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  1. After a long and active thread, it's come to my attention that full auto has no purpose being enemy capped at 10. It's a weakness to the tier 9 with no apparent compensating features, and no particular reason.
    (Other than over adherance to global cap rules)

    So, what's the best place to post to find reasoning from the devs side?

    Here's the thread that discusses the fact, if you wish to hop in on the debate as well:

    Full Auto Thread
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I honestly have no idea, but different pets even have different "Accuracy" on the summon

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I missed

    (rain of arrows randomly is summoned in space killing two astronauts)
  3. Ah, thanks, yea that's important info, the pet summon was info I couldn't find on Mid's or in game CoH. Pseudo pets cause me trouble sometimes when they're not given their own tabs in the powers.

    [Also, just curious, why exactly would a pet summon (summon: rain of arrows) have such a high accuracy.Does that have any determining factor on the amount of times it hits the mob? (I know RoA can possibly hit 3 times)]
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Sometimes they also have innately higher accuracy (Which is true of Firebreath, Frostbreath and Full Auto). I believe Full Auto is the only one of the Crashless Nukes with an accuracy bonus. (SoA Omega Maneuver, SoA Psychic Wail and RoA have 1.0 base accuracy.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Er, this isn't true in some of the cases provided.

    In game numbers: Non-Mids

    Full Auto: 1.35x Base Accuracy
    Rain of Arrows: 1.60x Base Accuracy

    This not only negates that arguement, and actually favors RoA further, but also further proves that blaster tier 9's are not simply AoE's or cones, but have their own rules that apply to them as unique "nuke" powers.

    To begin with "nuke powers" always had an incredibly high base accuracy, this allowed for slotting of recharge and damage over accuracy, especially in conjunction with build up or Aim, which was as intended.

    The enemy caps were a universal introduced later, which limited mob cap based on attack type (cone/AoE) this hit Full Auto harder than any other tier 9. since rather than lowering to 16, it lowered to 10.

    Also, as a pseudo pet, I can't determine RoA's effective mob cap, is there one? anyone have that data for me real quick?
    __________________________________________________ ____

    Bottom line: At this point in the discussion

    The lower enemy cap on full auto is likely an artifact of enemy cap global rules, which should not hamper the ability of this blaster tier 9 attack in comparison to others.

    The incredibly slight damage/end advantage is already offset by the fact that FA is limited by the following cons.

    A.) A 10° degree cone
    B.) The lowest Accuracy of any Blaster tier 9 at 1.35x
    C.) A weapon drawn attack (which is normally compensated by bonus base accuracy)

    Before having the potential enemy hit cap hinder it as well.

    So I ask everyone again, is there any substantial argument for this to remain, or is there in fact an overwhelming reason to bring this to the light of the Dev's?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Theoritically, you can hit more enemies with a cone power than you can with AoEs

    Heck, I CONSISTANTLY hit 10 targets every time when I use it. At least in a team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What causes this? Is it the often lowered base accuracy in AoE? Is it delay in activation time? Is it Mob Spread?

    What causes the lack of consistency?

    Actually... theoretically speaking, as in, in the best possible scenario, it's impossible to out do AoE attack as the mob cap prohibits it (10 vs 16). However, [u]practically[u] I am interested in performance, as I have little experience with the power.
  6. It does make sense though, as a cone, considering the effect is all coming out of the point of the gun. I think hard rules like enemy cap just need some amount of custom tweaking to keep powers in line with each other after the globalization rules come into play.

    People may argue that a wider angle with a shorter range, may be a better option, but changes to the concept of the power aren't the goal, it's simply allowing for the same potential others can achieve. Moreover, allowing a blaster to attack the whole spawn on an 8 man team is. Since that seems to be a blasters specialty.

    *edit* and just an aside, I think incredibly narrow cone offsets the delay in comparison with RoA, so the limit in target cap is unneccessary. However, I do see Full Auto as a great and unique attack, if a red name said "it's strong enough" I'd accept it, knowing it wasn't just an ignored power.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    It's got a target cap of 10 because cones have target caps of 10.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So this being the case, it may be that since FA is the only cone nuke, that it has had rules placed on it that have nothing to do with what it's performance "should" be as a tier 9.

    Rather it's simply an overlooked power since it is unique, it takes time to make a custom fix to a power with say, calling it a targeted AoE, rather than a cone (which it isn't).

    I'm only bringing this up because it annoys me when a decided level power is brought to the game that is broken due only to pre-existing rules interacting wrong, or rules that only apply to exploits that no longer exist.

    However, I'll let you guys carry this on because I need to have more time to test the true in game performance before I make any more judgements, I'll keep an eye on the post.

    (If the real answer is that AR is thought by the dev's to already be too much of an AoE Power house (esp compared to archery), than the idea of limiting the tier 9 makes more sense... but the liklihood of that being the case while already doing away with aim seems low)
  8. Why the 10 mob cap? It's not stronger than any nuke, it's a very thin cone at 10 degrees, most comparable power is RoA, which can be fired around corners, has less of a DoT component, and is not a cone. while RoA gets a 16 cap.

    So the question is not, is it better or worse than another power, it is "Why" does the 10 mob limit exist on a difficult blaster cone tier 9 when all others are higher.

    This makes it more comparable to 1000 cuts scrapper attack then a blaster tier 9, which by all means should be able to damage a whole spawn.

    My guess is that there was some ancient exploiting of massive mob cone line up, however, with target caps 16 should not seem unreasonable, considering esp you have to line them up in a 10 degree cone still to manage it.

    Am I wrong? or is this just the bad end of an artifact.
  9. Katten

    AR questions

    Ah, the delay on RoA does make FA seem more competitive, I'm certain I can work my cones, so actually landing it every time should not be a problem, and likely at a longer (Safer) range than RoA since I'll be leveraging Boost range.
  10. Katten

    AR questions

    Alright, thanks for the answers all, forgot it was aim being replaced, that's not quite so bad.

    Shame about Luckyshot not being noticeable, thought that would make up for full auto being a narrow cone, but without that, and with a lower target cap, I have trouble seeing how RoA is not simply superior (doesn't often happen in this game)... but it's not gonna stop me from playin the set. Heck, maybe it pays for it with style.

    And I'll go ahead and /bug the descriptions I see off.
  11. Katten

    AR questions

    first off, what is gained by the omission of build up? is ignite patch thought to be the replacement power by most blasters?

    Just how powerful is the 10% luckyshot, should I be expecting a huge *Bang* critical damage at the end, or is it only like a procs worth of extra damage?

    Lastly, there any updates planned to change the written descriptions of powers, always misleading to see something like "Flamethrower, recharge: Slow" (20s) "Ignite, recharge: Fast"(20s) I know it's an artifact, but is there a listing of those problems so I don't get mislead about ones I don't expect?
  12. Oh, interesting, is that also the symbol/design of the samurai headdress detail?
  13. I've noticed in all your other builds posted throughout the forums on BS/SD, you never select whirling sword, yet you rated it a 10of10 in the guide? What made you drop it?
  14. Fortunata Hypnosis: Chance to Placate is useless.

    Slept Enemies don't attack you.
    Slept Enemies have sleep status removed by taking damage.

    Placate does not help, since it prevents an enemy from attacking you, and is also canceled by damage.

    So in effect, you will likely never see the effect of placate on the enemy. If it will be argued that it removes aggro from you. I have two arguement's to supply.

    1.) Most Sleeps do not generate aggro in the first place.
    2.) As a purple set proc, it's not beyond reason to ask for a proc with an effect that's not unnoticeable 99% of the time.

    --Please supply counter arguments if you have them, I'd like to find a use for this, otherwise, lets see this added to the list.--
  15. I have got to know, what the music is that always starts a rockin in the Rikti Mother ship raids (likely attached to rikti crash site or RWZ in general) Hadn't seen it on the FTP but maybe I missed it.
  16. For Deflection, I'd found a good way to beat the dilemma of pick and choose is 1def/end, 2def(full) 1res/end, and 2res(full) this gets you near max performance, and the endurance reduction being at .14/.15 is not a huge difference from .12 with two SO/IO end reductions slotted.
  17. Think it's worth mentioning the massive -regen from EM pulse can bottom out an AV's regeneration whenever LR is not in effect.
  18. 1.) Martian Bunny 32 Rad/Psy Science Defender

    2.) Vengeance + Fallout (whenever possible, and with however much rage I can muster)
    3.) Upon seeing the corpse of her fallen Comrade, she screams, her eyes aflame with vengeance and the corpse rises and explodes, devastating all responsible and leaving only a green crackling mushroom cloud

    4.)Favorite: Rikti, those swords can take people out faster than they can react, making this power combo possible.

    Least Favorite: Nemesis, they just hate me for some reason.
  19. 14 Inv/SS guides since I2, is this really necessary? If anyone could speak for the less common secondaries as changed from issue 2 it might help diversify the tanker AT just a tad.