200E0C314E286F5EE7CD5FE7B517D780756003656E025B9CF 727694147152EB1A57|
|819B8025C6594AE013F0809F18B7E3F4CBDF7264ED02E95B9 A20FF34A91BF57CA7B|
|7137E94F7DA1CA3F3307DE8B3B250C9EC9782FEE663710A32 B04EBFF3EDF42BDE50|
|28741D2FB4A0E488C63357AA4E4B17A3D51234BC953F55A57 A3EEF750AFE0E89AAA|
|6B5DC986924D2549AA4FBC519E7E75AF06958494849544944 495C49424944C28F9A|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
plz delete mods, posted in wrong section.
So i've heard Kinetic Melee/Regen for a Scrapper is quite amazing with great hit points. I'm thinking about rolling one of these, can anyone post a build via mids or send me one to prove how amazing it is? heheheheh :-]
-Kib -
Anyone.....? Someone......? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I'm looking to buy the Gladiator's Armor TP Protection 3% Defense to all and the Shield Wall as well. I play on the freedom server. My global name is: X-Treme Aggrovation. I want it delivered to freedom but am willing to send influence wherever.
-Kib -
Wow, great advice from everyone. Can people share some builds please ???
:-) -
I just rolled one of these bad boys too.......can't find to many builds for them on the forums either. Can someone please post me a build for farming, soft cap S/L and whatever else.
-Kib -
Quote:Awesome! Thanks.there was a good topic on this...
has useful info. if u dont find what u need, feel free to pm me. -
Hi Guys,
After playing this game for years, taking a break, coming back, doing TF's, iTF's, Farming.....and more Farming.....and more Farming.....I'm finally ready to try out PvP. I think with GR live now, alot more people have came back to the game and hopefully it will the increase the game level for PvE and PvP. I think it's finally time I jump into PvP. I have an old Spines/Regen Scrapper w/all the acolades that was my first original toon. I would like to make it into a PvPer. I have no idea how to build it. I l also have no idea what a "good build is". Alot of people are always like "use the search button". I have done that, and i've seen some builds, but if I've never played PvP, how am I suppose to know what a good build is and what a bad build is? Can anyone post me up a solid pvp build for a Spines/Regen Scrapper? I know some people might not want the world or devs or even other players to know their build, so if you would like to private message me with it....it'd be much appreciated!!!
P.S. - I'm not on a budget, I prefer expensive builds....as long as your getting the bang for the buck! -
Quote:Copy that. I've been searching the forums for a build, and I really can't find many...2-3...but there out dated. Can someone please post up a good solid build for my Fire/Fire Tanker that is going to be used for farming? TYVM.Most people use the fire mastery to farm with.
I dont use it on my fire/fire.
-Kib -
Hey guys,
I'm looking for a good build for my Fire/Fire Tanker. Mainly going to be used for farming AE missions and the BM farm. Can someone post up some good options please?
-Kib -
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Anyone here ever watch Jerry Springer? :-P
Hey Guys,
So I was searching the forums for this solid build that I applied to my lvl 50 SS/WP Brute. I load the build on Mids Hero Designer and start following it. Holy crap was it expensive! Damn! So after the build was complete, there were (2) IO's that I couldn't get because the BM didn't have them. I think one was Winters Gift and the other was the Gladiator's Armor which was going for 2 BiLL! Crazy. So after the build is complete, I run an AE Farm +2 x8 and after aggroing 2-3 mobs, I die. I'm guessing this wasn't a farming build? Let me know what you think please and maybe where it can be tweeked?
|78DA9D945B4F134114C767BB0BA5375A2EA55C4AB914684B6 569016F9868A248025|
|20369100348D3C0084D366DD3DD467DF3C5379F34D127E303 897E05039FC42BF173|
|28AEE73234F1D526FDFF76CE9C39E7CC99D92D3C5D0A0AF1F C96D00277ACB26D976|
|E379A8EF4DE2F3BCD46D9F22DC9F281EDD4AAD22B8418A4B9 52415A529AC5665D36|
|4A45A721AB87CE518CA796E46359B5A5B955B1AC7AED896C7 4AD548F24B838E6C54|
|370BD56B3CCE58A5395B61D5283C323A7523DF4D3A85897F2 80BDD664B90EF6D8DD|
|7A65DFE40CC55AD32A15CAB6231BCFFAA1A60CFCC735A17EA E21D21E21F2A23D4BE|
|89826F8A708DD29C267F4A4256E9B98D38518169E9846B849 303635F4338A84F60D|
|4252538B6095B60D48097F89D0B9C3D8258C3D62EC11BE80E A9CCBA3E72850C73C6|
|17481A34363DBD841B4A5059A2661E85599BC9C29C2997A39 68821326386182137A|
|60898F5709DF0BDAE83898026CF204B2143BF80FBCE010E2E 47A486D93373DC12D9|
|87D40D0C12FAC76119E2653C42474CF1052A05D9A460E5D8B 004317BDC754C4E07B|
|3E0908D1A352F5BC2553FF1B76784588BF267C078FA8A6935 FF4944C7D5C4B1F17D|
|8CF05F641BC18C7D362E7028F2D19A59918CC0CA8460C0CE9 68FA0A832175E24363|
|648A8F1246E38C04616C84905CD5B0A3DF30AA4A311CE1B67 08A0CE8883AA1915F5|
|4E4D46FC63921F587E13204853D6B5D55D733BE4CA6895542 6685F003A626558F26|
|B93953DC9C0C3727C38DDB07EFB44A9F3EA6939CFEC0F8C89 821BF4B39469E20615|
|556ADCACEF1CC3C6166817199718590BF4A3883AF83A9EE90 C9E731FB897142F809|
|5339E590E31B9ECF33F886C78DD6DB099F10AA6FCD68BD817 06929CCBAD17ABD84C|
|6B77399BCEEA1C9F545C8979EFFF37712BC48EADBF0C35311 446CA26CE1F021CA36|
|CA0EDA7651F6504A28EE69F06217E16B58D7759445941B285 1A84FBC444F2FBE710|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
I'm trying to LEARN it. It's not exactly easy though. I hear alot of people talking about Soft Cap and Procs and 5 master hero badges. Lots of this stuff I have not a clue of. I know how to load builds onto mids, and copy them, but not a clue how to load my current builds. I also have no idea what exactly to look for. Wish someone could talk to me in person and explain....
-Kib -
Quote:Last build I just handed out I charged 800 million inf for. I'll give you a heavy discount, so just 500 million inf for a "SOLID" build. I know it's still a pretty hefty price, but I'm sure it's worth it. Watch my Dark Armor Sucks video to see what my builds are usually capable of.
Or, you could do some work, post your own, tell me your build's goals and I'll tell you where you can optimize, free of charge.
Hmm, sounds tempting....sent you a PM~ -
Can someone plz post up some Fire/Fire Tank builds from Mids? I need SOLID one strictly for farming AE and drop missions.
-Kib. -
So I'm going to make a Fire/Fire Tank, actually, I've already started. Can someone post a good SOLID farming build for him on here from Mids? It would be muchly appreciated, Thanks!