43 -
One gets a referral to Seer Marino by anyone, not just Willy Wheeler. Brass and Roller have referred me to her in the last two weeks. She is like the PvP zone liaisons. Once your character is in the level range (after making lvl 15) you will get sent to the PvP zone liaisons and Seer Marino by any contact that would have given you a new, non-story arc mission.
The dashed "-" contacts are not the only ones available form a broker. Here again it depends on your level after you have completed the Mayhem mission. I did a Mayhem at lvl 19. I was given the choice of Golden Roller or Willy Wheeler. I chose Wheeler and was able to get the Paragon of Vice badge mission before I made 20th. Because that mission is part of a story arc I'm sure I would have been given it anyway, regardless of level, because I had already started the arc. -
I wanted to verify Red Tomax's post.
Dr. Shelly Percey would not give me the badge mission when I made lvl 15.
I started her at 13th. I finished her arc (the Midas 'cure' one) at 14th. I did another single misison (steal the antidote) durring that I made 15th. She passed me on to Brass without giving the Mask Maker mission.
ALL contact will allow you to complete their story arc at ANY level once you start it. -
Too cool on the consolidated list! Thanks!
Yeah, I'm still around.
When a sound irritates me enough to hunt it down and kill it I'll still post it here. Like this one:
Description: When a Rikti gun's blast hits a toon
Folder name: V_Powers
File names: ricktigunhit.ogg
Possible sound files for Domination.
I have not tested these by silencing them I only saw the filenames when looking for the Rikti one above. Anyone who wants these silent please confirm these are the correct filenames.
Folder name: V_Powers
File names: domination1_loop.ogg, domination2_loop.ogg, dominationattack1.ogg, dominationdeactivate.ogg
I do have a Dominator and this is what they sound like to me:
domination1_loop.ogg, domination2_loop.ogg - while it is running and/or when it can be activated. There are some wind chimes not in these sound files.
dominationattack1.ogg - the boom-ish sound right when it is activated.
dominationdeactivate.ogg - when it shuts down. -
Description: Cloaking Device loop
Folder name: powers
File name: glow8_loop.ogg -
Thank you for identifying and clearly explaining what the issue is. Now we can adapt to it and deal with it until it is fixed.
Stop attacking for 5-10 sec. Let the secondary effect wear off then Placate.
It is low priority because it has such limited impact on the game as a whole, and there is an easy workaround. All the ranting and whining about how crippled this makes us is amusing. -
It is simpler than that, for me anyhow.
I use "toon" to remind myself and everyone else that this is a game and the point is to have fun.
"toon" is the cartoon. The collection of colored pixels, and a data base of information stored someplace on magnetic media.
"player" is the mind behind the toon. The toon's character comes from the player. The player is the person on the other end of the internet connection from me. These are the people I have fun with, interact with, build memories with. They are what brings value to the toon. -
Description: In Grandville, the zone's ambient noise
Folder name: V_Grandville
File name: Grandville_loop.ogg
Description: In Grandville, the German loudspeaker voice
Folder name: 5th Column
File name: PropPA_loop.ogg -
The 8-1-06 patch introduced a sound bug. Several powers have an erroneously added sound effect sort of like a yell. This is the information to get rid of it.
Description: an angry yell, toon gender specific
Folder name: player
File names: Female_Rage.ogg, Male_Rage1.ogg
This sound effect may be a legitimate one for some powers. Silencing this sound will effect anything that uses it. -
I don't have a player on live with this power, only on test. However, my attempts to silence sounds on test has as of yet be unsuccessful. (it is past 5am, no sleep yet).
[/ QUOTE ]
The base location for all sound files used when playing on the live servers is:
C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\sound\ogg\
The base location for the test server is:
C:\Program Files\CoHTest\data\sound\ogg\
This assumes that you installed the game to its default directory. If you installed it someplace else then you should know enough to adapt this information to fit your custom installation. -
Thanks a ton thingamajig!
I'll still email the list to whoever PMs me with an email address but now people don't have to wait for me to check my messages (I don't check them everyday).
Worth mentioning is that any file with "***" after it in thingamajig's pages are sounds I've silenced but at a time when I wasn't keeping track of what made that sound. These files may match a sound that is hard to track down. Try them if none of the more obvious ones match up. -
As anyone who has read the thread can see, many of the less popular sounds share the same files.
"forcefield5_loop.ogg" is used for quite a few that people request. There are some others like this in the 'dark' power sets.
If you are having trouble finding the right file to silence a sound not specifically mentioned in this thread yet I suggest trying ones already mentioned for other powers that don't match the name.
"forcefield5_loop.ogg" shows up in this thread for 4 different powers, none of them having anything like "forcefield" in the power name.
An easy way to search only this thread is to click "(show all)" near the top right of the thread. Then press CTRL+F to get your browser to pop-up a find window.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please share any new information for file names that match a specific power sound not already listed, even if that particular file has. -
A search of the thread finds a post by puddle:
oh thank god I found them.
rage loop is: glow6_loop.ogg
unyielding: forcefield5_loop.ogg
[/ QUOTE ]
Description: Rage looping sound
Folder name: powers
File name: glow6_loop.ogg
Description: Unyielding looping sound
Folder name: powers
File name: forcefield5_loop.ogg
I don't have a toon with rage so if that isn't it, please let us know. -
Goldenroller? (The yellow car/contact in Cap) gave me the Seer Marino intro 'mission' yesterday.
I expect that any of them in that level range can have it show up just like the ones that have ya talk to the PVP zone liaisons. -
Just to clarify what KMad posted.
It's not possible to change .ogg files located in the .piggs. It is also against the EULA (End User License Agreement). Besides that, even if one could the launcher would detect it as an altered/corrupted .pigg and download the correct version.
What KMad meant was they silenced the sounds by twice copying a silent .ogg file into the data\sound\Ogg\Powers folder and renamed them with those file names.
Description: when traveling with teleport
Folder name: Powers
File name: teletrans3.ogg, teletrans4.ogg -
Consolidated open requests:
Assault Rifle: Buckshot (activation)
Assault Rifle: Burst (activation)
Assault Rifle: Slug (activation)
Assault Rifle: Sniper Rifle (activation)
Fiery Aura: Blazing Aura (loop)
Fiery Aura: Fire Shield (loop)
Fiery Aura: Plasma Shield (loop)
Fire Control: Hot Feet (loop)
Super Reflex: Practiced Brawler (loop)
Super Strength: Rage (loop) -
Odd Q. Does anyone know if a Silenced sound takes up less processing power than a normal sound? Seriously question.
[/ QUOTE ]
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. I don't even play one on TV
In my experience it doesn't noticeably change CPU workload either way (more/less). A file is still being loaded into memory. Data is still being sent to the sound card/chip. This is kind of a strange thing to say: a sound is still being played it is just silent.
Instead of a collection of various signals that end up as a noise we interpret as a recognizable sound it is a constant zero signal. Perhaps the sound card and speakers use less energy to accomplish this, but the data still has to be processed.
If the game engine were designed to examine sounds before they were played and not play the silent sounds then maybe. But I assume that the extra check would use more processing time than would be saved. Regardless, the game does not expect a sound file to be silent.
Just speculating here:
Even if there are some processing savings when it deals with about 1 second of zero volume signals it may have to do this more often. Almost all of the original sounds are longer than a second. It may have to repeat the 1 sec. of silence for the duration it expects. This might be why a zero length sound (no time or volume) causes problems. And why replacement sounds that are longer in duration that the original can cause problems too.
I do know that if you lower the sound effect and\or music volume slider to zero you get some performance increase (not much). That is because you are disabling all sounds of that type. No sound files of that type are loaded or processed at all.
IMO, silencing almost every sound in the game by replacing the sound files would not improve performance. Even if it did, it would not be noticeable enough to justify the effort as there are over 2,800 sound files. -
Description: Temp Invulnerability loop
Folder name: Powers
File name: glow5_loop.ogg -
Description: Unyielding loop
Folder name: Powers
File name: glow6_loop.ogg -
Consolidated open requests (powers I don't have access to).
Assault Rifle: Slug (activation)
Super Reflex: Practice Brawler (loop)
Fire Control: Hot Feet (loop)
Super Strength: Rage (loop)
Invulnerability: Unyielding (loop)
In the "powers" folder is a file called "rage.ogg" but as it is not 'rage_loop.ogg' I assume it is only the activation sound.
This is a list of all the 'glow' loops in the "powers" folder. Maybe one of them matches one of the above open requests?
Folder name: Powers
File names:
glow3_loop.ogg - Stealth loop (might be used for others)
Glow13_loop.ogg -
Description: Stealth loop
Folder name: Powers
File name: glow3_loop.ogg -
Description: Bank map music
Folder name: V_Bank
File name: BankHeist3_loop.ogg
Note: There is also BankHeist_loop.ogg and BankHeist2_loop.ogg but as far as I can tell just BankHeist3_loop.ogg is used. -
Assault Rifle: Slug
Super Reflex: Practice Brawler
Fire Control: Hot Feet
Sorry, I don't have access to those powers to be able to find the sounds for them. -
Description: Sewer map music - entrance
Folder name: V_MissionMusic
File name: JMission7_loop.ogg
Description: Sewer map music - sloping tunnel
Folder name: V_MissionMusic
File name: Mission2_loop.ogg
Description: Arachnos base map music (one of several I think)
Folder name: V_MissionMusic
File name: JMission8_loop.ogg
Description: mission map music
Folder name: V_MissionMusic
File names:
I previously haven't listed everything in a sound folder before so I want to explain why I have this time.
The main reason is it's a short list.Most of the others are long. As explained at the top of the thread, I'm glad to provide the complete sound folder/file list to anyone who wants it. PM me with an email address and I'll send you the text file. It is a small (70K) attachment, but is really too big to just post it all.
One of the new features CoV brought was music on mission maps. I like the idea but dislike the implementation. The music is considered a sound effect by the game engine, and not classed as music. Adjusting the music volume will not affect how mission music is played. Also, the songs don't play once then stop like the various tunes played as one enters different city map sections. They loop constantly.
Like TerminusEst13 and many others, I listen to my own music when I play anyway so I silenced them all instead of testing each one. -
Description: Mission objective object (blinky/glowy)
Folder name: FrontEnd
File name: objective_loop.ogg
I actually replaced this with a recording of my dog barking (at a lower volume =). I have never heard dogs barking in the game so it stands out. The default sound sometimes blends with ambient sounds like on lab maps.
A note about making it different/louder in-case someone considers this an exploit of some type:
The object will not emit any sound until you are within a minimum range of it. You will not be able to hear it from further away by making it louder. The volume scales with distance from the object. In other words, making the sound file have a louder noise basically makes it louder when you are right next to it. The devs intended for them to make a sound when the player is in range of them. Simply turning up the volume on your speaker/headphones provides the same end result.
A different/louder sound does make it stand out more. However, I think this is in keeping with the dev's intentions and don't see it as an exploit or I wouldn't provide the info. -