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  1. If you could change one thing about the pre-existing COH/COV lore, what would it be?
  2. Infatum

    Blaster Damage

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    I believe you drudged this up.

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    He didn't, the post was sitting there with no new posts for a bit. I believe who ever rezzed it deleted their post to avoid blame
  3. I can't help but think the 2% knockback set enhancement from Air Burst is a decimal off. Knockback in general usually gets twice the buff of other effects from enhancers, so 20% would not seem unreasonable, and might actually have an effect on powers...
  4. No more frankengun?

    *makes strange squelching noises*

    Can't... express.. happiness... enough...

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, I've been thinking about some sort of self replicating villain. Depending on how it's implemented, and how customisible they are, the powerset that gives you minions to control (Mastermind?) might be able to do the trick...

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    Make a ninja with ninja minions...

    That'll be a whole lotta ninja!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    /em spews beverage of your choice at screen.

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    Dr. Pepper in my case, and I'm at work... the IT department is going to kill me.
  7. Infatum

    Superhero quiz

    Wow 21/21 and the closest I come to being a "comic buff" is the fact that I watch justice league unlimited occasionally
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    What about Kheldian Nova Form? Thats pretty silly if they can't fly.

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    *envisions a squid flopping around on the ground helplessly*

    I'm guessing it'd work like when you apply a -fly effect to a fly only creature (sky skiff, hoverbot, ect..) They just stay low to the ground, but don't actually hit it. So you'll look like you're flying, but in actuality you'll still be able to jump and won't be able to ascend/descend.