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  1. Yes I definitely dont want to have any kind of reliance on insp! I want to have this build such that I am able to take down any AV without using insp if at all possible. I think that would be pretty awesome and fun ability I would definitely take advantage of....however I was wondering if there was an AV build out there for a fire/fire/fire blaster...meaning with only the use of the flame mastery epic pool if any. Just to kind of go with my chars theme. If anyone has any propositions or ideas for something like that, that would be kind of cool. Understanding it might not be the best option it still would be cool to see...even though ill proly go off the other two ideas because i havent seen one like that yet and they have come up with very solid builds to back it up!

    But thank alot to Fury that is a very solid build!
  2. Awesome! Thank you so much and thanks for the use of fire manipulations melee attacks because thats what i use for my AOE Dam and all purpose build so thats close to home. I like the build as well seems close to something I would definitely use.

    But I am still open to any ideas from others or any other suggestions if you have found success with your fire/fire build. Any pointers are more than welcome. So please keep them coming!!
  3. Hello everyone! fire/fire blaster is my favorite build and I really want a AV soloing build for my main character. I have some ideas of what would be good but I would like to hear any ideas or suggestions from all of you. This build is going to be strictly for AV soloing and solo missions so please be brutal with it! Also any build suggestions or IO ideas would be awesome cause Im not completely sure where to go yet. Money is of no matter because I will do whatever to get what i need so build ideas including purples or the best IOs would be awesome! Please let me know what you think!