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  1. ((1: Last I was aware, they wern't WRECKING the teleporter room. They were WAITING there. I can't respond there because they havn't done anything. In any case, reinforcements will be arriving soon if the teleporter room is not utterly blasted to tiny bits. If it HAS been without my knowing, inform me please.

    2: I could have sworn that Klaus only froze Auswitch's nuts. In any case, such a predicament was immediately undone because of his toxic injection. I don't think the good Archon is going to notice his loins hurting any more than the rest of his body while he goes beserk.

    Now if he froze the Archon's ENTIRE body, fairs fair, and I apologize.

    3: The Soulhound knows where the villain is. Vern doesn't. The Soulhound is with the majority of the group. Vern isn't. In addition, General Hammond using portal corp technology couldn't find anything after a personal investigation. Anything Vern could have logically tried, has probably already been tried.

    4: Salvator and the Ascendant Archon just came from the office tunnel, and are now standing in the room with the fork leading to the cells/teleporter room. They are in plain sight.))

    The Archon screamed some more before passing out.


    "Might as well prepare." The Ascendant said, placing a series of protective bubbles over Salvatore.
  2. The wire hit Ineffable squarely in the forehead.

    And disintergrated upon impact. The electrical current that HAD managed to get through hadn't appeared to have achieved anything.

    That's when Ineffable rose from the floor like some kind of monstrous shadow being, and wrapped Scarab in a massive bear-hug, his entirely body bringing about his destructive aura to obliterate Scarab then and there. At that range, dodging was essentially impossible, especially considering how there was a massive stone slab directly behind Scarab, and walls to his left and right. Worse yet, Ineffable's arms were wrapping about the stalker in such a way that his arms would be pinned-He wouldn't be able to counter with his swords.
  3. ((I wonder why?))

    If anything, being injected with the pain drug only made the Archon go beserk.

    He leapt off the ground, shattering the thin layer of ice on him, and screamed like a man on fire. He ran around in a circle three times at a surprisingly fast pace, and then roared at Klaus, screaming bloody murder and flailing at everything with his arms and legs like a maniac.


    Salvatore glanced at the helpful directional arrows.

    "Where did those come from...?" He asked.

    "Never mind that, what's happening in the cells?" The Ascendant Archon asked, hearing the ruckus.

    "I hope they take their time, the reinforcements should be here any moment."
  4. ((And the villain has the MALLEUS MUNDI. HAMMER OF THE WORLD. Not to mention he floored Statesman BEFORE he had that. And Devious...Well if you insist, you can take up the twins with him.))
  5. "I've found nothing." Vern said bitterly. "Zip. Zilch. Even on those twins, their Vanguard records are clean and match their story."

    Archon Auswitch stuttered and then fell over onto the ground.

    "Kill. You." He said, seemingly paralyzed.
  6. Scarab's Armor began to give him a warning.

    0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 Nanoseconds before the warning had fully registered, Ineffable was swiping at Scarab's legs. The brute had just rematerialized, half buried in the floor. While the stone around him wasn't being obliterated by his mere touch, the air around his hands seemed to shatter as they attempted to clamp onto the stalker's legs and test just how tough that armor really was.

    Ineffable seemed completely oblivious to the fact that obliterating the stalker's legs would also mean the slab would crush him-Then again, a teleporter who could become intangible probably never worried much about anything.
  7. The Archon responded by thrusting a foot into Martin's jewls.


    The Soulhound's senses leapt. But not for the City Representative. She had vanished once more. No, it sensed something else this time.

    It had a clear lock on the actual perpertrator-The baddie who had taken down Statesman. Currently, it was hanging around by the Sewer Network entrance...
  8. ((No worries, seeing as you feel like bringing the fight to my home turf, if anything they only thing that will be wrecked is MY world.))
  9. Ineffable didn't burn things. He simply applied immense amounts of force to them. Stone tended to melt, metals also tended to melt, organics usually dissolved into fine powder, and anything else just shattered. Ineffable didn't know why, but he wasn't complaining.

    His response to Scarab dodging was quite simple: He vanished.

    Two short seconds later, the ceiling caved in and fell on Scarab's head. Or rather, it didn't. Ineffable had taken the smashed in roof from the fight with the Watcher automaton and dropped it on Scarab. The slab in question was over five meters by five meters, and it was already right on top of the stalker. Dodging would be incredulously hard if not downright impossible.

    And of course, he still needed to worry about when and where Ineffable would reappear.
  10. When Scarab had leapt away from Ineffable, he hadn't seen the results of his little distraction, but upon seeing the Brute, he didn't seem to have been fazed.

    "Was nothing. But really, don't tell me you didn't see him coming?" Ineffable responded to Acid.

    While speaking, he swatted the incoming blade across its flat side.

    If Scarab didn't let go of the blade, he would fall to the ground, as the blade had just performed a full ninety degree angle change, and was now heading for the ground with some force. Additionally, the blade had turned black and now appeared to be steaming.

    Ineffable casually followed up blinking out of sight, reappeared behind Scarab, and reaching forward for the stalker at a frightening speed to bring his deadly touch into play.
  11. The enraged Archon howled and launched himself off the floor at Martin. It was sad, really. He wasn't even going for the eyes or throat.
  12. Name: Igor
    Alias: Mr. Eee Gore
    Age: Two thousand, six houndred and seventeen.
    Height: Depends*
    Weight: Depends
    Eye Color: Also Depends*

    *On any recent surgical procedures performed on self.

    Igor is an actual honest to goodness Igor from back in the good ol' days when there were still Vampirific beings dressed in opera clocks, underwired nightgowns, castles with complex secret passageays, mad steam-punk scientists, stormy nights, and over-complicated reanimation machinery.

    Igor (NOT to be confused with Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, and of course, who can possibly forget that old rascal, Igor?) is in a self-imposed retirement from all of that excitement. Except...

    That nobody seems to want to leave him bloody well enough alone. Due to his naturally subserviant nature, Igor finds it VERY hard to not take orders or obey requests, even from complete strangers. (The only exception being when he is already obeying an order or when he has a defined 'master.' Then all other given orders from that point can be safely ignored.) So he keeps on getting yanked and pulled into other peoples' affairs, and it's all he can do to stay in one piece. (Pun intended.)


    Igor has a lisp, and a good deal of his body has been surgically altered or infused with cybernetic components. He is a fully qualified all-purpose general surgeon, and has over three hundred and seventy two degrees in Mad Science. (Suicidal and Non-Suicidal.) One of Igor's many mottos is, 'Never perform on a pathient what you arn't willing to perform on yourthelth.' He has hundreds of surgical scars and patchwork all over his body, so it is safe to say that he performs quite a lot of things on himself.

    Racial Inherent Abilities

    Any door Igor opens will squeek. Even if it it has recently been oiled, is brand new, and is made of smooth-sliding interlocking materials. There is no argument here. Any door Igor opens WILL squeek. Period.

    Igor has the rather disquieting habit of being able to pop up right behind (or besides you) the moment he is called, even if it should be impossible for him to do so. (If he is locked in a room, buried underground, ten thousand miles away, et cetera.) Also, he will answer any phone or any door a moment right before it rings/opens, again, even if it should seem impossible for him to do so.

    Igor, despite his clumsy movements, can be EXTREMELY stealthy when he needs to be. (This probably has something to do with raging mobs in the middle of the night banging on certain Mad Scientists' doors.)

    Lightning will always flash whenever Igor says something dramatic or morbid. Even if there are no clouds in the sky.

    Igor can and will break the fourth wall.

    Powers and Abilities:

    Igor is an excelent surgeon, and has vast detailed knowledge on the inner workings of a wide of organic beingss and reanimation procedures. He can use these skills to create patchwork zombies to help with menial chores. (Handling his surgical equipment, preparing surgical apparati, helping him to reach and carry those annoying large books on the top shelf, transporting various objects of interest, and ripping hostile beings into neat and organized sections which are then neatly labeled and spread out for proper viewing and assessment.)

    Currently, Igor can create batches of the following Patchwork zombie constructs.

    Normal Zombies assembled from spare parts, given a basic nalgene/crystal stomach filled with adaptive acids, and of course, he has replaced their nails with vampirific claws so they can siphon life from their foes. Finally, he usually gives most of these constructs artificially grown muscle patches to make them much faster and stronger than normal humans and even some metas.

    Cyborg Zombies assembled from only the best parts Igor can find. This includes meta-human organs and the best cybernetics Igor can invent/buy/'borrow.' These all have negative energy generators in place of adaptive acid stomachs, and can fire negative energy blasts at their enemies. They are also equiped with energy blades, and thanks to combat A.I. in their brains, they are deadly swordsmen. Most Cyborg Zombies have vampirific organs and claws on their off-hand so they can siphon life from their foes.

    Igor is very smart, but isn't proud enough to borrow other peoples' ideas. After taking Dr. Vahzilok's Eidolon creation process, Igor modified and latered it a little bit to suit his needs. The Eidolons Igor creates have vastly improved and perfected negative energy generators than the Cyborg Zombies have, and they wield a wide array of both close and ranged combat dark powers.

    One of Igor's sayings is, 'Watht not.' When one of his creations falls, he makes the best of what is left over. He performs a Marrow Extraction process, specially designed by him, and creates Marrow Constructs from fallen zombie constructs. Marrow Constructs are made entirely of marrow and because of this, they are very hard to hit due to its...Gooey existence. They also have potent Negative Energy Generators in them that cover their marrow body with a thin shell of dark energies, granting them good resistance to most attacks and giving them a wide array of dark powers. Marrow Constructs can reorganize their very cellular build, allowing them to slip and slide through and between or even around most obsticals.

    Igor has installed a modestly advanced Negative Energy generator within himself, and has a small but effective selection of dark assault powers.

    Having spent a lot of time (there were a lot of mad steampunk scientists back in the day) around highly advanced machinery, including having to maintain and in some circumstances, repair or even entirely replace said machinery, Igor is a brilliant inventor and has a wide array of gadgets which he can use at any time, most of which come in the form of quick-use traps and tricks.

    When Igor first came to the Rogue islands and met other inventors, he scoffed at their simple trap designs and sought to improve them.

    For example, Igor carries around a packfull of specially modified caltrops, each of which contains a small vial filled with toxic chemicals. He finds these infinitely more effective than normal caltrops.

    Igor, after breaking down the fourth wall and figuring out how the hell to even touch the damn little things, heavilly modified a triage beacon. The triage beacons Igor creates can hover, albeit slowly, and will follow him about. This unfortunately means that they can be targeted and destroyed, unlike their stationary versions, but Igor can whip new ones up extremely fast. To him, their vulnerability in exchange for mobility is an acceptable trade.

    Igor managed to shrink down the modern mobile force field generator to a normal orb the size of a baseball, and wears it on his belt. Much harder to target that way. In the offchance somebody can home in on it and destroy it, he can make more easilly.

    Igor really liked the modern design for Acid Motars. He liked his design better. Igor's Acid Motars all have stumpy strut legs which allow them travel from place to place, albeit slowly. They also become suspectible to attacks that can knock them around while in this mode, however, they are equiped with leg braces and may return to their more firm stationary modes at any time.

    Igor didn't see why seeker drones had to act more like flashbang grenades than ordinary grenades. After a few tweaks, Igor found a way to fuse his land mines with normal seeker drones. He keeps both versions around now, both for disorienting and explosive situations.

    Igor has applied some of his less subtle technology to his Negative Energy generators. When a minion of his dies, he makes the best of a bad situation and sets off their kill rigs. They will violently explode in a storm of something depending on what they are. Normal zombies explode in storms of adaptive acids. Cyborg Zombies explode in normal storms of fiery doom. Eidolons exlode in storms of pure negative energy. Marrow Constructs, oddly enough, explode in quantum energy for some strange reason Igor can't quite pin down. He isn't complaining though.
  13. Scarab missed.

    It wasn't because he had bad aim. It was because he had been moved from one point to another via instantaneous transportation. Specifically, to a point ten feet away.

    Ineffable, who had just faded in, casually placed a hand on Scarb's back where his spinal cord would have been. His armor didn't start to crumble or shatter or disolve into fine powder, so it was obvious Ineffable was giving him a chance.

    "Thank you for not stabbing the wrong people." The leather-clad villain said dryly. "I will now inform you that SOME people might be willing to forgive you for stabbing them in the back. Those people are morons. The people who will retaliate when you stab them in the back are the smart ones. Does he look smart to you?" He asked, referring to Acid.
  14. The tape recorder whirred for a moment, then a crackling track began. An orderly and calm voice slowly spoke the words...

    '...December twentith, two thousand two. You may proceed, Mr. Hamill.' The paper plastered on the wall detailing Boomtown's destruction, along with the alternate article, were both dated for December fifteenth.

    Another voice started to speak, this one lively and jolly.

    'I would like to personally thank all of you for coming, even knowing that this deal today will possibly be the greatest step made by mankind to date. I would like to introduce to all of you the Dimensional Entity Agatio, better known as the Magical Entity of Good Omens and Future Potential. He has most kindly agreed to descend to this plane for our benifit.

    There was a smatter of murmering noises, followed by a drawing noise-Like something being drawn back.

    A noise similar to nails being driven across a slate sounded for around ten seconds.

    'Very well then, if you insist. Could you kindly outline the terms of our deal for the gathered, Mr. Karst?'

    There was a thirty second long dragging of nails again.

    There was a sudden roar of normal voices asking various questions, too many to properly discern what any of them were asking. Moments later they were all calmed down by the same jovial voice again.

    'Please, calm down! The payment on our part is being performed at my expense exclusively! Nobody else but I needs to suffer for this arrangement to take place. Please continue, Mr. Karst.'

    Fifteen seconds of nails being dragged.

    'And there you have it.' Said the cheerful voice of the man who was presumably, Hamill. 'I personally predict that within thirty years, should this deal suceed, crime will essentially no longer exist in Paragon City. Experts in the field of the Arcane predict the same results within a mere fifteen years, potentially even less. Would you please extrapolate on your conclusion, Mr. Richardson?'

    The voice, albeit a much younger one, of Galaxy City's own Gregor Richardson spoke.

    'According to line sixteen of your contract with Agat...' His voice was cut off by five seconds of nails being driven across slate. 'My apologies, Mr. Karst. Line sixteen with your contract with Mr. KARST state that, 'A mild aura of general knowledgable enlightenment shall be erected across the city,' conjucted with line twenty two which states, 'prosperity and the benevolent conditioning of the populace, with no direct nor indirect violations of free will,' indicates that the population of the city shall be smarter, more logical and possess a great deal more common sense as we understand it. Additionally, the 'Luck' of personal and multiple individuals will increase exponentially, allowing every inhabitant of the city to be successful within their life without any negative effects upon the city nor upon any other individual. Can you confirm this, Mr. Karst?'

    Two seconds of nails and slate.

    'Why would it take so long for crime to be eradicated from the city then?' Shouted a distant voice.

    There was a full forty five seconds of nails being driven across slate, and there was the impression that something was being patiently explained in simplified simplified terms.

    'Which would also, if I might add Mr. Karst, monitor life in the city to ensure that individuals should not suffer from personal problems such as mental disorders or physical injuries.' Richardson hurriedly added afterwards.

    'And all of that for such a low price? Why?' Shouted a final voice. Ten seconds of nails and slate followed.

    'Moving on, if all the appropriate people could please review the lines of the contract once more if you have not already done so, please ready your final decision.' Said Hamill's voice.

    There was a short pause.

    'We are ready.' Said another voice.

    'The verdict is?' Hamill asked.

    A pause.

    'Passed.' Said the same voice.

    There was an eruption of noise, and the recorder stopped playing.

    It was about then that the air duct by the cell block entrance was kicked out from the wall and an Archon leapt out from it. He turned rapidly to glare at the intruders.

    "HERO SCUM! I'LL MURDER YOU ALL FOR THIS!" Bellowed Archon Auswitch. He charged at them.

    Archon Auswitch, Dead Man Walking
  15. ((I'm just waiting for you guys to get moving. Either the portal or using Vaporbrain's skills to get to the Dimension of Mists is fine. Just remember to read the fine print before stepping in.))
  16. The note contained something strange.

    It was ANOTHER newspaper article. This one had the same date on it as the one plastered on the wall, only the headline was different.

    Statesman saves Baumtown from Rikti Raid!

    There was a huge article beneath this, but Klause had no real time to read it. It was probably best to just take the paper and go.

    And what about that tape recorder on the table...?
  17. Ineffable shrugged and vanished into thin air. If they insisted that they were heroes, they could keep on insisting. It wasn't as if he cared.

    He hated the search and manuver procedure that was going on. He was infinitely more reliable in a straight-up battle. He wasn't going to complain though, the least he could do was keep an eye on everything.

    He dispersed into the enviroment and became one with it, and slowly moved off to 'Be About.'
  18. ((Same cell, actually. Interior just became different.))
  19. The interior of cell three flickered.



    Three times.

    And then the world turned white.


    "Only when you know what could have been can you see what will happen."


    The light was gone in a flash, leaving the interior of the cell VASTLY different.

    Against the right wall was a table with a tape recorder on it.

    Plastered against the left wall was a giant newspaper article, which read...

    Buamtown bombed by Rikti Ships! Zone leveled! There was a rather large story beneath the heading.

    The most interesting item in the changed room though, was against the far wall.

    Cohen the level 47 scrapper, who the group had left at Karl's intersection, was now crucified against the far wall. His entire torso was little more than torn and tattered flesh, which bloody bones and mostly decayed organs hanging out. There also appeared to be shrapnel in his innards. He hadn't looked like that when they had first found him, which was little less than an hour ago.

    There was a partially torn-up envelope clenched tightly in his dead hand.

    The signature of the City Representative sputtered, flickered, and vanished.


    Salvatore and the Ascendant Archon left the room, heading from the secret passage near the Office back towards the main room. There was going to be a reckoning...
  20. Ineffable raised an eyebrow at Ghost and Hammerhead at their appearance.

    "There's no need to lie to us. In case Vanguard's presence hasn't tipped you off by now, both Heroes and Rogues are welcome."
  21. The Council Cell Block seemed like a completely normal one. But something was off. There were handy yellow arrows painted on the walls, and all of them were pointing to cell No. 3...

    The door was closed, but not locked, as were the rest of the cell doors. The City Rep's signature practically screamed at everybody from within, even if she was nowhere in sight.
  22. Ineffable faded into view at the mention of transport.

    "If you can tell me what direction I should look in, I can instantly transport us there. I could just transport us down to the planet using the same method, but that is probably not advisable."
  23. Ineffable simply discarded the problem after it had been resolved and went back to simply keeping watch.
  24. "Not sayin' you're wrong, Breaker, but everyone present now was here two days go sayin' the same things til two sentances ago!" Naylor said.
  25. The Council never knew what hit them. The sudden concentration of that much firepower caught them completely by surprise and blew them away.

    The room had three exits on the opposite wall the Council had been guarding, with handy labeled arrows marking where they led.

    Mass Teleport Bay

    Main Office
