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  1. Uh people team up withing minutes to defeat Dr. Vhaz. It usually only takes five minutes after a broadcast to get the needed help and that is often a full team.

    Hell duos can take him out.

    A rad defender or forcefield defender and scrapper and he is toast.

    I have met scrappers who could have soloed him if they had stamina at level 17.

    A level 20 blaster, a scrapper sidekicked to 19 and a level 18 FF defender made mince meat out of a level 18 Dr. Vhaz. He ran from us. Hell at four levels above he couldn't touch my blaster. I could have brawled him to death.

    Your pal and you are just big wussies.
  2. And where did statesmen say that? Link to the post. Often you leave valuable parts out that change the meaning.
  3. Three people can do an archvillian even con.

    Cons can hold them in issue 2.

    Also the missions containing archs warn you to bring friends.

    So bring a con and defender or a tank.
  4. And if you had bothered to notice it was a coding error. The group missions were not meant to in the story arcs or old content but in the new content.
  5. MMM no real issue if you can solo them. Timed is fine. If you fail a timed have the gms reset it. Don't go the contact. Just bring someone to help. At least you are under pressure to complete. Only timed I ever felt disperate on was the first Oranbega mission map.
  6. Bug that certain contacts have you come back at 23 to do terra volta.

    A message saying come back at 23 if you want to do the other stuff would be fine above the group mission.
  7. Well i figured from the get go the grouping content was not supposed to be added to the existing content on live. Proves that strictly soloers are [censored] who don't want to help people or get help to do stuff.
  8. Care to tell about that. Been a while since I got a crey mission set going on test.
  9. Well the Hollows mission givers are prepping you for the trial so the group missions make sense storywise.
  10. The av can be soloed it you are above it and are real lucky. Luck insps and rage and a good solo build and luck pure luck.

    AVs are not meant to be soloed even con but if they are red or orange they can be taken out solo.

    But most solo players don't mind getting one more or two more to do the AV even con.

    With the changes to AVs regarding cons and pets they can be duoed.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Silent Sentinel
    203 yds NE from the hospital on the north face of the second building lowest ledge (-606, 71, -1889)
    (commentary: *really* dumb location as it relates to the story... Gargoyle would be "perched" pretty low.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But we don't know the layout of the city when he was doing that or if that building was always there. That building could be very recent and perhaps there was a much taller building there but since that is a place people can get to easily enough it was decided to put the marker there.
  12. That is nonsense. The kill credit counts as long as you are in the zone. I have done several badges and no matter where in the zone it counted in a team.

    The hellions badge is for damned not any other hellion. A lot of people get confused and nuke tens of thousands of hellion minions.

    99% of kill badges are for bosses. Even ten or more levels above it can take a while to get a 100 bosses. I would rather have it finished it three minutes as opposed to fifteen. You should also be considerate of the lower levels in the zone. How would you like some blaster herding hundreds of hellions. skulls to the gate areas to only get ten bosses and kill 15 lowbies in the process when you are playing a lowbie?
  13. Yeah the one time I know he spawned he kept all the hydra farmers away for about five minutes even after he was defeated.
  14. I guess it would be out of the question to name the badge title "spanking the monkey".
  15. He is level 29.

    The Kracken in perez might give a badge and that monster is level 14.

    Babbage is a random spawn in Boomtown and is level 19

    Jurassic is a random spawn in Crey's Folley.

    Someone needs to defeat them in their hazard zone spawning and find if they give a badge.

    I wonder if the monsters in Tempest Quay give a badge.
  16. You got it reveresed [censored]. Those times in skyway he was for the tf since he spawns after the Defeat the CLockwork Lord mission is finished since only the clockwork king remains and Babbage is his right hand. The last three missions spawn in Skyway. Always have.

    Babbage is a random rare spawn in Boomtown near where the level 19s are.
  17. Babbage is a spawn in Boomtown. All hazard zones have a monster spawn. It is quite rare. He is a part of the Synaose Tf which is Skyway. Your claiming it to be Steel shows you know nothing.
  18. The defeats do count in a team. My blaster got the Medic Badge even though she has no healing power. I also got another dying badge!