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  1. Happens with Mercs too. Bugs me most because I give my men specific military ranks (regular soldiers are Privates, medic is Corporal, spec ops are Corporal and Master Corporal and commando is Sergeant.) so seeing my medic get demoted and one of my privates suddenly promoted is kind of disconcerting.
  2. Ah darn, that sucks. Thank you for the reply.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OdiousClan View Post
    Works great - until you zone. Soon as you zone the arms come back.

    At least that was my experience trying your method this morning...


    Damn, you're right. Zoning does add the backpack back. Man, and I was all excited too, thinking I had discovered the answer to the Crab Spiders downside.
  4. I'm creating a custom gang and using player powersets for the Minions seems wrong to me. Is it possible to use the stuff the Hellions and Skulls have? Like the baseball bat/shotgun/smg powers with a custom gang?

    Also, while I'm thinking about it, is there a way to make an enemy an NPC until you've talked to them, and then you can fight them? Or opposite of that, get them down to a certain health and then they become NPCs?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Trick Question:

    Load a costume which has Wings on it.
    Do your Wings now "shoot" your Crab attacks out of them?
    Most of the attacks wind up coming from the middle of your chest (think Iron Man), but Suppression should come from your wings :P
  6. Title says it all. You CAN take off the backpack and keep it off.

    First, proof!

    One of my costumes with the backpack on.

    And then 3 seconds later with it off!

    Now how to do it! First you need a saved costume that has the backpack off, preferably made on another character, or before you got the backpack. Then, on your Crab Spider, hit the tailor and load that costume, it should take the backpack OFF! Now you can edit the costume all you want, but if you put the backpack back on in the same session, you'll have to redo the above steps.

    It won't even show up when you're attacking! Powers look a little weird, but at least you'll have some walking around clothes, and you won't be burdened by that cumbersome backpack anymore!
    If you need any help with this, feel free to Tell me ingame, I'm usually on Grinning Wolf Spider.

    (This can be done at anytime. As far as I know, there's no benefit or downside to this, other than aesthetics.)

    EDIT: Changing zones WILL put the backpack back on.